Chapter 1147
Han Yi stroked his beard, squinted his eyes, and said with a smile in his eyes, "When will King Zhao arrive?"

"Your Majesty, before sunset! You will definitely be here!" Jia Fu smiled and said.

"Oh!" Han Yi was taken aback, stroking Yuchan in his hand, and said calmly, "Is Zhu Yuanzhang from Wu Kingdom here?"

"My lord! Zhu Yuanzhang from the Wu Kingdom arrived two days ago, but he stayed behind closed doors!" Elai immediately added.

"Well! Tell! Yue! Ju! Monarchs of Sui and Three Kingdoms! Follow me to welcome King Zhao!" Han Yi said with a strange smile.

"My lord! Wouldn't this be too exciting to move the crowd!"

"That's right! This King Zhao is equal to the Great King! In terms of strength! We are not afraid of him, Zhao Guo!" Everyone questioned.

"Qin and Zhao can't easily offend each other! We are already sworn enemies with Qin! One of these is to prevent the alliance between Qin and Zhao. The power of their alliance is no less than that of the Seven Kingdoms! The second is Wei Tu It borders on Zhao soil! If one is not careful, Zhao country will agree to Wei country's request for help! Gu is just trying to appease Zhao king! The current humiliation is just for the consideration of huge interests in the future! A face can be exchanged!"

"But! Your Majesty, isn't Zhao Guo now restrained by Yan Land? We don't need to worry!" Jia Fu said with a worried expression.

"Zhao Yong has the ability to expand the territory! But he has no intention of destroying the country! He attacked the Yan State just to expand the territory, and Yan State was invaded by foreign enemies! Otherwise, you think Zhao Guoguo won so easily! You have to figure it out! Yan Guo still has Le Yi's [-] troops supporting him! Zhao Yong wants to destroy him! Unless Lian Po and Li Mu join forces to fight against the enemy! Otherwise, even if Lian Po wins, he will be hurt.

"Your Majesty is really...!" Jia Fu couldn't find the words to describe Han Yi for a while.

Han Yi smiled strangely and said: "Your Majesty! Can endure what ordinary people can't! Can do what ordinary people can't do!"

"Your Majesty is wise!" Jia Fu held back for a long time, and could only say these four words.

Han Yi stroked his beard!Seeing a group of teams gradually appearing on the trail, he smiled strangely and said, "King Zhao is here! Let's go to meet him!"

On the path, the monarchs of the four kingdoms stood outside the city to welcome the arrival of King Zhao. The news naturally spread to the lower part of the city. A soldier of the Wei Kingdom looked at the battle ahead and began to gossip: "Which country is this monarch from?" , It’s such a big battle! Even the king of Han wants to meet him personally, the kings in this city! I’m afraid most of them ran over!”

"Hey! Most of the monarchs in this city have come! There is only one King Zhao left! Who else can there be if it is not King Zhao!" A bearded soldier guessed.

As the rumors intensified, the words and deeds of the rider naturally reached Ke Yingzheng's ears!Ying Zheng rubbed his palms, his expression became colder and he said: "This Zhao Wang! You really have a lot of face! There is such a ostentation like him in Guduwei."

"Your Majesty, calm down! You must not fall into Han Yi's plan! Han Yi's plan is definitely to intensify the conflict between our country and Zhao State, so that the fisherman will benefit from it! Your Majesty," the clerk standing beside Qin is Zhang Yi, Qin's right-hand man. This person is extremely good at connecting horizontally and vertically, and his clever tongue is brilliant!At the same time, he is also extremely good at analyzing the situation.

Ying Zheng stroked his beard, looked at Zhang Yi coldly, and said coldly: "Gu! You're not that stupid! You can't even see this trick!"

"This! Yes yes yes!" Zhang Yi repeatedly said yes, with meaningful helplessness flashing in his eyes.

"The ten border cities of the Three Jin Wars have not been brought back yet! Now that Guping has conquered the Kingdom of Shu, I will go east after I solve Yiqu! And the most important of these are South Korea and Zhao. If the two countries are not resolved! There is no hope of going east!" Ying Zheng tapped his fingers on the table, closed his eyes and meditated, and frowned. These two countries are really too troublesome!Troublesome people helpless.

"Your Majesty! I think! This time is a good opportunity to consume Zhao! As long as we provoke Zhao! The relationship between Korea and Korea! Let them fight with snipe and clam." I, Qin, will definitely benefit from it! "Zhang Yi's complexion was strange, and even vaguely made people stand coldly.

"What do you think!" Ying Zheng glanced at Zhang Yi, puzzled.

"This is Zhao! Both Han and Han are people who love face! If you have a daughter, Xu Erfu! What does your majesty think!" Zhang Yi said with a serious face.

"Hehe! Thanks to you, you can figure it out! Both of them are overlords who have never met in a century! How can you be moved by women! You have to underestimate them!" Ying Zheng shook his head helplessly, looking out the window , with a calm face, said: "Pass the secret order! Let Guo Kan lead [-] troops to the north! The north will be stabilized within half a year! Zhang Xiu! Hua Xiong! Hu Che'er and the three, if you don't obey the order! You can kill them immediately!"

"My lord! These three are all famous generals from the north! If they are killed easily! It will definitely make the hearts of the north fluctuate!" Zhang Yi said with a worried expression.

"Zhang Xiu and the three of them are famous generals of the older generation! They used to belong to Yingji, but now he has fallen! These people are vacillating, and they are always a hidden danger of instability! Gu this time is just strengthening them! Willing Leave it alone! If you don’t want to, if you die on the battlefield, you can’t blame others! Guo Kan must be able to handle this! Don’t worry!” Ying Zheng stroked his beard and smiled, looking calm, but more It's his iron wrist.

"Your Majesty is wise! I, Daqin, used to use infantry! Now I have the horses of Yiqu! It will definitely make up for our shortcomings!" Zhang Yi agreed.

"Indeed! These two years! Zhao's cavalry! Han Yi's tiger and leopard cavalry are all famous! It can be seen that the power of this cavalry on the battlefield! If this cavalry is small, it is really difficult to have a large-scale effect. If it is In groups, they will definitely be able to exert their greatest power!" Ying Zheng nodded in approval.

outside the city gate

Zhao Yong was sitting in the carriage, closing his eyes and resting his mind, looking sleepy, but Zhao Sheng was riding a horse, looking into the distance, looking at the people who came to greet him, the scene was really big, and he rode a horse to Zhao Yong immediately. On the edge of Sheng's carriage, he said with an embarrassed expression: "My lord! The situation is wrong! The guard of honor in front of this is a bit big!"

Zhao Yong lazily opened his eyes, let out a deep breath, and his face was still water: "These are all superficial things! It doesn't matter if the movement is louder! As long as it is not related to the interests of the country! Everything can be thrown away!"

"Wei Chen understands!"

"Drive... drive...!" I saw a general, holding a flag in his hand, galloping quickly on his horse.

"Who will come and stop quickly!"

"I am Pang Wanchun, the general in front of the palace! My king has been waiting outside the door for a long time, please see King Zhao quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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