Chapter 1313
September and a half!The chill has spread!Thin clothes can no longer block the cold!Many soldiers took out the thick clothes they had prepared for a long time and put them on!And at this moment when productivity is underdeveloped!In autumn, the people are no longer farming!Instead, the family curled up in the house!Eating the rice grains that have been saved for a long time!A capable person!Make simple and crude bows and arrows!Summon some bold and careful soldiers!Go to the forest!Ordinary luck!Hit the bunnies!Pheasant or something!If you are lucky enough to hit antelopes, elks, wild boars, etc., if you are indifferent, you will almost get nothing!If you are unlucky, you may even encounter wolves and tigers!If you are not careful, you will die in Huangquan.

In this case, rashly go to war!One is not to delay the farming season!The second is to waste food at home anyway!It's better to fight a war!Of course, good luck can win big!If you are unlucky, you will be hacked and killed!

In the grassland, an altar has quietly appeared in front of everyone!There are cows enshrined on the table!sheep!Deer three beasts!It is covered with strange runes!I saw a man in a white robe!The face is covered with spells!Say something in your mouth!The two bone fragments and wind chimes in both hands kept beating!It's like playing an allegro, and such a person is in this army!The name of the so-called big witch.

"Wolf God bless! Bless the warriors of the grassland!" Then the big witch suddenly took out a handful of white powder from his bosom who didn't know what it was!Suddenly sprinkled on it!It turned out that the rising fire was even more vigorous at this moment!Shines on the cheeks of every warrior.

After the fire rises!I saw dozens of witches gathered together!A bonfire was built around here!But the big witch looked at Genghis Khan very politely!A salute to Genghis Khan!Made a please gesture.

Temujin immediately stepped onto the altar!Look at these tributes in front of you!Immediately shouted: "Warriors of the grassland! We have been neighbors with the Central Plains for a hundred years! However, the people of the Central Plains have regarded us as weak and deceitful for a hundred years! Kill our friends on the western grassland! Lone wolves are still no match for fierce tigers! But if we unite! They have nothing to fear! The soldiers let us occupy their pastures to graze sheep! Capture their people and become slaves! Let us be the masters of this sky!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!" Tens of thousands of people shouted in unison!Morale soared!The war horse neighed!Flip the horse's hooves!Appeared extremely excited.

Genghis Khan pressed the scimitar in his arms!Waved suddenly: "Let's go!"

"Call... drive... drive... call...!" The leading general held the military flag in his hand!Take it in stride!Focus on him!The soldiers behind quickly gather!It's like the river that flows into the big river, it's so dark!Mostly war horses!Every time I run, I can clearly feel the vibration of the ground.

Genghis Khan's [-] troops!Take Tuoba Tao as the pioneer!Attack Zhao land first!Waiting to open the gap in Zhao Guo!This is the only way to compete with Ying Zheng!If you rashly attack the land originally occupied by Ying Zheng!On the contrary, the gain outweighs the loss, and there is no stronghold!They only have to be slaughtered.

Yelu Abaoji and Wanyan Aguda formed an army!Capture the other two lands of Zhao State left and right!Divide into two groups!15 troops all the way!Drive straight in!Like two giant hands!Hold Zhao Guo's hands firmly.

It so happened that veteran Fei Yi led the princes Zhao He and Zhao Dan to lead [-] troops to defend Xincheng!Fat righteousness at the age of sixty and three!Press the sword in your arms!Squinting his eyes, he looked at the black grassland cavalry surrounded outside!The white beard messed with his eyes!Randomly found a clean place to sit!Look dignified!Breathe heavily!Wipe the donated blood off your face!

This is the third time that Fei Yi has blocked the enemy's attack! "Most of the wounded soldiers in the city, there are only [-] soldiers left.

"Old general! Let's retreat quickly! There are too many enemy troops! We can't hold on anymore!" Standing beside Fei Yi was a handsome young man!Look at him like this!As if he had been hollowed out by wine all year round, his face looked extremely flustered.

Fei Yi's face turned pale, and suppressed the anger in his heart and said: "Young Master Dan, you are the son of the king! How can you say such despondent words!"

"The army is overwhelming! Why are you still hesitating!" Zhao Dan seemed terrified!
"As the son of Zhao Guo! Run away! You are worthy of your surname!" Only a loud voice was heard!Then a burly figure!A young general in heavy armor is coming!This person is Zhao He, son of the State of Zhao!Zhao He pressed the sword in his arms!Tiger eyes stared at Zhao Dan!With a serious face, he said: "Do you still have the backbone of a man from the Zhao family?"

"Brother! I...!" Zhao Dan was obedient!The atmosphere did not dare to release one.

Fei Yi saw Zhao He coming!Immediately bowed and said: "Young master!"

"Fat old general! There is still no news of the messenger who went there a few times ago! This guy is not of much use here! Let him go back to deliver the message!" Zhao He pressed the sword in his arms!Looking at the submissive Zhao Dan, for this younger brother!Three points of love!Seven points hate iron but not steel!But there is nothing you can do!I can only let him go back first!There he is!The morale of these soldiers could not be settled down.

As soon as Zhao Dan heard it, he could leave!Immediately nodded and said: "Yes, yes! Let me go back!"

Fei Yi looked at the two helplessly!Finally, I set my sights on Zhao He!With a stern face, he said: "Both young masters, go back! Just leave this place to the old man!"

"No! If the two of us all leave! The morale of the army will be greatly shaken! I will stay! Zhao Dan will report back quickly!" Zhao He glanced at Zhao Dan!Immediately said.

"Okay! I'll go right away!" Zhao Dan ran out without even thinking about it!Looking at the back of Zhao Dan going away, Zhao He murmured: "Safe journey!"

"Guys on the prairie! The enemy is right in front of you! Don't hesitate! Go for me!" Rested for a long time!Wanyan Aguda suddenly put out the scimitar in his arms!Looking at the two generals beside him, he immediately said, "Where are Jin Wushu and Wanyan Zonghan!"

"Here!" I saw a burly man on the left!With a big ax in hand!Bulky!Look resolute!Wearing a black leather rat hat on his head!With a resolute expression, he said, who else could this person be if he is not Jin Wushu!

The general "on" the right is also not to be outdone!Go in stride!The whole person looks very indifferent!Riding a black warhorse!Humu stared straight ahead, holding a machete in his hand!Who else could it be if it wasn't Wanyan Zonghan! "

"Lead people to attack head-on! Break the city no matter what! Fu Jian is like a soldier with hind legs! Kill him directly!" Wanyan Aguda said with a serious expression.

"My subordinate understands!"

(End of this chapter)

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