Warring States Call

Chapter 1148 Embarrassment

Chapter 1148 Embarrassment
"King Han!" Ma Chao held a silver gun in his hand, his face was stunned, he never thought that King Han would greet him in person, and immediately urged his horse with a gun: "You wait here! I will report to the king!"

"Thank you, General!" Pang Wanchun looked stern, and immediately pulled back his horse, not intending to waste too much time here, and returned to the camp immediately.

"Your Majesty...!" The carriage came on horseback and walked beside King Zhao's carriage.

The square carriage bumped all the way, shaking left and right!From time to time, the carriage creaked, and Zhao Yong looked at Ma Chao who was running, and said in a puzzled voice, "What happened!"

"Your Majesty! This King of Han doesn't know what's wrong! He actually went out to greet His Majesty in person! Are you waiting outside the city now?" Ma Chao held the horse rope in his hand with a serious expression on his face. This matter is big or small!Don't underestimate it.

"Han Yi went out to greet him in person!" Zhao Yong was taken aback, opened his eyes, quickly opened the curtain of the car, and looked away. Although from this distance, people looked like a small spot, but there were so many people in Han Yi!Little dots condense together!After the composition is a large black spot!Zhao Yong didn't know how to express his heart at the moment, whether he was happy or not!There is also some worry. As the saying goes, if there is nothing to do, no one can know whether Han Yi is planning something again.

"Your Majesty! Don't be careless!" Zhao Sheng kept awake.

Zhao Yong rubbed his temples helplessly, and said helplessly, "I know all of this!"

The sky gradually dimmed, the sunset shone on the land, and the birds in the forest were chirping non-stop, as if welcoming the arrival of this grand event!Han Yihu stared forward, thinking that if Zhao Yong hadn't worked together back then, it would have been difficult to check and balance Yingzheng!Now the three families have gradually formed a three-legged confrontation situation, and Qin State dominates the West!Zhao Yong plans to dominate the North!And Han Yi dominates the Central Plains!After destroying the state of Wei, if Han Yi wanted to vigorously develop his national power, he might have to go south for muddy waters.

"This King Zhao is really powerful and domineering! King Han! I heard that the battle between the Three Jins was facilitated by the two of you! Now the King Qin in this city is probably going to die of anger!" Sun Quan said with a smile.

Han Yi glanced at Sun Quan behind him, and then said with a smile: "Our country and Zhao country are better! Whether the two countries can communicate with each other! Although you and the other three countries are rich in food and grass, they are self-sufficient, but the surplus food is useless every year, and the sales are not enough. Most of them are corrupted. , to feed the animals, and although Zhao Guo has a large land and rich resources, it has no fertile land! The land is large and rich, and the population is large! Most of them are pastures! The domestic war horses are even more numerous! If you are interested, you can discuss it with the King of Zhao! It is not in vain to exchange food for horses! Work hard!"

"Hmm! Yang Jian at the back! Sun Quan! The eyes of Ji Fa and the others lit up! War horses have always been something that is lacking in the south! And Han Yi has his own horse farm! They can give birth to horses every year. Bought a mare! Breeding! This is a long-term solution!

The three of them had their own ghosts in their hearts, and Han Yibai immediately wrote: "Thank you King Han! I am so grateful!"

"It's okay! This is also thanks to the help of the kings! In the future, we and other countries will help each other!" Han Yi agreed.

"Extreme! Exactly!"

The black dots were getting bigger and bigger, and the horns of the carriage's head appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Han Yi quickly stepped forward, looked forward, and immediately said: "Second brother! Don't come here without any harm!"

Zhao Yong looked at Han Yi with a smile, but he didn't dare to push him too hard. He strode forward, grabbed Han Yi's arm, and immediately laughed loudly: "Oh! You and I are brothers! Why are you so polite? ! You are still waiting here! Didn’t you break my brother’s heart!”

"Brother is worrying too much, thank you for sending troops to Yandi! Otherwise, I will be doomed this time!" Han Yi pretended to be charming, Zhao Yong was also taken aback, and immediately patted Han Yi's arm and said: "We are all brothers! You are welcome What! I only hate that I sent troops too late! I didn’t send troops at the moment when my virtuous brother needed it most! This is just icing on the cake! My virtuous brother, don’t blame me!”

The three of them looked at Han Yi who was laughing. They knew a little about the situation in Yandi. Han Yi was about to win the war of one country and seven countries. Zhao Yong suddenly went out to rescue Han in name!In fact, it was just for the sake of more profit!Typical is wanting to pick peaches.

Han Yi smiled and looked at
"Don't dare! These three are! Sui! Ju! The Three Kings of Yue! This is King Zhao!" Han Yi said with a smile.

"I have met Zhao Wang! I have heard that Zhao Wangxiong is a general! Today I saw that he is very powerful and not annoying!" Yang Jian stood up first, patted Zhao Yong's flattery, Han Yi stood aside and watched, It's okay if this guy is strong!Now he can still flatter horses smoothly!He really is the best of the best.

Zhao Yong looked at the King of Sui, and according to the situation he got, this guy was picked up by Han Yi with one hand!It can be said that he is tied to Han Yi, together!Battle of the Seven Kingdoms!With the strength of a small country, this guy is fighting against Xiang country!Attacked Xiang Yu's rear!Harvested a lot of food and grass equipment!Now that the two countries have apparently become a hard-core alliance, if Xiang Yu wants to move Yang Jian, he has to weigh Han Yi.

Zhao Yong immediately cupped his hands and said, "I know Your Excellency! You really use soldiers like gods!"

"Thank you King for your praise"

"This is the King of Yue! His father is the King of Yuerui! His brother, Sun Ce, is even more courageous." Han Yi looked at Sun Quan with a smile, and introduced him as well, which was also a way to give him face.

Sun Quan stepped forward to salute and nodded. He was a little unhappy about Han Yi's understatement. He is a strong person. He couldn't bear the glory of his brother and father. Great King, but he always felt that the two of them were the ones walking ahead, and he was the shadow of the two of them. This kind of thing lingered in his heart, and even vaguely became his nightmare.

Han Yi stroked his beard, looked at Ji Fa with an embarrassed expression, and said for a while, "This is King Ju!"

"Meet King Zhao!"


Han Yi originally agreed with Ji Fa to let him go north, but this guy seems to have gone north twice!He came back, and Han Yi didn't want to return what was given to him!Han Yi still needs his help in this alliance of various countries, otherwise Han Yi would not bother to talk to him.

Zhao Yong saw that Han Yi was not very enthusiastic about him!Just nodded symbolically, it can be said that his position is very awkward now!With Han Yi, the relationship is neither good nor bad, and the position of Ju State is awkward. It used to be Qi State, but now it is South Korea. Below is Han Yi's hard-core ally Yang Jian!Other countries are another hundred and eight thousand miles away!It is difficult to break the game!

(End of this chapter)

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