Warring States Call

Chapter 1203 3 sentences

Chapter 1203 Three Sentences
A green shirt, two sleeves breeze!Xie An rode a group of yellow war horses and approached the city wall leisurely!

Meng Zhan was riding a war horse, his eyes were like a circle, and Yang Yanhui, who was looking aside, was silent!Immediately joked: "What's the matter! Brother is scared!"

Yang Yanhui was riding a war horse with a nervous look on his face!Looking at Meng Zhan, who was calm and composed, he immediately replied: "I said I'm not afraid! It's a lie! Everyone would be a little scared! Isn't General Meng the same?"

When Meng Zhan heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, and said with a haha: "Yes! Everyone is afraid! But everyone has their own persistence!"

Yang Yanhui glanced at Meng Zhan at this moment, puzzled and said: "General Meng's persistence! Could it be...!"

"You two generals! If you are afraid! Please go back! This time I can't show timidity! Otherwise, it will not be a big deal!" Xie An closed his eyes and rested, urging the horse unhurriedly, who was closing his eyes Xie An, who is resting his mind, is thinking about how to persuade Wei Jun to surrender!Say something to Meng Zhan and Yang Yanhui!I can't organize the language in one language!Only then did I speak.

"Hahahaha! A man should live in this world! Why be afraid of life and death! Besides! I still have unfulfilled long-cherished wishes?" Meng Zhan's face was indifferent but more confident.

Yang Yanping looked at the stoves that had been set up all around!Immediately said: "Burn the fire! Cook!"


The aroma of meat!The temptation of food!All mouth watering, Long Jia and Wei Liao were still grateful for the water source!But now the food and grass in the city has been cut off!The soldiers were all yellow and thin!I haven't had a bite of hot food for almost three days!
Now smell the fragrance overflowing with fragrance!It can be said to open up the taste buds!Can't wait to go out of town to grab it!But they all know!To go out is to die!Now it's just a battle of trapped beasts.

Long Jia leaned against the corner of the city wall!Hu Mu looked at Wei Liao, and said helplessly, "General Wei! You and I are going to end up here today!"

Wei Liao shook his head helplessly, trying to get up with difficulty!But because I was so hungry, I really had no energy!He could only lean on the edge of the city, and said helplessly, "I can't hold it anymore! I can't fight like this!"

"General! There are... people under the city!" The lieutenant beside him came to Wei Liao, pointed at the three Xie An under the city, and said with a haggard look.

Long Jia and Wei Liao followed the soldier's fingers, and seeing Xie An holding the festival in his hand, he suddenly said, "Xie An pays his respects to all the generals! Please, generals, please do your best! Open the door!"

Long Jia saw it, and immediately bent his bow and set an arrow, just about to shoot Xie An!Wei Liao on the side quickly said: "No... If he dies! I'm afraid there won't be a single soldier left in the city! Let's see what he has to say!"

Long Jia felt polite when he heard it, looked down at Feng Changqing and said, "Open the door!"

Feng Changqing immediately ordered: "Open the door!"

Dozens of weak soldiers opened the gate with difficulty, and welcomed the three of them into the city!In the end, he reluctantly merged the city gates, Xie An looked at this yellow and thin soldier, his eyes were more or less clear! "

Feng Changqing held a big knife in his hand and looked vigilant. The soldiers under his command were more or less angry at these three people!Even want to kill them.

Meng Zhan and Yang Yanhui naturally saw the changes in these soldiers, and their expressions eased!With a weak soldier like this, they can both kill them!

At this moment, Long Jia and Wei Liao are supported by the left and right!Looking at Xie An who was rushing over, he said with a stern expression: "Three generals! What are you doing here! Fight if you want! I, Wei Guo, will take over!"

"The two generals have accepted! I don't know how the underground brothers can help?" Xie An put his hands in his sleeves, paused for a while, looked at the three of them and said, "Three generals! There is no winner in this war, keep fighting! You guys There is only one dead end!"

"Hmph! There is a dead end! I will kill you first!" Feng Changqing immediately drew his sword when he heard this.

Xie An is as immobile as a bell!And Meng Zhan and Yang Yanhui who were behind immediately drew their swords and stood beside Xie An, looking at Feng Changqing who was staring at him and said indifferently: "General Feng! Respect yourself!"

"Hmph! I really want to see! What are you capable of!" Feng Changqing was about to go up, but Wei Liao immediately stopped him: "Chang Qing, don't be impulsive!"

"Hmph!" At this moment, Feng Changqing looked embarrassed, put away the sword in his hand, and sat aside, looking annoyed.

"Let's think again! Generals, let's surrender!" Xie An directly explained his reason for coming!Don't talk around, and look at the three of them.

Feng Changqing has a bad temper!Not very good to chew!And a little hostile to them!Long Jia wanted to shoot himself with an arrow on the top of the wall!Only Wei Liao... is still friendly to him!Can cut from him.

"Thank you sir! I think the sword of a certain family is not good!" Long Jia wiped the bronze sword with a white cloth in his hand!A pair of tiger eyes fixed on Xie An!As if as long as he wants to!Xie An can be killed immediately.

"Listen to me, generals! If the three sentences are finished! Generals are still unwilling! Then I have to leave!" Xie An stroked his beard and looked at the three of them in a leisurely manner.

"Speak quickly if you have something to say! Don't waste time! The men of our Great Wei are not afraid of death!" Feng Changqing said indifferently.

"This is the first! Our army has captured Quwo and surrounded Anyi! The 5 people in your hands are just the last main force of Wei! Now you have been without food for three days! You have no food! This is a big taboo for military strategists! I think the two of you don't know about it!" Xie An said calmly.

"Continue!" They naturally knew this situation!But that's not what gets them excited.

"This is the second! Wei State is already sunset! You don't need to be buried with him anymore! Besides, it is no longer Wei Wang who is in charge of Wei State! It is Queen Wu Zetian!" Xie An walked aside and took out the bamboo slips in his arms. , handed it to Wei Liao and said: "If the general is willing to surrender! If the general is willing to surrender! Let the king pardon the 10 Wei soldiers! Let them return to their homes! It also fulfills the wish of these [-] people to go home!"

"Master Xie is so eloquent! Just rely on your three-inch tongue! You also want to deceive us! If we hand over the military power! At that time, King Han will suddenly change his mind! Wouldn't we become ghosts under the knife!" Long Jia Looking at Xie An with disdain!The eyes are mostly distrust.

"The third is the reason for the succession! The prince of my court! The son of the eldest lady! The eldest princess of the Wei country! Half of the prince's bones are the blood of the Wei country! According to the seniority, he will call Wei Huiwang grandpa! In the future, the prince Succession! It's better than Wei Guo falling into the hands of a woman with a foreign surname!" Xie An looked at the three silent people with a gleam in his eyes.

Both Long Jia and Wei Liao fell into deep thought!And Feng Changqing is not talking at the moment, although he supports Wu Zetian!But the premise is to ensure the stability of the Wei country, and now I hear this!This is also a way.

(End of this chapter)

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