Warring States Call

Chapter 1312 Alliance

Chapter 1312 Alliance
"I am the master of the entire grassland!" Genghis Khan waved at Tuolei!Tuo Lei understood instantly!Take a look around!Go in stride!Li Dian who was beside Li Shimin immediately said, "What are you doing!"

"Go away!" Tuo Lei pushed hard!It was four or five steps away from Li Dian!Pick up the drums behind!Move it in front of Genghis Khan!After wiping off the dust on it, Genghis Khan finally sat down generously.

"You are the master of the grassland! I don't know if you are arrogant or what! But you are running wild on my territory! This is tantamount to declaring war on me!" The brush in Li Shimin's hand suddenly fell to the ground, and the surrounding soldiers Immediately armed with armor, he suddenly shouted: "Kill!"

Tuo Lei and the others beside Genghis Khan took a defensive posture.

"The leader here! Please don't worry! Be the leader of the wolf and enter other people's hunting circle! Although there will be friction! But when they have a common goal! They will abandon the barriers in front of them! Unanimously speak out! Do you think I am right! "Genghis Khan grabs his braid!Rubbing his cheeks casually!Looking at Li Shimin indifferently!The two seemed to be fighting a psychological battle without gunpowder smoke!Who's winning!Whoever has the upper hand.

"Hunting! Target! I don't think we have any common prey," Li Shimin said with a stern expression.

"No! We have! And it's a fat piece of lamb!" Genghis Khan won his own!Tuo Lei hurriedly held a knife and dried mutton behind him, and Genghis Khan skillfully cut the mutton in front of him!and put him in his mouth!Looking at Li Shimin with a slight smile, he said, "Meat is always delicious! I don't know if you have the courage to taste this delicacy!"

"You can talk about it! If you can convince me! I can join you!" Li Shimin put his arms around his chest!The whole person has a touch of cunning and weirdness.

"The Central Plains is vast! I don't know! Would you like to go with me!" Genghis Khan cut a piece of meat!stuff him into his mouth.

"Aren't you crazy! The Central Plains has always been united in foreign wars! Haven't you given up on the lessons of the previous few times?" Li Dian felt incredible!But Li Shimin only felt that his brain had been hit by something!It takes a lot of thinking in a short period of time.

Genghis Khan ignored Li Dian's words!Take it in stride!Li Dian and others immediately pulled out the swords in their arms!With a dignified expression, he said: "One step forward! Kill Wuxian!"

Genghis Khan ignored it!Li Dian immediately swung his sword forward!Genghis Khan suddenly hit Li Dian on the arm!The entire weapon was knocked down by Genghis Khan!Genghis Khan glanced at Li Dian, and said indifferently: "A warrior's hand is not aimed at his allies! You do this! You will be despised by all grassland people!"

"You!" Li Dian was furious, Li Shimin immediately said: "Li Dian back down!"


"Get out!"


Genghis Khan looked at Li Shimin!Slowly put the mutton and knife in his hand on the table!Stroll to the drums!Raise your hand!Indicated that Li Shimin could have a taste.

Li Shimin looked at the mutton!Looking at Genghis Khan, he said calmly: "I don't like eating things that have been eaten by others! It's not that I can't agree to your proposal! But before that! You must solve my two problems! Otherwise, even if I join this A war! It won't be of much use! It will even become your burden!"

"Let's talk about the conditions first!" Genghis Khan sat back in his seat!Said calmly.

"I need a lot of food and grass to support my 20 army! Can you do this?" Li Shimin clasped his hands together!The index finger of the left hand tapped the arm!The whole person looked very indifferent, as if he was studying for Li Shimin's postgraduate entrance examination.

"You're farting! 20 people...!" Tuo Lei was about to get angry!Genghis Khan behind him immediately stopped him and said, "Tuo Lei! Shut up!"

"Oh!" Tuo Lei, who had received Genghis Khan's order, didn't dare to say anything more!Genghis Khan glanced at Li Shimin, and said calmly: "Let's do this! Prepare the food and grass for the previous month first! Wait a month later! How about sharing the food I get with you after attacking the Central Plains, and you don't have to share the food you get?" Give it to me! How about this!"

"Yes! But the second time, if you don't agree! I really won't be able to participate in this war!" Li Shimin stared at Genghis Khan!Secretly called a fox!What's the difference between this and an empty glove white wolf?

"Tell me!" Genghis Khan's face was also a little livid!This guy is more difficult to deal with.

"I need 20 people's leather armor and scimitars! I can't build them in a short period of time! It's impossible in a year or two! You can start a war if you think about it! You must come up with something practical Ah!" Li Shimin stared at Genghis Khan indifferently!His eyes were full of provocation.

"Okay! I can promise you this! But you have to promise me one condition!" Genghis Khan put his hands on his knees!There is a lot of pride on the face.

"Tell me!" Li Shimin said with a puzzled expression.

"I need you as the vanguard! Take the lead in attacking Yan! Attract the ideas of other countries! I am attacking Qin! Zhao! What do you think!" Genghis Khan said calmly.

"Bingjia is due! I will send troops of course! You don't need to tell me!" Li Shimin's hands gradually loosened!No longer resisting as before.

"Tell me about the third one!" Genghis Khan rubbed his knees!Look around from time to time!
"The third is the territory I got! Wealth! Slaves! I will not return them! I want the territory of Yan Kingdom! As for other territories, I will not fight with you! But once I occupy it! You can't move! What? Like!" Li Shimin tapped his fingers on the table!There is a trace of indifference in the eyes.

"It's fine! I promise you!" Genghis Khan stood up slowly!Immediately said: "Your conditions are finished! I hope you don't break your promise! I will send the armor as soon as possible!"

Finish this sentence!Genghis Khan turned around and left!The whole person looked very plain.

"Wait a minute!" Li Shimin immediately stopped Genghis Khan and got up immediately, staring at Genghis Khan with a solemn expression, and asked, "What's your name!"

"Oh!" Genghis Khan was also surprised!Never thought Li Shimin would ask this question!Immediately said: "Tiemuzhen! What about you! Young hungry wolf!"

"Li Shimin!"

"Li Shimin! It's a good name! But I don't want to see you next time, but your tombstone!" Genghis Khan strode away after speaking.

“Me too! Don’t want to see your gravestone!”

(End of this chapter)

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