Warring States Call

Chapter 1317 Zhou Tianzi

Chapter 1317 Zhou Tianzi

Half a month later!When Han Yi received Zhao Yong's summoning order, he was the first to come to Yangdi to make arrangements!This old city full of flowers and brocades!Although it can be regarded as lively!But compared with Chang'an, it is much depressed!The former Han Palace was also surrendered by Han Yi to Emperor Zhou!One is to show respect for Zhou Tianzi!The second is to tell the princes!I even gave up my own country to Emperor Zhou!What excuse do you have for saying that he is disobedient!Because of this matter!Many kings who wanted to make a fuss about this matter all had to give up.

As soon as Han Yi came to Yangdi!I saw a man wearing heavy armor!Hand on the sword!Huggy!The middle-aged general with a dark complexion stood at the front of the line!That heroic young general Han Sizhong!Now he has become a general in his middle age!The original handsome boy!The face is more weathered and bearded!Compared with the past, it is very different.

"My humble minister Han Sizhong has met the king!" Han Sizhong strode forward!When he saw Han Yi, he bowed his head and bowed. Han Yi stepped forward immediately after seeing Han Yi!Lift it up!They greeted each other: "It's been 15 years! It's hard to think of loyalty! The good years have been delayed by loneliness!"

"It's too late for the minister to thank the king for entrusting him with a heavy responsibility! How can he complain?" Han Shizhong immediately retorted, the two exchanged pleasantries, and Han Yi was rewarding some!Only then did the monarch and his subjects enter the hall together! 15 years!The power of Zhou Tianzi is not small!In these 15 years!Conspiracy!Threats and lures are definitely indispensable, but it's rare that Han Sizhong is as immovable as a mountain.

Once in the palace!Stuff is still the stuff of yesteryear!In order not to treat Zhou Tianzi badly, Han Yi!He also asked Lu Su to allocate some money and food to repair the inside and outside of the palace!There is everything you expect to find in Jinyiyushi!Lu!together!Zhongshan!Waiting for the queen of the princes!Han Yi sent all the children here except for those celebrities and women who were favored by generals!It can be said to be Yingying Yanyan!Exactly so!This was the only way to kill King Zhou's ambition this week!Be addicted to this all day!I don't want to miss Shu, it will take a long time!Those unpaid ones!Or an old and feeble minister!Have a good old age!Who is free and continues to save Zhou Guo, who is dying of illness!It's not a good thing to say!The state of Zhou is equivalent to destroying the state!Now it's just a name!Unless young people come here to make a living!Otherwise who would come here.

Han Yi looked at the palace gate!I am about to step forward!Xun Yu at the back reached out his hand to stop Han Yi and said, "Your Majesty! At this moment, you should still abide by the emperor's etiquette! You can only enter after kneeling here!"

"Xun Yu! It's all my own doing or not doing here! No one has noticed, so why be so serious!" Li Si from behind stroked his beard with a smile!Obviously think that Xun Yu is making a fuss out of a molehill!
"The country has the laws of the country! The family has the rules of the family! It has to be like this! If the king offends the emperor, everyone will follow suit in the future! Who will abide by the laws of the country? What is the difference between this and nothing!" Xun Yu looked resolute!Just words.

Han Yi stared at Xun Yu!Think about Cao Zhi breaking into the White Horse Gate!Han Yi couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart!But on second thought, at this juncture!I also want to borrow the reputation of Zhou Tianzi!Han Yi had to do this!It turned out that the ashen face laughed heartily and said: "Xun Yu is right! The emperor will pay respects with the emperor's etiquette!"

Han Yi finished!Immediately knelt down and said: "Minister Han Yi! See the Son of Heaven!"

The ministers behind him also followed suit!Immediately knelt down on the ground and shouted: "I wait to see the emperor!"

In the hall!A gray-haired old man!Sluggish!Look haggard!Old people with dull eyes as if they can't see the light!Sit on the throne with the support of two eunuchs!I just feel a little bit of shade on my feet!Immediately asked the eunuch at the side: "Peach Slave! Why are my...my...my feet so cold!"

The hoarse sound makes people feel like hearing a knife scratching on the glass!It makes people very uncomfortable!And speak very slowly!The obese king of Zhou in the past!Today he lost weight like this!It really makes people feel...

An old slave called Tao Nu!Wearing a black suit!Gray hair!See how much older he is than King Zhou!But these eyes are cloudy!But compared with King Zhou, he is much sharper. Look at King Zhou's feet!I saw that he was still barefoot!This made Tao Nu anxious!Immediately turned around and said: "This... the shoes will not be found for a while! Otherwise, the king! Let's bear with it! The clothes are covered! It will be over in a while... You can't make King Han wait for a long time!"

"Ah... oh... yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" Zhou Wang seemed to have suddenly realized it!Immediately said: "Quick...quick...let...let King Han...come in!"

"No!" Tao Nu agreed!Immediately said: "What are you still doing in a daze! Hurry up and invite King Han to come in!"

"No... yes yes yes...!" A group of young eunuchs looked flustered!Ran over in a hurry!With a clear voice, he shouted loudly: "Xuan! King Han sees you!"

"Xuan! The King of Han has an audience!"

"Xuan! The King of Han has an audience!"

After three consecutive calls, Han Yi got up!Rubbing his knees, he said with emotion: "I haven't kneeled down in 15 years! This kneeling is still a bit unaccustomed! Hahahaha!"

"Your Majesty, replace him with the courtesy of the Son of Heaven! The kings of the world must be sincerely convinced! You can't make a mistake!" Xun Yu said with a respectful expression.

"I hope so!" Han Yi stood with his hands behind his back!The look is serious, Zhou Wang has not left this palace for 15 years!Ruo Ruo suddenly proposes to go to Qin!Zhao Guoliang has a look!Han Yi really has no excuses to stop him, I just hope that Zhou Wang will be more honest this week!Otherwise, Han Yi wouldn't mind making him terminally ill.

A group of people strode towards the main hall in stride!Han Yi looked around!Looking at the emperor Zhou, he immediately said: "My minister Han Yi pays homage to the emperor! Long live my king, long live, long live!"

"What... what did he say!" Zhou Tianzi looked hesitant!Only a few words can be heard!Only then did I ask Tao Nu at the side to make it clear!Tao Nu immediately said: "Son of Heaven! The King of Han is saluting to you? Get him up quickly!"

"Oh... yes... yes! King Han, get up quickly!" Zhou Tianzi immediately swung his hand!Looking tired, he still moves his feet from time to time!As if enduring something.

Han Yi raised his voice slowly!Look at Zhou Tianzi who is not right!He kept frustrating his feet, and immediately stepped forward to watch carefully, while Tao Nu who was at the side became quite nervous.

"Why did the Son of Heaven go to the palace barefoot! How did you serve him!" Han Yi looked at Tao Nu who was beside him!The princes will arrive soon!How about letting them see this!Han Yi is probably going to have a fling with them.

(End of this chapter)

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