Warring States Call

Chapter 1164 Evaluation

Chapter 1164 Evaluation
Being called master by her son, Yang Yuhuan was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that she had said the wrong thing, and looked embarrassed.

Han Chen didn't talk to her, but looked at King Han Xiang silently.

Han Feng, who hadn't spoken all this time, looked at his mother and nodded quickly to show his approval.

And Zhao Feiyan said calmly: "Since the prince has such a heart!

Then I will definitely help you!My palace is willing to cut half of the cost!Those rouge vulgar things!Just don't need to be in the palace!Except as a decoration!no use! "

"Thank you, ma'am!" Han Chen hurriedly bowed, obviously not expecting that she would agree so happily!Han Chen looked thoughtfully at Han Feng behind him.

"The expenses in my palace are not bad, so how about it! I'll take out part of my private money! Help the emperor!" Wei Zifu, holding the child in his arms, can be regarded as agreeing, and even his contribution is more than others. More.

Wei Yanyu was caught in a dilemma for a while, this is her home country!Seeing the two people who promised again and again, Wei Yanyu lowered her head helplessly, clasped her hands together, and stroked the corner of her clothes.

"Ahem...!" King Han Xiang patted the table, and said calmly: "Han Yi entrusts you with all important affairs of the country! That is your decision! I just want to say one thing! Rights are the sacred weapon of the country! I hope you will make good use of it! Otherwise, your father will come back! I’m afraid he won’t let you off lightly!”

"No!" Han Chen saluted lightly, his face calm, and the affairs in the palace were handled!The rest are just trivial matters after dinner, why not take this opportunity to take a good rest!This half month also made him very tired.

Han Chen picked up the red dates on the plate and stuffed them into his mouth. Afterwards, it was just a feast of wine. Han Chen, as if nothing had happened, started to eat.

And Yang Zongbao, who was standing on the side, held the sword in his arms and guarded the small pavilion. It happened that it was time to change shifts, and there was a petite figure standing beside Yang Zongbao!Even the armor on his body doesn't fit well... Man, who can he be if he isn't Zhen Ji?

Yang Zongbao pointed in Han Chen's direction and said, "Hey! He's right there!"

Zhen Ji looked in the direction!Just as he was about to step forward, Yang Zongbao quickly pulled him back, and said with a stern expression, "You're crazy! You're trespassing now! Don't give orders."

Zhen Ji's face was stunned, her beautiful eyes looked forward, she hesitated to speak, and muttered to herself: "Forget it! Just take a look! Just take a look! Just take a look...!"

Drink three rounds!Five flavors of vegetables and fruits!King Han Xiang waved his hand, and the maids withdrew, and King Han Xiang immediately said: "Chen'er! Once this year is over! You can become a gift! Now the princess should be settled!"

When the women on the left and right heard this, they immediately put down the food in their hands, and all their eyes were focused on seeing that there was a rule in ancient times that the eldest son was unmarried!His son can't get married!There are even some weird ones that give birth to twins, and the object of the child must also be twins.

Han Chen was stunned. He looked up at Wei Yanyu and saw her shaking her head. Han Ming on the side looked at Han Chen calmly, as if to see how he would deal with it.

Han Chen immediately said, "Grandpa! The battle is coming soon! Let's discuss it later!"

"Hey! This family is not a small one! Wanghou's family is extraordinary, and family affairs are state affairs! This matter must not be sloppy! This is also the main reason for calling you here!" King Han Xiang smiled slightly.

The cloudy old eyes looked at Han Chen, as if saying, don't you want to give you a woman, what do you want to do...

"That's right! The crown prince's choice of concubine is the most important thing! As the saying goes, marrying a wife and marrying a virtuous man! This has already established the position of the main wife! In the future, you will be like a romantic woman! But there is only one main wife! A hundred years later, you will be buried together! "Zhu Ji looked indifferent.

Han Chen frowned, thinking that it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, and he needs to leave quickly. At this point, Han Chen immediately said, "Grandpa! I suddenly remembered! The military rations at the border are still to be prepared! Let's leave first!"

"Stop!" Han Chen just got up when King Han Xiang stopped him immediately.

Han Chen had to stop, not knowing what to do, and Zhu Ji immediately said, "Come in!"


Hearing the ceremony and music together, Han Chen was taken aback when he saw some Yingyingyanyans rushing in. What does this mean? Did it come hard?
Han Ning smiled strangely, picked up the wine bottle in his hand, and took a sip, as if he was watching a play. At the same time, he also saw that Han Chen must have a weakness.

"Sir, sir! The daughters of Wang Meng: Wang Qiang, the daughters of General Cao Cao: Cao Xian! Cao Jie! The niece of Li Si: Li Qingzhao! The daughter of Cheng Yu: Cheng Zhimei! The granddaughter of Dugu Xin: Dugu Lianqing! And Yue Fei General's daughter Yue Yinping...!"

Every time the old eunuch read a word, Han Chen's scalp went numb. He once told Huamu that he wanted to marry her...

After a short pause, Han Chen immediately said, "Enough!"

The soft words interrupted the eunuch who was reading the bamboo slips, and looked at King Han Xiang above...

"Grandpa! I already have someone I love! I hope Grandpa will be happy!" Han Chen is not shy, and is procrastinating like this!No good results for him and Huamu.

"Well! Men love women! It's human nature! Tell me! Which girl do you like!" King Han Xiang thought that Han Chen had taken a fancy to one of the women here, so he stopped, nodded, and secretly applauded .

Many women were overjoyed!Secretly excited!I wonder if the prince will watch them, even if the chance is slim.

"My love! I'm not from this place! I hope the old king will give me grace!" Han Chen frowned, and could only bear it.

As soon as this remark came out, most of the people's hearts went cold, and they secretly called the prince what to look at.

"Who do you like! Tell me!" King Han Xiang was taken aback.

"The flowers and trees I like!" Han Chen said calmly.

"Huamu! Who is it!"

"Huamu will fight with me on the battlefield! I have promised her my whole life! I can't let you down!" Han Chen said calmly.

"But court officials!"


"But nobles from all over the world!"


"That can't be done"


"Well! Three wives and four concubines are common sense in ancient times! The position of the main wife must be determined by the orphans! You want to marry her! You can treat her as a concubine!" King Han Xiang immediately said.

"No!" Han Chen looked resolute.

"Presumptuous! How dare you talk back! Quickly apologize to your grandfather!" Wei Yanyu said immediately.

But Han Chen remained motionless, with a stubborn expression on his face. King Han Xiang stood with his hands behind his back, and left his position, as if very angry, and finally disappeared before everyone's eyes.

in the back garden
"The king is angry with the prince!" Zhu Ji hurriedly stepped forward with a stern expression.

"Angry! Why are you angry! This Qilin has his own thoughts! He won't be influenced by ministers, he is stronger than his father!"

(End of this chapter)

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