Warring States Call

Chapter 1315 Order

Chapter 1315 Order
"Ding! Fei Yi died in battle! His commander has reached 95! The system will explode with 3 people! Please prepare the host!"

"Fei Yi is dead!" Han Yi, who was sleeping with his head covered with bamboo slips, suddenly stood up in a jerk!Like a frightened bird!A lot of bamboo slips were scattered on the table, and Han Yi sat upright!The whole person sobered up a lot!Fei Yi's death represented the beginning of a war between the two places!Zhao Yong is bound to go to war in his rage!Under the Rush of the two countries!With Lin Xiangru's cleverness!He will never let go of this great opportunity and let the position of alliance leader be for nothing!

To put it bluntly, the Central Plains Grassland!They are all yellow people!All things have one root!It's just that the interests are different!How is this battle going!No one has a clue.

"Ding! Currently No.1 Wanyan Lou Shi: Force 99 Commander 95 Intelligence 94 Politics 89 Currently implanted identity Wanyan Aguda's clan fierce general! Because he broke the city with Jin Wushu, he was discovered by Wanyan Aguda! He was promoted and reused! "

"Ding, the second person who is currently on the list, Wanyan Yangunai: Force 98, Commander 90, Intelligence 67, Politics 51. The current implantation status is a clan child recruited by Wanyan Aguda! Entrust him with a heavy responsibility."

"Ding! The third person who hit the list is Wanyan Zongxiong: force 95, commander 91, intelligence 87, politics 83. The current implantation identity is Wanyan Zonghan's younger brother! He was recruited by Wanyan Aguda to work under his command! Together with Wanyan Zonghan, he dedicated himself to Wanyan Aguda! Be loyal!"

"What's the situation! They all belong to the Wanyan tribe! Is there any one from the Central Plains!" Han Yi's face gradually became gloomy!This ratio is a bit abnormal!Logically speaking, it should be to compensate Zhao Yong, but now they are all given to Wanyan Aguda!This ratio has to be taken seriously.

Han Yi's face is serious!If we continue to develop according to the current situation!I'm afraid the grassland is getting stronger and stronger!The Central Plains is getting weaker and weaker!Han Yi sat in his seat!Look dignified!Finally settled down for a month!Now rashly participating in the war, first of all, the food and grass is a huge problem.

If Zhao Yong is allowed to stand up to it!All Zhao Yong's troops add up to only 40!Moreover, the branches have to be guarded in various places, once Temujin concentrates his forces!That's the only way to die.

Han Yi looked at the map!With an embarrassing expression, he said: "It seems that this time I can only be thick-skinned for a while!"

Han Yi muttered to himself!But Zhao Guo didn't ask for help immediately!Everything still has a chance to ease!Take advantage of this time!Han Yi needs to hoard more food and grass!Although it is of no use!But it's also better than doing nothing.

Looking at the piles of bamboo slips and new paper in front of you!Han Yi immediately pushed away all the bamboo slips!Go through them one by one!I finally found the warehouse from the previous month and sent it to the bamboo slips!Han Yi muttered to himself: "There are still three grains in the grain depot...!"

Thinking about it, Han Yi's expression was serious!Finally spit out a breath of foul air!In desperation!I'm afraid it's going to be a slanted sword.

Zhao Guo
Zhao Yongzheng is sitting in the hall!Look at the trembling Zhao Dan!State the battle report of Xincheng below!The veins on Zhao Yong's head popped up!The whole person is on the brink of explosion!The bamboo slips in his hand rattled!

Lin Xiangru!Li Mu and other civil and military generals are full of worries!Some sigh helpless!And some are furious!When Zhao Dan finished his last sentence!The whole person was trembling, not daring to say anything more!The surrounding air was eerily still.

"Report! Your Majesty! The front line is defeated! The new city is destroyed! Young Master He and the old general Fei Yi died in battle!"

"Bastard!" Zhao Yong suddenly stood up!The bamboo slip in his hand threw it directly at Zhao Dan!The whole person was furious: "Why didn't you die!"

"Father! I...!" Zhao Dan hesitated to speak!But seeing Zhao Yong's eyes about to kill someone!Immediately flinched!The whole person dared not say much.

"Get out! Get out of here! Get out!" Zhao Yong picked up everything available on the table and threw it at Zhao Dan!brush!Bamboo slips!Even the jade pendant on his body shows Zhao Yong's anger this time!Zhao Dan didn't dare to wait too long!He fled outwards even crawling and rolling.

"My lord! These tribes in the grassland killed the veterans of the three dynasties of our country! There is also your son! Please send troops to the king! Crusade against the Wanyan tribe!" I saw a big man with a thick back and a waist!Take it in stride!Wear heavy armor!Thick eyebrows and big eyes!Look resolute!Who else could this person be if he wasn't Zhou Yafu!

"The last general, Lian Po, please fight!" The gray-haired veteran Lian Po was furious!Furious, pressing the sword in his arms!Stride towards the center of the hall.

"My father and son of the Zhao family request to fight!" Zhao She and Zhao Tian made a decisive decision immediately!Has an extremely strong protection for the country!Zhao Kuo, who is in his youth, is even more vigorous!
Zhao Maben is a family!Both Zhao She and Zhao Kuo have called for a fight!Ma Yuan, Ma Chao, Ma Su, Ma Teng, Ma Liang, Ma Dai, Ma Xiu, Ma Tie and many other generals of the Ma family called for battle!For a while, the voice of shouting in the hall was the loudest!the loudest"

And the remaining generals!Such as Zhao Kuangyin, Zhao Guangyi, Li Mu!Xian Zhen three people!Because I don't know the situation on the grassland!So it's too late to ask for a fight!On the contrary, it is based on useful information!Let's analyze the situation!
The rest of the civil servants such as Chu Long, Zhao Pu, Zhao Gou, Lou Zhaojun, Zhao Gui, etc... all looked at each other!Shaking his head secretly!I regret the loss of Zhao Guo's general Fei Yi!It simply did not hurt the foundation of Zhao Guo.

"Lin Xiangru! What do you think of this battle...!" Zhao Yong hadn't finished speaking yet!I saw another soldier running in from the hall!Dressed in rags, he panicked and said, "My lord! Something is wrong!"

"What's the matter again!" Zhao Yong couldn't bear it anymore!Stand up suddenly!Said with a stern face.

"The Yelu tribe led 15 soldiers and horses to march towards our army's Hecheng! The Hecheng has been broken! The guard Zhao Shi died in battle!"

"Bastard! Bastard! Lin Xiangru! What do you say!" Zhao Yong said angrily.

"Your Majesty! Be safe and don't be impatient!" Lin Xiangru comforted Empress Zhao Yong!Immediately said: "Your Majesty can give the order! Go to Korea in person! Visit the Emperor Zhou! In the name of the Emperor! In addition to the position of the leader of the princes and alliance, order the world! Raise troops to conquer the tribes!"

"Why is it so troublesome! The grassland is just a group of young people! This is too much to make a fuss! There are many people in them! Let me carve a bow! How many come! How many die!" I saw a general wearing light armor !Patted his chest!He is very confident in his archery skills, this person is a native general of Zhao State!His name is Gan Ying, the same as Ji Chang and Fei Wei!They are also known as the three great archers of Zhao State.

"The grassland this time is not the same as in the past! They came prepared! We have to guard against it!" Lin Xiangru looked resolute, and refuted the arrogant Gan Ying
(End of this chapter)

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