Chapter 1180

"Ding, Yue Yun's fighting attribute is activated. If he is in a dangerous situation and threatens life and death, his force value will be increased by 5. If he is charging, every time he charges, his force value will be increased by 1. Currently, Yue Yun's force value is 115!"

"Kang Dang! Boom" The ear-piercing delivery sound was deafening, and the people around were stung by this sound, which made the people on both sides stunned.

But everyone looked at it, and Yue Yun was sent flying out, spit out a mouthful of blood, his hair was messy, and fell to the ground disheveled!He sat up abruptly, bleeding from the tiger's mouth, staring at Liang Lin with a pair of tiger eyes, but his lower abdomen was already surging.

"Boy! You actually managed to take the blow from me! It's a pity that heaven is jealous of talents, you are going to die here today!" Liang Lin urged his horse on.

At this moment, Yue Yun knelt on one knee, stood up slowly, looked at Liang Lin indifferently, Yue Yun casually spat out the blood in his mouth, and said with a bleak smile: "Unfortunately! Hard life! Coming!"

Yue Yun's eyes were burning with anger, and he was no longer playing around like before. The boy's rebelliousness and unyielding character all erupted at this moment, and the double hammers in his hands kept dripping blood. , looked at Liang Lin calmly.

A famous Zhongshan general!One is becoming famous at a young age!Both of them suppressed anger in their hearts.

Liang Lin was stunned, this Yue Yun was still so calm, he was a young hero, Liang Lin did not underestimate him, but gave him due vigilance and respect.

"Come on! Let me give you a hammer!" Yue Yun rushed forward suddenly, dragging the hammer with one hand, concentrating all the strength of his whole body on the hammer. At this moment, the stars were shining brightly, and Yue Yun's stubborn young face was full of disdain and disdain. The desire to win.

"Ding, Yue Yun's divine power attribute is activated, and the boy becomes famous! He is powerful and dedicated, and there are few young generals in ancient times! The force value is increased by 10, and the base force value is permanently increased by 1. The current base force value of Yue Yun is 101, and the current force value is 125. !"


"Boom!" Yue Yun exhaled heavily, and when he struck down with the hammer, it was thunderous, and the sky and the earth changed color!The whole earth trembled, and the enemy troops fighting all around looked at this young man, and instantly lost their courage, and even worried about Liang Lin who was fighting against him.

"I've underestimated you!" Liang Lin acted nonchalantly on the surface, but there was an uproar in his heart. Is this the strength that a young man of this age possesses?How much did he pay to get to this point? Is this something people do?

Questions belong to doubts, but Liang Lin didn't have time to be indecisive, so he quickly swung his golden hammer and fought hard with him, Yue Yun, every hammer was a real voice!The disfigured Yue Yun who was crushed by Liang Lin before turned over in an instant, and vaguely suppressed Liang Lin. With this huge change and gap, many soldiers looked at this young man with awe.

Walking along the way, looking at the general who died tragically under Yue Yun's hammer, the generals around were terrified, with their legs out of control, no one dared to step forward to help Liang Lin, the aftermath of these two people was not something they could bear.

"Huh...huh... woo... woo...!" Every time Yue Yun beat him, he was still out of breath. In terms of background, he was indeed not as good as Liang Lin, Liang Lin, and he was not sure to stop him , Now it's just entanglement with him.

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!" Long Jia looked at Guo Chongtao who disappeared into the sea of ​​people, and knew that he could not love to fight, because if he was in love with fighting, it would be a dead end. This white horse Yicong was about to be encircled, and if they didn't rush out, it would be a dead end. .

"Han Tao, Fu Yanqing, the two of you are the pioneers, open the way! Le Shu, Le Chi, you two press the stronghold and move forward! Prevent the enemy from rushing up!" Long Jia took out the sword in his arms, and the sword sounded like a dragon in the sky Jia said with a stern expression: "Soldiers! The moment of life and death has come! Follow me and rush out!

"rush out!"

Three words!It is firmly fixed in the hearts of the soldiers. Now is the moment of life and death, and no one wants to hold back.

Zhao Yun and Yue Yun were also entangled respectively!They couldn't get away, so they could only retreat. Most of Guo Chongtao's troops were newly recruited militiamen and ordinary soldiers mixed together, and they didn't have much time to train. Naturally, they were no match for Zhao Yun and the others. What's more serious is that Zhao Yun's is cavalry, while theirs is infantry. The restraint of the arms caused them to suffer heavy losses.

Long Jia managed to break out of the encirclement, but took away more than 3000 people behind him, and the remaining 3 people were gone!They are all left on this battlefield.

Long Jia's name was full of tears, and suddenly he looked up to the sky and screamed: "God help Han not live in Wei! God! More than 3 lives!"

"Old general, let's go!" Han Tao was riding a war horse, covered in blood armor, it could be said that he was miserable, he couldn't bear to look down, and he couldn't see or worry.

There were piles of corpses, some from the Han army and some from the Wei army. Zhao Yun dragged his tired body off the horse, looked at Yue Yun who was alone in a daze, and asked with a puzzled expression, "What's wrong?"

"I lost! I didn't beat that guy!" Yue Yun put down the hammer in his hand, only feeling sore and limp all over, taking off his armor was covered with wounds dripping with blood.

"what happened!"

"If it wasn't for my dying breakthrough! I'm afraid I would have died somewhere! That guy didn't use all his strength at all! Otherwise, I'm afraid I will have to confess here today!" Yue Yun breathed out a heavy breath, and his expression looked helpless.

"It's okay! It's good to be alive! We have completed the task!" Zhao Yun patted Yue Yun's shoulder, and said calmly: "The Wei army has been defeated! Our victory is in sight! When the world is flat! I can also retire and return to my hometown! Enjoy! Old age!"

"I'm afraid Big Brother Zhao won't be able to go back in this life." Yue Yun lay on the ground directly, and unconsciously fell asleep in a daze.

Zhao Yun looked at the wailing call, and immediately said: "Bury the body on the spot! Let's withdraw! Join General Sun Wu!"


"Ding! Li Ying! Li Kui! Ding Yanping! Three people died in battle! Among them, Ding Yanping's force value has reached 103, and 7 people are needed to break the list! Li Kui's force value has reached 95 and above, and 3 people are needed to break the list! Please prepare the host!"

"Yeah! I got it!" Han Yi had heard the system's reminder a long time ago, and he knew it just by breaking through from Yue Yun's force value!If this kid can't do it right, I'm afraid he will become the next Li Cunxiao. He can reach 125 at a young age. It's not a dream to break the force value of 130, and it's not even a dream to reach 135 or more! "

"Ding! Host, please get ready! The system is about to explode to ten people!"

"Well! Let's start!" Han Yi rubbed his temples and said helplessly.

"Ding, No. 1 on the current list: Monk Wanyan Chen: Force 95, Commander 80, Intelligence 87, Politics 64! Implanted as a general recruited by Wanyan Aguda!"

(End of this chapter)

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