Warring States Call

Chapter 1178 The Death of Ding Yanping

Chapter 1178 The Death of Ding Yanping

The trails between Houma and Wucheng Pass are mostly plains, but there are many groves for concealment and shelter. Today, Wucheng Pass is empty. Guo Chongtao and others rushed for a day and came to this trail with serious expressions.

In the scorching sun, Guo Chongtao rode his horse and looked at the road ahead!Shaking the wine gourd in his hand, he drank it in a big gulp, glanced at the soldiers behind him, and said with a stern expression: "Brothers! Work harder! It's almost time to wait for the horse!"

"Changshan Zhao Zilong is here! I have been waiting for General Guo for a long time!" He heard a shout, and saw a white-clothed soldier and horse running through the forest at such a high speed!Like the wind, the weapon in his hand pointed directly at Guo Chongtao, thousands of horses around him collapsed, and the whole earth trembled.

"Zhao Yun..." Guo Chongtao's brows twitched, his face was startled, and his heart was even more shocked. The dog probably died in his hands. At this point, Guo Chongtao was furious and pulled out the sword in his arms : "Kill the enemy and serve the country! Never die!"


If it wasn't for Zhao Yun, they wouldn't be in such a mess!If there was food and grass, Sun Wuxiu would have thought that he could take Wucheng Pass so easily.

"General Han, don't be crazy! Ding Yanping is here! Drive!" Veteran Ding Yanping found a silver spear from somewhere, and paired it with his own silver dragon gun, it was like a tiger.

"The old general will help you again!" Cao Bao rode his horse and took the lead, staring straight at Zhao Yun.

"The next one!" I saw a tiger general, wearing a golden armor, holding a nine-ringed sword in his hand, riding a horse, staring at Zhao Yun with tiger eyes, and suddenly shouted: "Drive!"

Apart from Ding Yanping, there was only one tiger general left in the Wei army. If he wasn't parallel to the west, who could he be?

"Hahahaha! General Zhao! Look at me!" Yue Yun was full of excitement, brandishing his plum-blossom silver hammer, and went straight to Guo Chongtao below, and he was bound to kill him with a single blow.

The Han army was approaching menacingly, Guo Chongtao frowned, and there were only a few generals under his command. Looking at the generals behind him, he held his breath and said: "All generals, give me a helping hand!"

"I'm coming!" Looking at Yue Yun, who was as powerful as a bamboo, and still waving the silver hammer in his hand, Liang Lin glanced at his tiger-headed golden hammer, and suddenly grabbed his horse and took the lead.

With Liang Lin participating in the battle, Guo Chongtao let go of the big stone in his heart, looked at the Zhongshan generals behind him, and said immediately: "Generals! Wait for me to repel the Korean army, and I will help you restore the title of Zhongshan! I hope all the generals will help us A helping hand!"

"General Guo! Seriously," Li Kui said sternly, waving the double axes in his hands.

"Really!" Guo Chongtao said calmly.

"Okay...look at me! Drive..." Li Kui took the lead, because he believed in Liang Lin's ability, and that kid seemed like a stunned young man, so there was nothing to worry about, just killing Zhao Yun, he should be difficult Otherwise, how could dozens of generals surround him alone? This aroused Li Kui's fighting spirit, and he swung the double axes in his hand and went straight to kill.

Li Ying stared straight at Zhao Yun with bright eyes, picked up the bow with one hand, and shot a cold arrow when he saw the opportunity.

"Zhao Yunxiu is going to be crazy! Try the old man's double guns! Go!" Ding Yanping suddenly swung his guns and got on his horse.

Zhao Yun snorted coldly and shouted: "The old general wants to die!"

"Ding, Zhao Yun's gentian attribute is activated, the enemy's force value of 1 people increases by 1, the current Wei army has 3 people, the force value increases by 3, the base force value is 103, the force value of the gentian silver spear increases by 1, and the force value of the Zhaoyue Jade Lion increases. 1, the current force value is 108!"

With a cold and windy shot, an ethereal energy floated on the body of the gun, piercing the air and making cicadas sing.

Ding Yanping didn't dare to be careless at once, he quickly used his strengths to avoid his weaknesses, and stabbed Zhao Yun's throat with both guns!There are two vital points in the chest.

"Open!" Zhao Yun didn't care so much, holding the gun with both hands, the silver gun in his hand, one big and two strokes, left and right, and pushed the two guns in Ding Yanping's hands away, so that Ding Yanping's door was wide open, so good The opportunity was unprecedented, Zhao Yun didn't choose when to wait at this time, and he hit the red heart with one move, piercing Ding Yanping's heart.

The armor in front of Ding Yanping's chest turned into scales all over the sky, Ding Yanping flew off his horse, spat out a mouthful of old blood, and muttered to himself: "No...impossible...!"

Ding Yanping didn't know until his death that after Han Jian deprived him of his double spear attribute, he lost it so far. Ding Yanping, who had a force value of around 115, died here without even taking a single shot from Zhao Yun!The soul returns to the hometown.

It's a pity that Ding Yanping's famous name, the Southern Expedition and the Northern War, turned out to be a stepping stone for Zhao Yun and Han Jian.

"It's a man! Return the body to you!" Zhao Yun single-handedly picked up Ding Yanping's body and threw it back.

Wei Wentong quickly picked it up, seeing Ding Yanping who had no breath at all, Wei Wentong was furious, the old general who was defending the city with him yesterday, unexpectedly died here today, how could he not be angry, Wei Wentong's face was stern, Pointing directly at Zhao Yun: "Kill!"

The tiger's roar shook Kyushu, and he urged his horse to the west. The big Xia dragon sparrow in his hand, riding a war horse, suddenly yelled: "The dragon sparrow sings!"

The resonant blade surfaced on the blade of his blade, and gradually emerged the chirping of dragons and sparrows, all the ethereal vigor contained in this clever blade.

Zhao Yun's face was startled, and he was about to raise his gun and mount his horse to resist, when he saw a cold light flashing and shot at Zhao Yun's face, Zhao Yun immediately reacted, the silver gun in his hand jumped up and down!Knocking back the cold arrow, he shouted angrily: "A stab in the back hurts people!"

"The thief will eat my ax!" The double ax in Li Kui's hand suddenly slashed down, and Zhao Yun rushed up with his gun, ready to finish Li Kui with one blow.

Where the cold light appeared, it looked like an illusory phoenix, covering Li Kui. When Li Kui saw it, his face was shocked.

"Even if there are thousands of troops, why not be afraid! The three of you go up together!" Zhao Yun looked indifferent, and urged the horse to go up, and the illusory energy from Zhou's body emerged, and finally condensed into scarlet blood, Zhao Yun looked indifferent : "Seven Detective Snakes Pan Gun! Ha!"

"What a big tone! Look at the knife!" He slammed his arms to the west and slashed straight down.

"Kang Dang!" After one move, sparks shot out, Zhao Yun's face was serious, seeing the big knife less than three feet away from him, he suddenly became furious, turned over, and shouted: "Let me open it!"

"Ding, the second attribute of Zhao Yun's gentian is activated. Every time there is an additional general in the battle, the force value will be increased by 2. Currently there are three people, and Zhao Yun's force value will be increased by 6. Currently, Zhao Yun's force value is 114!"

"Ding, the attribute of Zhao Yun's famous gun is activated, and the force value is increased by 5. The current force value of Zhao Yun is 119!"

(End of this chapter)

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