Warring States Call

Chapter 1188 Jiang Ziya Walking Song

Chapter 1188 Jiang Ziya Walking Song

The ancient tree in the Prince's Mansion that entangles the crouching dragon has opened!Send out green branches!The verdant tree trunks turn yellow in the sunlight, surrounded by houses on all sides.

Han Chen looked at the tree, looking a little comfortable under the sunset.

"Your Highness! What's so good about this tree! You've been here looking at it for a long time!" Yan Xia looked puzzled and followed Han Chen, not knowing why he was so obsessed with this tree.

Han Yi smiled without showing his teeth, turned his head slightly to look at Yan Xia and said, "Do you know the origin of this tree!"

"What's the origin of this tree!" Yan Xia said with a disdainful smile.

"This tree was originally in the outskirts! That is, outside the current palace! The city wall you see today was built by Master Xun Yu, and this tree was originally to be cut down, but Master Xun Yu is Enjoy the shade every day! After a long time, you will have feelings! Not willing to cut it down, and built a house here! Originally, Xun Yu didn't want to build such a luxurious house! But the people in the underground wanted to please Mr. Xun! This is how it was built It's so big! Xun Yu is here to avoid suspicion! This is why he can't live! For our Prince's Mansion!" Han Chen looked indifferent, stepped forward, and patted the thick tree trunk!He smiled calmly.

"Oh! It turns out that there is such a meaning...!"

"Your Highness! General Xue Rengui! General Yang! General Li! General Jiao! General Meng! General Wang is here!" Sima Xiangru saluted and looked at Han Chen, as if waiting for his next order.

"Call them in!" Han Chen stood with his hands behind his back and strode forward, his tiger eyes straight ahead, his expression helpless.

"I have seen Your Highness!" Everyone saluted Han Chen immediately.

Han Chen looked at the crowd and said calmly, "This time! I called the generals! I also discussed it with the generals! The transportation of grain is not that simple! And we don't have much grain in our hands! We must not lose this batch of grain! So you have to be safe"

"The enemy is in the dark! If we look for it! It will take a lot of manpower and material resources! The most important thing is that we don't have this time!" Meng Gong briefly analyzed the current situation, and there was a trace of helplessness in his eyes.

"Prince! There is another plan! Maybe it can solve this crisis!" Li Jing said with a serious expression.

"Speak!" Han Chen crossed his hands!Roll back and forth!His face was a little helpless.

"Furthermore, I believe that the soldiers can be divided into two groups! One is for suspicious soldiers! The other is for real food and grass! The two routes should not be too far apart. If they suffer, they can be used for support! And if the enemy is not killed! Our food road must be full. Affected! So this time we must get rid of him!" Li Jing said with a stern expression.

"I know! I will leave the food transportation to Brother Xue! To ensure nothing goes wrong! I will ask Guo Ziyi! Jiang Wei! Mu Ying! Yun Tianbiao! The four of you will follow you! I will help you! As for Meng Gonghe Yang Dayan must be Brother Xue's lieutenant!" Han Yi said helplessly.

"Your Highness! Next time I want to ask you a question!" Li Jing said with a smile on his face.

Everyone also looked at Li Jing suspiciously, not knowing what kind of tricks he was playing, Han Yi was also puzzled and said, "What's wrong!"

"Dare to ask the prince! Those who are going to die are still going to live! This person is a member of the Wei state! This time the state of Wei will definitely be destroyed! And the mother of the prince is from Wei! If you take him down! The chances of surrendering are relatively high! And this person The prince should have seen the ability! If you use it for yourself! It will definitely make the prince add a capable general!" Li Jing said calmly.

Everyone frowned, but Jiao Zan looked embarrassed. Now that he heard this, doesn't it mean that he is on a pirate ship!have to!It's hard for me not to go into the water this time!I can only accept my fate!But after thinking about it, Jiao Zan felt a little aggrieved, and immediately said: "Prince! This man killed more than 5000 of my brothers! Don't kill him! I can't get rid of the hatred in my heart!"

"General Jiao! Your Highness hasn't agreed yet! Don't lose your sense of proportion!" Yun Tianbiao's voice was neither loud nor soft, and the roar of a tiger was directed at Jiao Zan.

"Prince! The last general is saving this life for revenge! If the prince wants to avenge this bloody sea again! I, Jiao Zan, would like to be sent by the prince!" Jiao Zan knelt down when he said this.

Han Chen folded his hands in front of his chest. This matter seemed difficult to handle, but Yang Yichen didn't know what virtue Han Chen had, so he quickly stepped forward to help Jiao Zan and said, "General Jiao, please get up!"

"Your Highness...!"

"Let Yang Yichen leave it to Li Jing to decide for you! Whether to kill or surrender! Let's talk!" Han Chen didn't intend to get burned, so he handed the ball to Li Jing.

Li Jing also nodded with a smile. Yang Yichen's backside represented not only him alone, but also a hundred thousand soldiers of Wei who were serving far away!And the support of the Wei Guo clan!Which one is more important, and how is it compared by Jiao Zan, not to mention that the army of Qi State was dispersed, most of the clans of Qi State were killed in that massacre, and most of them fled. , Today's Qi State really doesn't have the power to let them plot.

Han Chen glanced at the crowd, and said calmly, "Everyone! This is a matter of state affairs! I hope you all put the overall situation first! Chen! Thank you here! All the generals have returned in triumph! Then we will set up a celebration banquet!"

"I will definitely do my best!"

The sky was getting dark, and Han Chen was still standing under the tree. Jiang Ziya was leaning on a cane, looking at Han Chen who was thinking alone, and said calmly, "What's wrong with Chen'er!"

"Master!" Han Chen looked helpless when he saw Jiang Ziya coming, "This place is like a cage, I'm already trapped here! I can't break free!"

"Haha!" Jiang Ziya smiled, shook his head and said, "The four words of a lonely family are not for nothing! I heard that the palace has already started to choose a princess for you!"

"Master! Why can't I make my own decisions!" Han Chen looked bitter.

"This is the emperor's helplessness! As a teacher, I have nothing to entrust to you, just remember these few words:
The pain is so heartbroken that I can bear it,

It's so bitter that the root of the tongue can bear it!

Annoyed enough to be able to bear it,
Trapped to despair can work!
Bend until anger can bear it,
So angry that I can laugh out loud!

Anxious brows can be calmed down,

I am so happy that I can sink down!

Can hear the words to the lips,

So sexy that you can stand firm!

Wealth can be seen lightly in front of the eyes,

Life and death honors and disgraces are completely forgotten,
Everything in the universe does not imprison the heart.

Jiang Ziya patted Han Chen on the shoulder, then limped towards his study.

Han Chen froze for a moment, looked at the vast stars in the sky, rubbed his temples helplessly, and said calmly, "I hope this time is safe and sound!"

Sun Wu sat in the big tent and looked at the bamboo slips in his hands. The food and grass were gone. Sun Wu blocked the news, but if the food and grass were not delivered within ten days, they would starve.

(End of this chapter)

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