Warring States Call

Chapter 1204 Surrender

Chapter 1204 Surrender
"Three generals! In order to express our sincerity, my king has cooked broth outside the city! If the three generals have made up their minds, let the soldiers have a full meal!" Xie An smiled slightly.

As soon as this statement comes out!It can be said to be an attacking language!This soldier has been hungry for more than three days!Don't talk about eating meat, if you give them a steamed bun, they can gobble it up!Now I can eat a few mouthfuls of rice!This is stronger than anything else!

The generals are thinking about righteousness!And what soldiers think about is how to survive!If you wait!Don't say the broth is gone!I lost my life, but it's a pity that their words don't count!He can only pin his hopes on Wei Liao.

broth!For this era of the Warring States Period!Only those who have status and status can afford it, even experienced generals like Long Jia and Wei Liao!What not to eat when you are hungry!For a while, the two looked at each other, their expressions a little moved.

And Feng Changqing didn't know what was going on at the moment!Suddenly sober, he looked at Xie An and said, "A real man fights for the country! How can you lose the big for a small thing! Kill them for me!"

Feng Changqing charged forward suddenly, the soldiers on both sides saw it, and hurriedly blocked Feng Changqing from left to right, begging, "General Feng! Don't be impulsive! Don't be impulsive!"

"Go away! Go away! What are you doing! Rebellion! Get out of here!" Feng Changqing said with a stern expression, even kicked the soldier a few times, but the soldier would not let go. I'm afraid these soldiers have taken him down long ago.

Wei Liao and Long Jia watched the commotion of the underground soldiers!Knowing that it is unstoppable now, stop it!I'm afraid it will arouse the anger of the army.

At this moment, Long Jia seemed to be more than ten years old, got up helplessly, walked out of the hall, looked at Wei Liao behind him and said, "You can decide this matter!"

"This... will eventually understand!"

At this moment, Long Jia held the sword in his arms and walked on the city wall, looking at this beautiful mountain and river!Wei Jun banner!Flying in the wind in the air, Long Jiahu stared at the big flag for a long time!Half an hour later, Long Jia knelt down on his knees!Facing the big banner with Wei characters!He kowtowed his head three times in a row, and suddenly shouted sadly: "The minister owes King Hui! The former king!"

With a dismal cry, Long Jia suddenly jumped off the city wall, falling to pieces.

Feng Changqing, who was pressed underground, finally gave up struggling and was tied up by the soldiers. It was a beautiful name, so that Feng Changqing would not follow in the footsteps of General Long Jia.

Han Yi moved a chair, and waited here for a long time, looking at the scorching sun, a trace of anxiety flashed in his eyes.

"Ding, Long Jia is dead! His force value has reached 95, rewarding the host with 9 summoning points, and the current summoning points are 869 points! The system needs 3 people to burst the table!"

Long Jia is dead!Is there a battle in the city?

Han Yi's heart sank, and he was about to launch an attack!But after thinking about it, it feels wrong again!If you fight!Meng Zhan will have attribute reminders, so don't jump to conclusions yet!I can only wait for the sound, but the waiting is also the most annoying!
"Ding, the system needs three people off the table!"

"Let's explode!" Han Yi is not in the mood to delay now!Do morning Antai early.

"Ding, Ma Kuo, the current No. 1 Southern Song military general on the list: 95 in military power, 81 in command, 72 in intelligence, 66 in politics, currently implanted as Ma Yuan's younger brother!"

"Ding, the second person on the list is Chen Deng of the Three Kingdoms: Force 66, Commander 90, Intelligence 90, Politics 90, the current implanted identity is a counselor recruited by Xiang Yu!"

"Ding, the current third person on the list is Shi Heng of the Ming Dynasty: force 97, commander 94, intelligence 85, politics 75. The current implantation status is a fierce general promoted by Yingzheng!"

"Hehe! Zhao! Qin! Xiang! You have all these three countries! System, you are partial! I don't have any until now! How many times have I exploded! Why do I get fewer and fewer talents now! System, can you I can't explain it!" Han Yi is more or less depressed now.

"Ding, the system can't explain it! The current explosion is over! The system is shut down!"

"Hey!" Han Yi hasn't finished his theory with the system yet!The guy ran away, and Han Yi was helpless, but he was even more worried.

"My lord! Look!" Guo Jia pointed forward with surprise in his eyes.

"Squeak!" After a while, the gate of Jiangcheng was slowly opened, and Wei Jun rushed out frantically at this moment!Aim for exactly those broths!At this time, don't care if there is poison in him!Just wait until you fill your stomach and be a dead ghost!Nor do you want to be a starving ghost.

"Don't grab it! Come one by one! If you don't have enough, there will be more!" Xue Rengui!Yang Yanping and others arrange order!Lest they be confused!Threatened camp.

Han Yi stroked his beard and took down the city without a single soldier. This is what he likes to hear. Pointing to Wei Jun in front, he looked at Guo Jia and laughed: "There is still some way for Xie An! Hahahahahaha !"

"Your Majesty employs people well! I'm more impressed!" Guo Jia flattered him indifferently!Anyway, flattery doesn't cost money.

"Criminal General Wei Liao! Greetings to the king!" Under the leadership of Xie An, Wei Liao knelt down and kowtowed to Han Yi three times and nine times, which can be described as orderly.

Han Yi's heart was naturally filled with joy, and he immediately waved his hand and said, "General Wei has meritorious service in dedicating the city! I will reward you for your merits!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Wei Liao nodded.

"Wei Liao! You shameless person! General Long is so virtuous! I never thought of having a friend who is greedy for life and afraid of death like you! What a shame! Shame!" Feng Changqing was yelling at this moment!There was a hint of annoyance in his eyes.

Han Yi looked at Feng Changqing and said calmly, "Who are you!"

"Don't change your name! Don't change your surname! I am Feng Changqing, the general of Wei State!" Feng Changqing's eyes were red.

"Hmm! It's bloody!" Han Yi nodded, it's really a shame to kill Feng Changqing now!The war between the Central Plains and the Grassland is about to begin!This guy can also be considered a force!The most important thing is that killing him alone will reveal three enemies!Not worth it!Not worth it!Or subdue him slowly!In this way, you can increase your own strength, so why not do it?

Han Yi stared at Feng Changqing, and said half aloud: "Great wine and good food for General Feng! Don't be negligent!"


"Next, Han Yi's troops will split into two groups! One is Huo Qubing's Tiger and Leopard Cavalry escorting them back to the country, in order to avoid any accidents! Han Yi also specially gave Xue Rengui [-] soldiers and horses! Let him be very careful.

In the end, Han Yi's troops went straight to Anyi!Half-moon siege!Now everyone in Anyi is in danger!
"Auntie! It's over! It's all over! Long Jia committed suicide! Wei Liao surrendered! Our country's last [-] soldiers and horses are gone!" Wu Sansi looked lonely.

Wu Zetian said calmly: "Why panic! Even if the sky is falling! Don't panic!"

"Auntie! I have a cavalry under my command! I can guarantee you to kill it!" Wu Sansi said with a ruthless expression.

"No need! I don't want to leave anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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