Chapter 1163

The pitch-black main entrance and the gray-white city wall covered the entire city gate with a layer of gloom. Han Chen rode the black expressionlessly, leading the horse, and remained silent.

In this back garden, although there is nothing sober and beautiful, there are still some things that should be there. There are all kinds of beautiful women sitting on simple stone benches, and some have a child standing in front of them, teasing them from time to time. And some young women!She never looked like a lady in the palace, she looked like a specially summoned woman, she was dressed up beautifully, it could be described as competing for beauty, with a pair of clear eyebrows, looking around, not knowing what she was thinking.

But on the top of the seat, there are two old men sitting, and the one on the left is a head with a hair crown!White hair and silver strands!His face was exhausted, the beard in his hand was quite thinned by his stroking, and there was a sound of a black bear fur coat, wrapped in airtight, the woman at the side hurriedly beat his back, fetched something to warm his body, these two days The people are King Han Xiang and Zhu Ji.

"That's enough, that's enough! No need! They're all old bones!" King Han Xiang waved his hands helplessly, with his hands drooping on his knees, and his cloudy old eyes narrowed, looking at the three young men who were coming, He stroked his beard unconsciously, with a hint of relief in his eyes.

And there are several beautiful women sitting and standing in this palace. On the left is Wei Yanyu, with a smile on her face, and Zhong Wuyan is standing beside her. Originally, Han Chen wanted to take her out of the palace, but Wei Yan Yu Wan stayed, and Wei Zifu was standing opposite him.

Below the two are Zhao Feiyan and Yang Yuhuan. Apart from Wei Yanyu and Wei Zifu, they are the two with the highest qualifications. After that are the three Dugu sisters. Because Dugu Prajna gave birth to a prince, their status will naturally rise. The others either did not come because their status was too low, or they were like Dou Xiantong and couldn't come because they had something to do.

Han Chen was walking in the middle, Han Feng!Han Ning and Ning followed behind Han Chen in small steps, not daring to overstep. It turned out that the two of them refused to accept each other!And now someone is pressing on the two of them, besides, the elders are here today!Can't lose face.

"Chen'er came to see your grandfather!" Wei Yanyu hurriedly greeted Han Chen, fearing that Han Chen would bump into King Han Xiang.

Han Chen looked up at the nodding and smiling old man, looked at the crowd, and immediately bowed to King Han Xiang and said, "I've seen... Grandpa!"

"Grandson pays respects to grandpa!" Han Feng and Han Ning seemed to agree with each other, immediately knelt down on their knees and kowtowed heavily to King Han Xiang.

As soon as this trip came out, Wei Yanyu and Zhong Wuyan frowned, while Zhao Feiyan and Yang Yuhuan seemed to be suppressing their smiles, as if they were waiting to see their jokes.

King Han Xiang stroked his beard and didn't pay attention to these details. Instead, he looked at Han Chen carefully. Now that the weather is getting warmer, Han Chen has already taken off his leather jacket and is wearing white clothes, with Huamu on his hair. The crown, with a white wooden hairpin in the middle, looks ordinary, and the black clothes are spotless. Although they are not tattered, they are still not bad compared with brand-new clothes. It seems that they have been washed too much. times.

As for Han Feng and Han Ning, compared with Han Chen, it can be seen that the luxury is not just a little bit.

King Han Xiang waved his hand and said, "Get up, everyone! Sit! Sit! Sit!"

Among this group of women, two young and graceful women looked at Han Chen, the leader, and said with all they had: "Sister! Look at this prince! Why are you dressed so shabby! Could it be fake!"

"Little sister, be careful!" The woman on the side quickly took her hand and motioned him to shut up.

"Prince! You don't kneel when you see the old king! What's the reason? Could it be that you have been too tired these days! Forgot the rules!" The child also looks like a joke.

Han Ning is indeed frowning!This mother is really provocative!He didn't even know he was being used as a gunman!

Han Chen was silent, and walked to the upper position with a calm expression. He straightened his clothes and said calmly, "The lord of a country! Big as the sky! After that is the East Palace! Under one person! Above ten thousand people! You are not allowed to kneel if you are not a king!"

"Oh! That's it! The prince doesn't care about Lao Wang anymore, and he has only been a prince for a few days! He is so rude and presumptuous! Seriously...!" Yang Yuhuan said this, Just looking at Wei Yanyu, it means that if you have a mother, you have a son.

Wei Yanyu hurriedly stood up and saluted King Han Xiang: "Go old king! The crown prince has just returned to the palace! I don't know the etiquette in this palace! I hope the king will forgive me!"

King Han Xiang acted nonchalantly on the surface, but he looked at Han Chen in his heart, with a strange glint in his eyes. At this moment, he saw the shadow of Han Chen in Han Chen!It is also this lawless appearance, among the royal family, there can be such an overlord as Han Yi!It really is a rare encounter in a thousand years!And if there is a......

Han Chen rubbed his temples, looked at Yang Yuhuan and said, "There are no two days in the sky! There are no two masters in the country! He is the former king! You can't worship in the country! You can only worship in the family! Now it's the seat of the court! So no! Here For the sake of it!"

"You...!" Yang Yuhuan was about to explode when she saw that Zhu Ji, who was sitting next to King Han Xiang, couldn't sit still, and immediately said, "It's all right! Shut up!"

"This...promise!" Although Yang Yuhuan looked unwilling, she still didn't dare to say more.

King Han Xiang looked at Han Chen, and said in a low voice, "In the crown prince's palace, there is a golden dragon crown! Jade hairpin! Black dragon four-claw robe! Foot boots! Why don't you wear it today!"

Han Chen immediately saluted and said, "The national war is imminent! Therefore! I postponed all the gold and jade artifacts in the Prince's Mansion! So I didn't build them!"

"Hmm! You are better than that bastard! You know how to fight all day long! If it weren't for Wang Meng's support in running the country! This kid wouldn't be so carefree?" King Han Xiang praised.

"This time! I also want to discuss with Lao Wang! Please... grandpa be flexible!" Han Chen said with a serious expression.

"Oh! What's the matter! Why don't you tell me!" King Han Xiang hammered his knee, waved the sleeve in his hand, and said indifferently.

"Now the country is short of funds! And my father is in the prime of life! So I want to stop the construction of the mausoleum of my father first! In addition, I have done a census! The development of the palace is too expensive! Excessive consumption! So I want to cut some, It is used to subsidize military affairs! After the war is over, it will be restored!" Han Chen said calmly.

"Hmm! We're going to fight again! Didn't the Battle of the Seven Kingdoms just end? Why are you still fighting... Could it be that you're lying to me? Who are you fighting with now!" Yang Yuhuan mocked.

"Mother!" Han Ning quickly stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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