Warring States Call

Chapter 1216 Involvement

Chapter 1216 Involvement
Dugu makes his face ashen!I had already repented a lot in my heart, and the servants lying around Han Chen all turned pale!Cover your eyes immediately!Belly and other places!Tough move!All of them are ashen-colored!They know!Your next destiny! ...

Standing with his hands behind his back, Han Chen immediately said, "I'm going to trouble Mr. Bao Zheng here! I'm going first!"

"Wait a minute, Your Highness! Please move forward, Your Highness! Follow me to the case in the mansion! After the matter is over! The prince is on his way and go back to the mansion!" Bao Zheng immediately spoke uprightly, appearing upright.

"Presumptuous! Who is my highness! You are so insulting! How could your highness get the government case!" Mu Ying was furious immediately.

"Your Majesty said it! The Son of Heaven is guilty of the same crime as the common people! What's more, this case involves a huge amount! It involves Dugu! Yang! Jia Sanjia! Don't dare to favoritism again! Let the prince be wronged!" Bao Zheng said sternly.

Han Chen stood with his hands behind his back, savoring Bao Zheng's words carefully. After a short pause, he stood with his hands behind his back and said, "Let's do this! Send someone to send this girl back! I'll walk with you!"

"Thank you, Prince, for your understanding! Zhang Long! Zhao Hu! You two sent this girl back personally! Dynasty! Ma Han! Bring me all the people here!" Bao Zheng said with a stern expression.


And the news here naturally spread like wildfire. The entire Chang'an City began to stay awake all night this night.There is nothing to dare to do.

in the dark

Dugu Mansion
"Father is sick! Ling'er was taken away by Bao Heizi!" Duguzang, who was already in the middle of his life, had already grown a big belly, his face was flustered, and his expression was terrified.

Dugu Xin was stunned for a moment, and blew a mouthful of hot air from the kettle!After a while, he said disapprovingly: "When will this kid not stay in Bao Heizi's hands! Let him go! As long as it's not a matter of life! It's no big deal!"

"Father! This meeting is different! Even the crown prince has been detained by Bao Heizi! Look at the situation! This matter must be heard by the king!" Duguzang said with an embarrassed expression.

"Prince! How could Ling'er have anything to do with the prince!" Dugu Xin was stunned!The teacups in his hands fell down.

"Not just the prince! There is also General Jia Fu's nephew! Yang Su's son! This black guy has been staring at them for a long time! He has been idle all day long! Molesting women from good families! There are still a few murders in his hands! Today is just a matter of course." Just climb up!" Dugu Zang said with an embarrassed expression.

"Murder case! Why have I never heard of it from you!" Dugu Xin suddenly realized that something was wrong!
"The ones who died were just a few women from the untouchables! The son saw that the matter was not serious! That's why he suppressed him!" Dugu Zang looked at Dugu Xin with fear, because he knew it!What followed was bound to be a storm.

"You bastard! The creation of heaven and earth is unfathomable! How could I, Dugu Xin, give birth to such a stupid pig like you! Is this bag of sunspots aimed at us? He is aimed at my grandson! You bunch of idiots! Ah !" Dugu Xin's face was serious, even angry, it could be said that his eyebrows and eyes were raised.

"Father! What do you mean! I don't understand...!" Duguzang said with a confused expression.

"You...! You let me tell you what's good about you! Who is this Yang Su! That's Young Master Ning's uncle! Bao Zheng is a good catcher! He almost pulled the two princes at once! You are still kept in the dark Guli! I'm so mad!" Dugu Xin chopped his feet anxiously.

"Could this Bao Heizi belong to the prince...!" Duguzang relied on his pig brains!It took me a long time to think of such a sentence.

"Confused! The prince has military merits first! This battle between Han and Wei! The prince is even providing food and grass in the rear! Prajna has said long ago that the king wants to marry Cao Cao's two daughters to the prince! Who is this Cao Cao! Three generals Among the gates, he is the only one with a hundred thousand troops in his hands! This time, this bag of sunspots came so timely again! I am afraid that the king will eliminate my Dugu family and Yang family! Pave the way for the crown prince!" Dugu Xin sat on his seat , The whole popularity is pale.

"Father! You mean the king! But the biggest hidden danger of the succession of the crown prince should not be Young Master Feng and Young Master Ning! What does it have to do with us!" Dugu Zang said with a worried expression.

"Ah!" Dugu Xin covered his brain, looked at his son who was not good enough, and was a little speechless for a while, and said helplessly: "Mr. It's my Dugu family and the Yang family!"

The Dugu family has been feared by Han Yi as early as in the Battle of the Three Jins!And Yang Yuhuan has been going crazy because of Han Ning in the past few years!Li Ming is an example!Han Yi's intention this time is the Dugu family!Just hit Han Ning along the way.

"Father! What are we going to do next! Do we just leave Ling'er alone!" Duguzang panicked for a moment, and at this moment he really didn't know what to do.

Dugu Xin stroked his beard, and said with a stern expression: "No one can shake my grandson's position! This time I can't keep my son! Considering the crimes he committed! I'm afraid he will be beheaded! Your Majesty is letting me make a choice!"

"Father! It's good! Why did the king want to do anything to my Dugu family...!" Duguzang just finished speaking, only felt that he had said a nonsense, and he could figure out what was going on with his ass.

"It's Li Ming! That fire didn't kill him! The rabbit bit people in a hurry! He's probably confessing us!" Dugu Xin rubbed his temples and walked out, his tiger eyes staring at the black Sky, immediately said: "Apologize!"

Inside the palace

Han Yi leaned on the chair. In the Warring States period, he used to sit on his knees!Han Yi looked really uncomfortable, so he ordered Lu Ban to build one for himself and promote it by the way!It can also be regarded as developing people's livelihood!
Zheng He immediately came to the study, and said with a serious expression: "Your Majesty! Master Bao has made a move! Detain Dugu Ling and Yang Xuangan! And Jia Mu! And Li Xing!"

"Well! Gu knows!" Han Yi clapped his hands and said calmly.

"Your Majesty! Isn't this too early! There are too many unfavorable factors in Chang'an today! The Tian family! Wei Guo surrendered! Now we are too anxious to move the Dugu family!" Zheng He said with a worried expression.

"What Duguxin did in the Battle of the Seven Kingdoms! It has crossed the line! This time is just a warning to him! As for the Tian clan! The culprit will not be eliminated! Guxin is restless!" Qi's name, mentioned his own red pen, and just scratched it.

"My lord! If you act recklessly! It will inevitably make Qi Di feel cold!" Zheng He worried.

"Hit a stick! Just give Qi Di some sweet dates! Besides, I've already given Gu this date! It's time to beat this stick!" Han Yi smiled lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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