Warring States Call

Chapter 1215 Bao Heizi

Chapter 1215 Bao Heizi

Dugu Ling picked up the jade pendant in his hand, got up scrambling, and ran back with the two Zhu Zhu in embarrassment. Seeing their fleeing figures, Mu Ying said worriedly: "My lord! Dugu Xin is the earl! More One of the three great generals! There are three Dugu Empresses in the palace... We have made many enemies like this!"

Han Chen glanced at Muying, with his left hand drooping on his shoulder, his expression silent, looking at Dugu Ling's back, and standing with his hands behind his back: "I'm in this position! The least one is the enemy! Where in the palace?" You gave me an extra brother! This is clearly the opposite!"

"This subordinate talks too much!" Mu Ying immediately saluted and apologized.

"No problem..."

"Thank you two for saving lives today! Great kindness and great virtue! The little girl has nothing to repay!" The woman stood up slowly!Take the robe Han Chen gave you!Wrap your jade body tightly!so as not to be exposed.

Han Chen glanced at the woman with a puzzled expression and said, "It's already night! All the women are going home! You are so bold!"

"Master Qi! My father is coughing badly! This time I went out to look for a doctor! I never thought...!" The woman's face was pale!Obviously frightened.

Han Chen looked around!He looked at Mu Ying, who was on the sidelines, and said, "Forget it! I'm bored today! All the official cases in the mansion have been moved into the palace! You and I will send this girl home first! Please some medical craftsmen! Let's go back to the mansion together! "

"Only follow His Highness's order!" Mu Ying bowed while riding, looked at the little girl and said, "Miss, please!"

Soft moonlight!Shining on the faces of these three people, that woman is riding a horse!Mu Ying and Han Chen were leading the horses along the road.

"The little thief in front! Stop!" Only a shout was heard!The original Dugu Ling who fled in the wilderness gathered all the old friends of the past, and there were dozens of people in total!One by one, wear a belt around the waist!Each of them was followed by at least two sturdy guards.

Only one person laughed and said: "Oh! I say Brother Ling! You have been catching birds and deer for many years, but today you are beaten up by two wild boys! I will die of laughter!"

"Hmph! Don't worry about it! Just hit me! Beat me to death! I'll be responsible! I'll treat you to a drink later!" Dugu Ling didn't know what to do! , I found a bronze sword and hung it on my waist!It seems to have a lot of confidence!His expression became more and more ferocious!It's a pity that this guy's leg was broken by Muying!Do you still need the support of those two Zhus?
"Presumptuous! I think breaking your legs is light!" Mu Ying was furious!Today's anger is unbearable no matter what.

Han Chen looked at Dugu Ling who was looking for death, raised the corner of his mouth slightly and rubbed his wrist, looked at Mu Ying beside him and said, "Wenying! It's been a long time since I went to the battlefield!"

"Hey! It's been half a year since I went to the battlefield! This bone is almost rusting!" Mu Ying licked her tongue involuntarily, looking bloodthirsty.

"En! Break his legs! Make him unable to leave the bed for the rest of his life!" Han Chen walked away with a calm expression.

"The general understands!" Mu Ying followed closely behind, with the momentum on her body like a galloping horse!The murderous aura on his body also intensified.

The woman behind that looked at this group of people with worry and fear, but looked at Han Chen and Mu Ying without any fear!He was actually a little obsessed, and thought: What kind of identities are these two people!This is the general's son who retired from the battlefield!etc!Just now this Young Master called him His Highness...could it be.

"Give it to me! Go...!" Dugu Ling waved his hand, and dozens of people surrounded Han Chen and the two of them.

Most of these house slaves are people who bully the good and fear the evil!Some also rolled down from the barracks!Be taken as a domestic slave by others!This day is actually more comfortable than living in the barracks.

Han Chen and Mu Ying rushed forward!Fist to the flesh!Sometimes you can hear the sound of broken bones shouting!Some house slaves can't beat them!Take bricks and rocks in a hurry!He wanted to give the two of them a head-on blow, but Han Chen and Mu Ying rolled down on the battlefield where tens of thousands of people were slaughtered, watching all directions and listening to all directions!This is no longer a skill!It's an instinct.

Under every blow!They all seemed to be ready to go, and the surrounding pavements were knocked down in all directions!Over time!The movement is also bigger.

Dugu Ling looked at it, and said anxiously: "What are you doing in a daze! Aren't you usually good at bragging? Why is it so useless today! What are you doing to support you! Are you wasting rice money? Hit me!"

"Crack!" Go down with a fist!The last sturdy domestic slave was knocked out by Han Chen's fist. Han Chen and Mu Ying were mostly messy. Looking at the flamboyant Dugu Ling and the other three officials' children, they looked puzzled and said, "Are you two?" who!"

"You... Let me tell you! My father is Yang Su! He is the general of the dynasty! You dare to touch me! My father will not spare you!"

"Yes! My father is Jia Xu, Jia Fu, the former general under the king's command! He is my uncle...!"

The two below are also self-declared families!What a celebrity!In this scientific examination, there is only one short!Then you can be an official in the court!Unwilling him!Just fight chickens and run dogs in Chang'an City!Think about whether you can be a staff member Dangdang!Take the exam next year!It is not in vain to study hard on your own.

Another person!What kind of general's son!Han Chen didn't bother to ask.

There is a lot involved this time!Dugu Ling looked at these bastards!Immediately disdain, if these can scare Han Chen!Did he still come to look for them? In a rage, he took off the sword at his waist, looked at Zhu Si who was beside him, and immediately said: "You! Go! Kill him! I will give you a box of gold cakes then!" !"

"This... this...!" The house slave usually bullies others, forget it!But it has never happened in killing people.

"It's so late at night! Who is making noise!" I saw the leader of the four, holding swords in their hands, followed by a few small soldiers!Among the crowd, stood a Humpty Dumpty!In this dark night!If it weren't for his eyeballs and the looming white teeth!Thought it was that ghost?
Han Chen looked at the person who came, and knew who it was without guessing!Who else but Bao Zheng is the one who is so dark in the whole court and in charge of Chang'an's security.

he came!The matter was settled, Han Chen stood with his hands behind his back, staring at Bao Zheng and said, "Master Bao! You came just in time! I will leave the matter here to you!"

Relying on the faint moonlight, Bao Zheng saw Han Chen's face clearly, and immediately stepped forward and said, "I have seen the prince!"

"Prince..." As soon as these words came out!Everyone was shocked!Dugu Ling was astonished!Yang!Jia two sons!Dugu Ling scolded her head bloody in her heart, but the woman behind her had a stern expression, so she wasn't surprised at all!Apparently she guessed right.

(End of this chapter)

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