Warring States Call

Chapter 1316 Gathering

Chapter 1316 Gathering

"The prime minister is too careful! Those who were frightened by several prairie tribes actually want to launch the leader's order! This is a big fight!" An Lushan, who was standing behind Gan Ying, said calmly.

"Lin Xiang! It's too much to make a big deal out of a molehill!" Zhao Guangyi, who had been silent all this time, also felt that this matter was a bit of a big deal!For the sake of a few tribes, an order must be launched!This is not worth the candle.

"Hmph! The generals are really brave! But I have a few more puzzled questions, please answer me!" Lin Xiangru stroked his beard!Said with a stern face.

"What does Lin Xiang have to say! But it's okay to say it! If you make a decision, you will know everything! You can't stop talking!" Zhao Guangyi's face was serious!Stand with your hands behind your back!He looked at Lin Xiangru, the old fox, with a smile.

"Do you know how strong the enemy army is! What happened to General Fei Yi who had [-] elite troops! Young Master He's entire army was wiped out!" Lin Xiangru said immediately!It is sharp words!
"This...!" Everyone was in trouble for a while!If there are fewer troops!Doesn't it mean that Fei Yi is mediocre?The veteran is late!Talk too much!Slap yourself in the face again!Lin Xiangru dug a hole a long time ago!Just wait for them to jump into the pit?

"This...but...!" Zhao Guangyi felt that he couldn't make any sense for a moment!It's so embarrassing where a person is!Originally planned to meet Zhao Guangyi's generals!This question cannot be answered at this moment either!Can only keep silent.

"Here! What is the best strategy to send troops to retreat from the enemy! It is the best strategy for the general to attack the enemy! The best way to fight and fight! If you don't attack the city and loot the land! What are you planning! Don't scare the tribes of these grasslands Convinced! How can we leave a safe era for future generations!" Lin Xiangru said resolutely.

"I...!" Zhao Guangyi was about to refute!Zhao Kuangyin on the side hurriedly said: "Guangyi back down!"


"Your Majesty! It is time to summon Qin! Han! Yan! Wu! Ju! Xiang! Yue and other countries! Send troops to destroy the grasslands! Then the King will herd sheep and war horses in the grasslands! It will always be my Zhao State that will benefit! Within ten years! You can breed 40 cavalry! At that time, even if the world is strong Qin! Tyrant Han is not our opponent! This is a conspiracy! All countries have to follow!" Lin Xiangru looked indifferent!This strategy used what he had learned all his life, using the power of other countries!Come to the land of our country!Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds!One arrow counts.

Zhao Yong felt that what Lin Xiangru said was reasonable!Immediately said: "Anlu Mountain!"

"The end is here!"

"Immediately send an order to the monarchs of all countries! After half a month, the Yangzhai alliance will be held! If you are alone, you can make a move!" Zhao Yong ordered decisively.

"The end will be ordered!"

"Where is Li Mu!" Zhao Yong ordered immediately.

"The end is here!" Li Mu strode out!Said with a stern face.

"You lead Sima Shang, Zhao Cong, Yan Ju, Guo Kai, Zhou Yafu, Yu Qing, Zhao She, Zhao Tian, ​​Ma Yuan, and several other generals! Lead 15 troops! Block the Wanyan tribe in the west! Guard the fortress!" Zhao Yong stroked his beard!Sit back on your throne!Said with a stern look.

"The last general has orders!" Li Mu stepped forward immediately!You have to move forward.

"Where is Lian Po?" Zhao Yong looked at Lian Po who was beside him!This time it is a matter of family and country!There must be no negligence!

"The last general is here" Lian Po is full of energy!Although nearly fifty!But it's already a bear!There is a mighty wind.

"You lead one hundred thousand soldiers! An Qingxu, Shi Siming, Shi Chaoyi, Ma Chao, Ma Di, Ma Teng, Ma Liang, Ma Dai, Ma Xiu, Ma Tie, and others are all at your disposal! Go and block the Yelu tribe! Remember only Defense! Do not attack," Zhao Yong said with a serious expression.

"The last general has orders!" Lian Po glanced at Li Mu who was on the side!He patted himself on the stomach and said, "General Li! The east is up to you! With this general here! It will definitely make it difficult for them to move forward!"

Li Mu stroked his beard!Looking at Lian Po, he said, "The old general is joking! It is easy to defeat them this time! But it is even more difficult to drive them out of Zhao Changcheng!"

Li Mu and Lian Po returned to their respective positions!A few reserved words!After that, he stopped talking and thought about countermeasures in his heart!Use your hands to line up troops from time to time!I am a little uncertain!But there is nothing to do.

"Zhao Kuangyin! Xian Zhen, you two each lead 5 horses! Escort food and grass! When necessary! Join the battlefield! Make sure that the enemy cannot go south for half a year!" Zhao Yong sat on the throne!Start dispatching troops!This time, a large number of troops were photographed!
"Chu Long, Zhao Pu, Gan Ying, Ji Chang, Fei Wei, Qian Zhao, Zhao Sheng! You follow me to Yangdi! This time we must persuade all countries to send troops!" Zhao Yong said with a serious expression.

"My subordinate understands!"

South Korea!

Now the war in the South is in full swing!Han Yi had to make a move!This period of time must not be used up anymore!Han Yi made a decisive decision!Send Lan Xi!Mao Sui!Du Hyuk goes to Wu separately!cross!Item Three Kingdoms!Sent to mediate.

Xiangyue and Yue are fighting in full swing!How could it be so easy to withdraw troops!Han Yi said it!If the two countries do not retreat!Han Yi can send troops to copy and kill the rear of the two countries!With this pressure, the two countries dare not act recklessly in an instant!Immediately yelled, and finally had to return to the army!No Wu!The pressure of the two countries!Sun Quan immediately returned to fight against Goujian!But at this moment, Goujian has become a big trend!Eighty thousand soldiers and horses have gathered under his command!If you want to start a war rashly at this moment!Sun Quan is also thankless!In desperation!Can only keep silent.

As for the mountain country!Han Yi also said hello in advance!Let's strike!And treat Liu Bang with the courtesy of the Central Plains!The premise is that the mountain country must also abide by the orders and rules of other countries!Liu Bang also readily accepted!No big deal.

Most of the whole South has complaints about Han Yi!But dare not speak out!Even Xiang Yu's temper!He also needs to be suppressed, if it wasn't for Fan Zeng and Hao Yuan who were trying their best to suppress him!I'm afraid Xiang Yu has already called over.

In the dark!Han Yi is sitting on the throne!With a solemn expression, he said, "How is Emperor Zhou doing now?"

"General Han Sizhong is here to report! Emperor Zhou has entered his twilight years now! Although he is in good spirits at the moment! But I am afraid that time is running out." Han Feizi held the bamboo slips in his hand and said with a stern expression.

"That's all! This week's emperor is just an orthodox name! Choose one of the Zhou's children at will! Let him be the emperor!" Han Yi waved his hand.

"My lord! Why don't you let the emperor of Zhou pass the throne to you! Since then, the lord will be the co-lord of the world! Why is he being controlled by others?!" Li Si standing behind licked his scarlet lips and smiled slightly.

Han Yi was taken aback!Then he shook his head and said: "Everything can't be rushed! Lonely is the Son of Heaven! Qin! Zhao and Zhao are safe and well! Two people work together! At least the current loneliness can't stop! Besides, the conflict between Qin and Zhao is finally provoked If you can’t, all your efforts will be for naught.”

(End of this chapter)

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