Warring States Call

Chapter 1159 Salt Tax

Chapter 1159 Salt Tax
The coming of night is often quick and fast, but there are always some people who read by burning light at night.

Han Chen is an example. He couldn't finish reading the bamboo slips in his hand. Fortunately, Han Yi gave him a few able-bodied generals, but Hai Rui was sent out by him, and he even selected two of the 24 people. One deputy, this manpower was not enough, now there are three less, the burden is a bit heavier, but fortunately there is Sima Xiangru!Fang Xuanling and others.

"Your Highness! Lord Lu is here!" Mu Ying pressed the sword in her arms with a serious expression.

Han Chen rubbed his eyebrows, relaxed his eyes, shook his hands, picked up the water on the side, took a sip, let out a heavy breath, and said in confusion, "What is he doing here! What's going on here Enough chaos! Is the Ministry of Households adding to the chaos again?"

"I don't know! What should your Highness do!" Mu Ying reminded Han Chen that she wanted to drive him away!Still let him in.

Han Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and said calmly, "The affairs of the household department are related to national affairs! Don't delay! Let him come in first! Set up drinks in the main hall! Although it's spring, the weather is still relatively cold! A drink will warm him up too."


Huamu, who had been standing silently behind Han Chen, looked at Han Chen with a worried expression and said, "You've been eating less these days! How can you hold on like this!"

Han Chen was taken aback, looked back at Huamu, grabbed his hand, and said with a weird smile, "What's wrong! You still care about me now! You still chased me and beat me last year!"

Hua Mu didn't know what was going on, so she smiled strangely, and stretched out her thin hands, rubbing Han Chen's shoulders at first, then slowly moving up, grabbing Han Chen's ears, and pretending to be vicious, "How about it?" ! Isn’t this very kind!”

"Ah...it hurts! It hurts! I was wrong!" Han Chen hurriedly begged for mercy. As the saying goes, a trick to refresh the mind can be said to get twice the result with half the effort. Han Chen immediately got rid of Huamu, rubbed his ears, and pointed at Huamu with a flustered expression. , He was not angry and said: "You...you wait...wait until I pack it up and he will come back to settle the score with you!"

"Pfft!" Looking at Han Chen's fleeing figure, Huamu shook his head helplessly, and could only go down to prepare for tomorrow's meal.

After a while, Lu Su came to the hall to work, and said with a serious face, "My minister, Lu Su, pays homage to Your Highness!"

Han Chen sat on the seat, rubbed his ears, waved his hands and said, "Sit!"

"Prince! Your ears..." Lu Su pointed to Han Chen's ears with a puzzled expression on his face.

Han Chen waved his hand and said, "No problem! Is there anything you can do, Mr. Lu?"

"Your highness is like this! This is the expenses for this month! And the country's surplus money! The king is not here now! Please take a look at it!" Lu Su handed the bamboo slips in his hands to Han Chen, his face indifferent, as if it was as stable as Mount Tai.

Han Chen took the bill and kept flipping through it, his face sinking like water!After a short pause, he said: "Master Lu! There is a list of the country's expenses!"

"Report to the prince! The mausoleum of King Xiang will be completed in the second half of this year! There is also military expenditure! This includes the renovation of ordnance and the new weapons developed by Master Lu Ban! Mass production! Plus the salary of the minister! The royal palace Expenses! There is also the matter of the 50 immigrants in Zhongshan, and 20 old and weak women and children have been introduced one after another these days! They need to be resettled! And the mausoleum of the king needs to be built! This is also an expense!" Lu Su He said with a serious face.

"New weapons! What are they all about?" Han Chen looked puzzled and threw the bamboo slips aside, his expression turned interested.

"This time there are two more siege vehicles! They are the ladder cart and the rush cart! One is for soldiers to go up the city wall, and the other is for breaking down the city gate. These two things need to be built on the spot, and the road is difficult and dangerous. Lucky, so I started building directly at the border! It also saved some manpower!" Lu Su said calmly.

"That's right! I remember your Majesty once mentioned working for relief! These 20 people still use this plan, let them start building Grandpa's mausoleum first!" Han Chen looked indifferent. I've seen it, it seems that I have to go to the palace to pay a visit when I have time,
"Of course what the prince said is good, but these 20 people consume a lot of food every day! Three meals a day! After all, there is consumption. If things go on like this, it is not a head! Although the 30 people have settled down, there are still four 5 people are not properly arranged! These 20 people are still a hole!" Lu Su said with a serious face.

Han Chen stroked his beard and said calmly, "I know about this! I asked Sima Xiangru to transfer rations for 20 people for one month from Hai Rui! You first calm down the people's emotions! Then the four 5 people, you break it up, distribute it to various places, and let the county magistrates from all over the place receive it! This will reduce the pressure on the court!"

"Prince! I'm here to discuss with you! Can the commercial rations in the hands of the prince be turned into military rations! In this way, I can spare part of the money! The financial pressure of the treasury!" Lu Su said with an embarrassed expression.

"No! The war is changing rapidly! The soldiers and horses have not moved! The food and grass go first! My commercial food is stored at the border! Once the war is over, I will naturally return it to Master Lu! But I can't move now! Just in case it is needed! This time I Just tell Master Lu clearly! The expenses of the royal palace can be reduced! I will take care of the harem affairs! Including the salary of my prince's mansion will also be reduced! As for my father's mausoleum, we will not build it for the time being!" Han Chen said calmly.

"Prince! This is impossible!" Lu Su lost his soul when he heard it.

"Master Lu! If your father asks! You can tell him! The war requires money! I'll make money for him even if I sell everything! But the matter of building the mausoleum, after the war is over, let him do whatever he wants! Anyway, I have no money now." Han Chen looked indifferent, and now he can only increase income and reduce expenditure.


"Lord Lu! How's the income and expenditure of the household department!" Han Yi asked with a puzzled expression.

"Report to the prince! National tax! Commercial tax! Because of Qidi's relationship, there is now a salt tax!" Lu Su said calmly.

"Well! You can work hard on the salt tax! You can work hard on the grasslands! Nanban! Xishu! The three places are open to trade! There is no source of salt! The price of salt is cheaper, and it is best for the common people to buy it! The development of the salt road is good. , can become one of the main tax revenues of the national treasury!" Han Chen once attended the Jixia Academy, and knew by chance that this salt was used by nobles, and ordinary people couldn't afford it.

"Prince! It takes too much time and effort to make this salt! The price has been reduced! It's not that I have lost some income!" Lu Su couldn't believe it.

"No! There are many people and many people, as long as you work hard on making salt! It will definitely be of great use!" Han Chen looked indifferent, and Han Chen planned to start in this area.

(End of this chapter)

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