Warring States Call

Chapter 1187 Xue Rengui Takes Command

Chapter 1187 Xue Rengui Takes Command

Wang Meng and Xun Yu quickly opened their eyes, looked at Han Chen, and said with a stern expression, "The prince and the king are the foundation of the dynasty! Now the king is not here! The prince must stay in Chang'an! The town is small!"

Wang Meng's meaning is very clear. There are too many people in Chang'an who are restless. Apart from Han Yi, only Han Chen can control it. The reason is very simple. Gong and fame will be feared by others, so Han Chen must not leave again.

"Prince! What the Prime Minister said is polite! I have talents in large numbers! This time there are Yang Dayan, Wang Xuance! Meng Gong, Gongsun Zan! They are all people with both civil and military skills. The crown prince only needs to send one of them. It's safe!" Xun Yu hurriedly saluted, with a respectful expression on his face.

"Yang Dayan! Wang Xuance! Meng Gong and others are all from my prince's mansion! Gongsun Zan went north with General Gongsun Yan. He didn't know the truth and used his power for personal gain. I should go there myself!" Han Chen looked indifferent, and pulled up the bottom The weeping Jiao Zan said, "Let's go!"

"Hey...hey...Prince...Prince!" Wang Meng hurried forward and pulled Han Chen's lapel, while Xun Yu didn't make a good stride, and fell to the ground with a plop, pulling Han Chen's hand in a panic. The sleeve said: "Prince...Prince...!"

"What are you all doing blankly! Don't stop the prince!" Cheng Yu immediately blocked Han Chen's way with a knife, and cursed angrily at the dazed people around him.

Upon hearing this, the civil servants around him hurriedly stopped Han Chen from leaving, but they had their own secrets in their hearts.

When Han Ning saw this scene, he was calm on the surface, but his heart trembled faintly, it was annoying!Invisibly, Han Chen was so popular.

"Prince! State affairs are family affairs. In front of state affairs, there is no distinction between you and me. This prince! Take the three of them as generals! First transport the food and grass up! We are discussing merits and demerits! How about it! Prince!" Xun Yu stood up and patted Dust on his knees, with a stern face.

"This won't work...!" Han Chen hurriedly retreated, he was really tired of being in this position!I want to kick my son!Dealing with government affairs is more tiring than fighting a war!Brainstorming.

"Hey...Prince...Prince...It's feasible! It's feasible! The four of us will be elected jointly! The king will not have anything to say when he comes back! Besides, the government affairs in the court still need to be handled by the prince! I hope the prince will not lose everything! Something went wrong! We can’t wait for the king to come back! Xiang Wang! Xiang Han! Xiang Li! Do you think so!” Xun Yu saluted and blinked at the three of them.

"Ah... oh! Yes!" Han Feizi immediately stepped forward to express his agreement, Wang Meng followed closely behind, and Li Si behind was stunned, and was about to speak up to refute, but now the three ministers agreed, and it was useless to resist. He could only sigh helplessly and said, "I agree."

"The prince, please choose a worthy person!" Many ministers hurriedly reconsidered.

Han Chen's brows twitched, his face sank like water, his wishful thinking was emptied, and he was slightly angry in his heart, but he still maintained his rationality, and immediately said, "Encouraging the virtuous! This is a major national event! Don't be careless! In front of the palace General Xue Rengui has undeserved courage! He should be the general! Yang Dayan! Li Jing and Li Jing are the deputy! This food can be transported! This plan can be decided!"

"Who is this Xue Rengui! I've never heard of it! That's right... Who is this Xue Rengui...!" Everyone was suspicious for a while.

"The prince's military is not a joke! I hope the prince will be careful! If not! If not, I wish to go for the prince!" Jia Fu was wearing silver armor, and every step he took, his aura was like a stormy wave, rushing towards Han Chen's pupa. And enter.

"General Xue is here! Let's try it out! Is it possible?" Han Chen smiled and looked at Jia Fu with a calm expression, full of trust in Xue Rengui's martial arts.

"Oh! Where is it..." Jia Fu said calmly.

"The final general is here!" Xue Rengui held his Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand, wore black iron armor, held the sword in his arms, and stared at Jia Fu calmly.

Ordinary people stare at Jia Fu with eyes full of fear, but in Xue Rengui's eyes, Jia Fu reads confidence!Those who have this kind of look are all famous generals in the world.

"Please!" Jia Fu strode out of the hall, took his silver halberd Xue Taisui with one hand, rode on his horse, and looked at Xue Rengui with high spirits.

"General, please!" Xue Rengui held the horse god in his hand, staring at Jia Fu with a calm face, and the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand shone coldly under the sunlight.

"Drive!" Jia Fu can't control that much!It's a mule or a horse that comes out for a walk.

"Hoo...Hoo!" Jia Fu's move was like a thunderbolt, and the silver halberd in his hand was like three thousand lightning bolts, and he slammed down on Xue Rengui's head and face.

Xue Rengui was also not to be outdone, Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand suddenly went up!As the saying goes, one pillar lifts up the sky, one moves the dragon to the sea, and one move breaks ten thousand spells. In this brief confrontation between the two, one could only hear: "Ding... Ding Dang Dang...!"

The two old men, Wang Meng and Xun Yu, put their hands into their sleeves and said with emotion: "I really have a lot of talents in my dynasty!"

"That's right! This man's bravery is not inferior to General Jia Fu's! It is more than enough to send him! When did the crown prince have such a capable man!" Xun Yu was also surprised.

"Ha... Boom!" The two of them were talking, only to hear a chime, and the two fought back, and the two horses met each other. Jia Fu thought to himself, if he can't take down this yellow-haired boy today!In the future, I will not be laughed to death by Li Cunxiao and the others.

At this point, Jia Fu took out the meteor hammer in his arms, and said calmly: "Whether you can take this hammer from the general! It depends on your luck!"

"Be careful, general! Look at the hammer!" Jia Fu turned over and dropped the meteor hammer on his waist, and threw it at Xue Rengui's back mirror.

With Jia Fu's reminder, Xue Rengui didn't dare to take it too seriously. He quickly looked back, his expression was startled, but he didn't panic.

"Ding... bang!" After one move, the meteor hammer and the cold arrow collided in the air, shooting each other down. It was wonderful. Seeing this wonderful scene, the minister couldn't help applauding.

"What a boy! You are so capable! You are amazing!" Jia Fu looked at Xue Rengui to help the horse rope and exclaimed with admiration.

"Accepted! Thank you, General Jia Fu, for your mercy!" Xue Rengui cupped his hands, calmly.

"Leave the food transportation to the general! The lives of the 20 brothers on the border will be entrusted to you!" Jia Fu looked serious.

"If you can't deliver it, then make a wish and come to see me!" Xue Rengui looked resolute. After speaking, he looked up at Han Chen and nodded to him. The corners of Han Chen's mouth slightly raised, and he gave Xue Rengui a thumbs up.

(End of this chapter)

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