Warring States Call

Chapter 1158 Tibetan Mastiff Soldier

Chapter 1158 Tibetan Mastiff Soldier

"That's right! Although the Central Plains is constantly fighting internally! But externally, it is the same. How powerful Beidi was back then, it was not defeated by the five-nation alliance in the end!"

"Yale Abaoji, you stupid wolf cub! What are you talking about! Say it again if you have the ability!" I saw the expression of the man in the tiger skin changed, like a killing tiger, with a pair of tiger eyes staring at him. The man with the bone chain on his head seemed to be eating him alive.

"What! You can't beat Beidi! Don't let people tell you! Wanyan Aguda!" Yalu Abaoji is not afraid of him. Although Beidi was once powerful, the strength of the two tribes is now about the same.

"Do you want to fight! I'm a boy from Beidi! I'm afraid of you cowards!" Wanyan Aguda was furious immediately.

The man standing behind, Zhang's hulking back, with a big beard, strode out, and suddenly pulled out the scimitar in his arms, with a serious face.

"Hmph! I'm afraid of you!" Yale Abaoji took a sip of milk wine, not to mention that the man standing behind him suddenly stepped forward and pulled out the scimitar in his arms. For scarlet blood.

"That's enough! Two wolf masters! The scimitar on the grassland is for facing the enemy, not for killing our own people in the grassland! If you want to bring a better life to your people, just listen to me and put it down." The weapons in your hands! Let's have a good talk!" Temujin waved his hand, and saw two burly men appearing in the hands of the two men, pressing their arms, forcefully retracting their weapons .

"Temujin! I really want to hear what you think! For thousands of years! Grasslands have never entered the Great Wall! I want to know! What can you do!" Nurhachi cut the fattest lamb loin and stuffed him into his own mouth, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

"It's actually very simple! The strength of our five tribes has become inevitable! And the Xiongnu! Linhu and they will definitely become our food! The fattest grassland should of course be given to the strongest horse! Linhu! The Xiongnu and they have become The old horse, but the old horse can only be eaten and turned into dung! Moisturize the land!" Genghis Khan looked indifferent, and directly pointed the target at Lin Hu.

"Hahaha! Let's grab some meat with you! I might as well attack the Great Wall of Yan! I heard that the Kingdom of Yan was attacked by the Kingdom of Zhao! All the alien races on the southern peninsula entered the Great Wall of Yan and seized a lot of land!" Nurhachi Shaking his head in disdain, at the same time reminding them from the side!The news on the grassland is blocked, and the tribes hardly have any contact with each other!

"Hmph! I've heard about that tiger, he is a hero, but he is still too weak with his own strength! Now Yan! The war between Zhao and Zhao has not ended yet! Once the war is over! They will definitely not be able to stop Yan China's counterattack," Temujin said with a serious face.

"Tiemuzhen! How did you know the information of the Central Plains!" Tuoba Tao, who was silent, looked puzzled.

"Of course I have my own way. There are [-] warriors behind me Temujin! They are all good at riding and shooting. I am not afraid of even facing Zhao's iron cavalry! As for those infantry, they entered the grassland , How many! Kill how many!" Temujin looked indifferently, looked at the crowd and said: "Even if you don't come! Those three tribes are already my Temujin lambs! Eating them is just a little effort. Now I, I just want to reduce some losses! Enjoy this delicacy with everyone!"

Genghis Khan put the cut meat into the bone plate and placed it in the middle, with a calm expression on his face.

"I, Wanyan Aguda, agree, the cold winter has just passed today! A lot of horse cubs in my tribe froze to death! The severe cold in winter! Too many people died! This can't go on like this!" Wanyan Aguda said to the situation before him It's really annoying, animals and people freeze to death every year!Rather than doing this, it is better to fight on the battlefield to see if there is more hope.

"What about you? Don't you want iron and salt! Haven't we had enough internal wars these years? Haven't enough people died? For this little bit of grass! How many people will be sacrificed for that little bit of water source problem! The two tribes are at war! Blood stained the entire Luo River, they enjoy everything in the Central Plains, but they block us here. High walls! We can only look up at the fertile grass and water! Only longing, those who expect the Central Plains, only starve to death! Only take the scimitar in our hand! Ride on our War horses! Seize the expected land! Only then will we not die of hunger and cold!" Temujin looked serious, his tiger eyes staring at everyone.

"Count me in! Even if a single wolf is stronger! It still can't defeat a pack of wolves!" Nurhachi looked indifferent. He didn't agree with Genghis Khan, but he wanted to see the scenery of the Central Plains. After all, he, like Genghis Khan, had the same ambition.

"Count me Yale Abaoji! This time I can't come in vain!"

"What do you say! Tuoba Tao!" Temujin looked indifferent, and everyone set their targets on Tuoba Tao.

"You don't know how powerful Qin is! I've been Yiqu all these years! I can't hold it anymore! If you promise me, Qin will come to attack in the future! You support me! I will definitely defend it to the death!" Tuoba Tao said with a stern expression.

"I, Temujin, swear to the wolf god." Temujin cut off his finger, smeared blood on his forehead, and said with a stern expression, "If you violate the oath, you will not die in the arms of the wolf god!"

"I am Yale Abaoji!......!"

"I'm Wan Yan Aguda!......!"

"I, Nurhachi!...!"

"I am Tuoba Tao!......!"

"God Wolf! May you bless us! The horses and grass are abundant! The children are safe! The five clans are one!"

Five clans and one, a total of 30 troops!Under the leadership of Genghis Khan!The five tribes sent troops every day to attack Linhu separately!Upstairs!Huns!The three clans are invincible!Surrender!The five tribes took the opportunity to replenish their forces, and in addition, they took over and wiped out foreign tribes, large and small!A total of 80... cavalry!
All over the steppe!The cavalry are powerful figures!After they pacified the last small tribe, they finally targeted the Great Wall in the south.

In addition, Genghis Khan did not know where he got ten Tibetan mastiffs!Under continuous cultivation, Tibetan mastiff soldiers have been formed!This troop is another troublesome unit after the cavalry!And the Tibetan mastiff is extremely fierce!The nose is extremely bright!Sneak attack is almost impossible. When charging, it is a big killer.

(End of this chapter)

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