Warring States Call

Chapter 1179 The Tyrannical Liang Lin

Chapter 1179 The Tyrannical Liang Lin

"Open!" He frowned to the west, the shadow of this gun was like a spirit snake spitting out a letter, every move seemed superficial, but it was a real gun body.

Zhao Yun's expression was indifferent, he saw that he was going to fight with him to the west, he smiled strangely, pressed the gun with his backhand, looked at Li Kui below, and said coldly: "Go!"

"Whew!" The spear was like the wind, the sound of breaking the wind, and the slightest gunshot. This blow alone was like a cold arrow from the hand. Li Kui, who had just got up, felt a pain in his throat before he could react. There was a warm current that dyed his throat red, and there was a silver gun dripping with blood at the lower corner of the throat.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Li Kui fell to the ground with a sound. Li Kui clutched his throat and wanted to make a sound, but he had no choice but to lose his struggle and leave this world.

Li Kui's death made everyone present tremble from the bottom of their hearts when they looked at this handsome man in white clothes and blood armor.

Zhao Yun took off the precious bow from his waist with one hand, bent the bow and set an arrow, and looked at Li Ying behind him with tiger eyes, a pair of clear and bright eyes, showing a trace of coldness, took off his arrow feathers with his slender fingers, and looked at Li Ying. In the direction of Li Ying, he snorted coldly: "Medium!"

"Ding, Zhao Yun fires the sail attribute, shoots the sail rope with one bow and one arrow, the force value increases by 5, and if the protector attribute activates, an additional 5 will be added!"

"Ding, Zhao Yun's current force value is 119, add 5 to the force value, and the current force value is 124!"

"Hoo!" The fiery red energy was condensed on the arrow, two points and one line, under the sunlight, Zhao Yun only left a black voice, and only heard a bow.

"Whoosh!" The cold arrow pierced through the clouds and hit Li Ying's chest. The silver-white breastplate turned into scales all over the sky at this moment, and was thrown into the air. Li Ying was shot off his horse and fell heavily to the ground. Come on, spit blood at the mouth!He was about to shoot a cold arrow just now, but he shot blindly, and shot at the soldiers beside him.

"Puff...Puff..." Li Ying still wanted to struggle, but the cold arrow pierced his heart, and the blood stained the grass under him. At this moment, Li Ying was a little indifferent. He let out a breath, laughed wildly, and finally died. : "Hahahahahahahahahahaha!
Li Ying is also aggrieved enough, three wars!He was defeated three times, but he was relieved today. The days of suffocation are finally over.

And looking to the west, he was so angry that his teeth were itching, and he said angrily: "Zhao Yun, I will never die with you"

"Go!" Zhao Yun didn't care so much!Turning around and shooting an arrow, avoiding it and heading west, then retracted the longbow in his hand, looked at the surprised Guo Chongtao ahead, and snorted coldly: "Guo Chongtao! Take your life..."

"Bastard! I'm going to kill you!" Guo Chongtao's face turned cold, shame!This is a blunt shame.

"Quick! Escort the general away! Quick!" Yu Luoju and Wei Wentong also saw how powerful Zhao Yun was. Hit it!People are gone.

"No! I'm not leaving! I'll fight him!" Guo Chongtao's face was flushed, and he was about to urge him to go immediately, but Yu Luoju hurriedly pulled Guo Chongtao's horse rope and fled to the trail ahead.

"The man should die on the battlefield! Follow me to kill the enemy general!" Wei Wentong was furious, the big knife in his hand was wielding fiercely, and his red eyes

"Ding, Wei Wentong activates the flower knife, reduces Zhao Yun's force value by 3 points, increases personal force value by 7, and base force value by 100! The flower knife force value increases by 1, Changfengju's force value increases by 109, and the current force value is [-]!"

"Ding, Wei Wentong's special combat attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 8, special effects, and he cannot guard against cold arrows. Once he concentrates on fighting, he will never die. If the force value exceeds 110, there is a 105% possibility of killing him. If the force value is 70, he will be killed. The success rate is 100%, and the force value is 50, so the success rate of killing is [-]%, after that it doesn't count!"

"Ding, Wei Wentong's current force value is 117! Zhao Yun's force value is reduced by 3, and Zhao Yun's current force value is 121!"

"Kangdang! Tear!" Wei Wentong's saber technique was fierce and domineering, the flower knife in his hand was like waves, undulating and continuous, while Zhao Yun's marksmanship seemed to be one man guarding the gate and ten thousand men being unable to open it.

Just this fight alone, Wei Wentong's old injury has not healed!The new injury came again, and a mouthful of old blood was spit out, which almost killed the old man, so he resisted, looked at the one side who was in a daze and looked west, and cursed angrily: "What are you doing in a daze! Come and help!"

"Understood!" The broadsword held by Xiangxi was faintly trembling, but Wei Wentong was in danger, so why not.

The two tiger generals worked together to barely hold Zhao Yun steady, one of them fought and retreated.

However, Yue Yun and Liang Lin were not so relaxed. Yue Yun waved the silver hammer with both hands, and made waves of hammering winds.

Seeing him, Liang Lin saw more and more scarlet aura on Yue Yun's hammer, his face was serious, and he couldn't help becoming vigilant in his heart.

This kid is born with supernatural powers, when fighting with him, one should be more cautious, otherwise it would be a great loss to step into the mortal world of these unlucky ghosts.

Liang Lin made up his mind, and immediately waved the hammer in his hand, looked at Yue Yun, and shouted, "Take me for a hammer!"

"Boom...boom...boom!" Under Liang Lin's flying hammer, he could only hear the air humming, which made people tremble with fear.

"Ding, Liang Lin Flying Tiger attribute is activated, and the force value is increased by 7. If someone dies in battle, Liang Lin's force value will be increased by 3 for each person killed in battle, and Ding Yanping is currently killed! Li Kui! Li Ying and three people, Liang Lin's force value will be increased by 9, a total of Add 16 points to the force value, the base force value is 103, the force value of the galaxy beast is increased by 1, the force value of the Lone Needle Bright Golden Hammer is increased by 1, and the current force value is 121!"

Liang Lin went down the mountain like a tiger, and rushed straight at Yue Yun. Under this blow, Yue Yun's face suddenly turned pale, his expression was solemn, and the place where the cold light appeared was like an illusory mountain tiger, covering Yue Yun away. .

Yue Yun's face was embarrassing, this was the first time he met such a fierce opponent, Yue Yun couldn't help but raised his double hammers, calmed his dantian, held his breath, and swung the hammers up with both hands.

"Ding, Yue Yun's startling hammer attribute activates, and his force value increases by 5. Special reminder, young veterans, who have the posture of shocking clouds and surpassing the world, if they encounter a basic force value exceeding 100, and for every 5 points of force value, Yue Yun's force value will be reduced." plus 1!"

"Ding, add 5 to Yue Yun's force value, the current Liang Lin's force value is 121, and add 4 to Yue Yun's force value," Ding, activate Yue Yun's startling hammer attribute, increase the force value by 5, the current basic force value of Yue Yun is 100, Yin Meiliang Silver hammer, force value plus 1, current force value 110! "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(End of this chapter)

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