Warring States Call

Chapter 1101 Fu Hao Surrenders

Chapter 1101 Fu Hao Surrenders
Several jade pillars of the Qi State passed away suddenly, and the people of the entire Qi State were in danger. Qi Guoyuan and Jiao Zan continued to attack Linzi for several days, but they were defeated by Gao Xingzhou. The city is broken, Gao Siji!The two Gao Changgong brothers died in battle, and Qi Guoyuan and Jiao Zan joined together and directly joined the Han army, causing most of the entire Qi land to fall into Han Yi's hands.

The Tian clan in Lixia saw that the situation was not quite right, the general situation of Qi was gone, and stubborn resistance was courting death. Tian Yinqi was the master, and the whole Lixia opened the city gates and surrendered to Han Qinhu, Han Qinhu did not need a single soldier , that is, he won Lixia, and the entire north of Qi has indeed fallen into Han Yi's hands.

As for Micheng's wife Hao, she doesn't care about Qi's internal affairs, and is dedicated to guarding the territory, waiting for a piece of paper to recruit peace. Jiang Qi is already extinct, and he doesn't want to join Gao Qi, so he can only hang here.

Cao Cao went out in person, with only Cao Ning behind him!Cao Wenzhao!Cao Shuangjiao!High four!Come to the secret city in person! "

At this moment, Cao Cao's hundreds of thousands of troops are lined up in an orderly manner under the dense city, while Cao Cao is striding up, holding the knot in his hand, looking at the orderly dense city, Cao Cao is stunned, only to see one of the soldiers here He was in an orderly manner, without any panic, and looked at the soldiers and horses behind with confidence.

When the building is about to collapse, this secret city still has such awe and military spirit, it can be seen that this woman is definitely not an idle person,
Cao Cao muttered to himself, cleared his throat for a while, and said, "General Pingxi, Cao Cao, I'm here to pay a visit to General Fuhao! Please also meet General!"

Fuhao was fully dressed at the moment, holding the sword in her bosom, glanced at Cao Cao below, and said half aloud: "Let the suspension bridge go! Let them in!"


Cao Cao looked at the lowered suspension bridge with a smile, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, he looked happy, but the palms of Cao Wenzhao and others behind him were sweaty, it was almost a gambling with their lives.

After a while, Cao Cao was introduced into the city. Every house is closed here, and there are militias patrolling the streets. The regular army guards the city and divides it into two halves. Yihei is changing.

Cao Cao stroked his beard, full of emotion: "If such a heroine is captured by the king, it must be another good story!"

"What are you talking about! Hurry up! The general wants to see you!" A senior lieutenant looked at Cao Cao with a trace of disgust in his eyes, and because of the military order of the woman, otherwise he would have let his soldiers, Swallowed Cao Cao alive.

In less than half a minute, Cao Cao saw this heroine, and saw that her face was uneven, and her face was exquisite, but this size was not a star and a half taller than his Cao Cao. Cao Cao was six feet, and the woman It was a full eight feet, and even Cao Wenzhao and others were taken aback when they saw such a tall woman. This height is a bit scary.

I was stunned, but Cao Cao was not a fool, and immediately saluted: "Go down to Cao Cao and see the general!"

"En!" Fu Hao nodded, and said half aloud: "I won't say any more nonsense, before that, I will ask you a personal matter!"

"It's okay to say, General!" Cao Cao said with a smile.

"Didn't the female General Ai be captured by you? How is she now!" Fu Hao held the jade pendant in her hand and rubbed it left and right.

Compared with Cao Cao, a treacherous hero in troubled times, Cao Cao could see through Fu Hao's careful thinking at a glance, even if he concealed it well, Cao Cao stroked his beard, then smiled and said: "After she was captured alive by General Huang Feihu, she was She has been treated with great courtesy, and now she has become the wife of General Huang Feihu, and the child will be born in half a year!"

Cao Cao stroked his beard with a smile in his eyes. For a woman like Nv Ai, this kind of home may be the best for him.

Fu Hao felt relieved when she heard this, and immediately said: "General Cao's purpose for coming this time, let's make it clear!"

Cao Cao said with a smile: "Turn wars into treasures, I will stop doing fearless deaths and injuries. Now that the northern part of Qi State has entered our territory, I ask the general not to make fearless sacrifices, and let the sacrifices of the soldiers under him be in vain. After all, it will not be long. It's going to snow heavily, let's let everyone go through this winter safely!"

"Oh! Since General Cao said so, why didn't General Cao return home? Why did he go to war? Wouldn't it be good to survive this winter?" Fuhao laughed.

"Of course I want to go home, but the battlefield is a joke. The general should not talk about it. Jiang Qi is dead, and Gao Qi is hated by everyone. Would the general be willing to bury Gao Qi with him?" Cao Cao said sincerely.

The woman took a good look at Cao Cao, and said in a low voice: "General Cao, I don't like this kind of chattering, let's open the skylight and make it clear. I have three requests. I don't know if the general can agree to it."

"General! But it's okay to say!" Cao Cao saw that there was something going on, and began to listen attentively.

"First! Bury my great king with the honor of a prince, and don't dig the grave and throw the corpse away!" Fu Hao said with a serious expression.

"My king governs the country with benevolence, of course there is no doubt about it!" Cao Cao said with a smile.

"Second! Treat the people of Qi State generously, the people of the two countries are equal, there is no distinction between high and low!"

"It's natural. Our country has annexed other countries, but there is no such thing as people from different places!"

"Third! Kill Gao Yang! Tong Guan! The three of Qin Hui pay homage to the king's spirit!" Fu Hao was furious when she mentioned Gao Yang, and obviously hated Gao Yang to the bone.

"Naturally!" Cao Cao said with a smile, heaving a sigh of relief in his heart, the big event has been decided, and this credit cannot be lost.

"Since that's the case, I don't have any other demands!" Fu Hao said calmly, and he was also relieved in his heart. He was also thinking about what to do in the past few days.

"So, I don't know if the general can open the city and let our army take over the city!" Cao Cao stroked his beard and smiled.

"Yes!" Fu Hao took out the token in her bosom and threw it to Cao Cao, Cao Cao also smiled, and said to Cao Wenzhao behind him: "Go!


After a while, Cao Wenzhao shouted with a token, "Enter the city!"

"Oh... I won! I won... there is no need to fight! Woo...!" Tens of thousands of people shouted in unison, extremely excited. They were glad that there was no need to fight anymore, and the war was finally over.

Fuhao surrendered, the news hit Gao Yang's heart like a bomb, and Gao Changgong!Gao Siji and the two died in battle, and generals from all over the country surrendered at the sight of the flag. Now Gao Yang is just an empty king.

Within ten days! 50 troops besieged Linzi.

(End of this chapter)

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