Warring States Call

Chapter 1318 Late Twilight

Chapter 1318 Late Twilight
"Slave, damn it! It's my servant's negligence!" Tao Nu turned pale with shock!Quickly knelt down on the ground!Han Yi immediately ran to the side of Emperor Zhou in small steps!Open the corner of the clothes!I saw Zhou Tianzi falling to the ground barefoot!Zhou Tianzi with a hesitant expression!Looking at Han Yi, he said, "You...you are!"

"The Son of Heaven is the majesty of the family and country! How can you be so frivolous!" Han Yi took off his shoes after finishing speaking, because of a relatively big reason!So it was easy to slip him in, and Han Yi carefully put on the boots!Then go barefoot!Down the stairs!With a respectful look, he said, "Your Majesty! Please!"

"Han...King Han...Dayi...!" Zhou Tianzi gasped out of breath!Boasting of Han Yi.

"King Zhao is here!" Only a shout was heard!Zhao Yong wears a crown!Wearing yellow royal clothes!Lin Xiangru followed behind!Staring at Han Yi in front of him with a livid face!Only then did his complexion ease up a lot!Nodded to Han Yi!Then don't kneel down!Slightly bowed and said: "Zhao Yong has met the emperor!"

"King Zhao... Hurry up..." King Zhou hadn't finished speaking yet!Zhao Yong looked at Han Yi at the side, and said with a stern expression: "King Han! Please send troops to Hecheng quickly! This time the grasslands are coming out in full force! I can't wait lightly!"

Han Yi was taken aback for a moment!Immediately said: "Let's wait a little longer! Wait for the princes to come! We are discussing this matter! I got the exact news in the north! This time the grassland is united! Let's go south together! The total force reaches 80! Not one The gift of the country can be fought!"

"80! Where did you get the news from!" Zhao Yong looked shocked!One is surprised where this news came from!The second is if what Han Yi said is true!Then his power must be too great!
Han Yi saw Zhao Yong's scruples!Immediately explained: "King Zhao, don't be surprised! This is the news I got from the country of Yan alone! The king of Yan specially sent someone to tell me! The grassland is already united! If we don't care about it! Attack each other! I'm afraid it will make grassland fishermen Deli! And...these people use cavalry! A total of 80 cavalry!"

Zhao Yong was too surprised by this news! 80 80!This is twice as much as Zhao Guo!Zhao Yong's expression was panicked! The figure of [-] is enough to surprise Zhao Yong!They were all cavalry!It's like fighting in the wild!Isn't this courting death?Prairie people!Good at fighting on horseback!The most important thing is that everyone can ride and shoot!This is their survival skill!Just this one!It's not even a little bit better than ordinary people. This is the weakness of the grassland and the Central Plains.

Zhao Yong stroked his beard!Glancing at Han Yi, he immediately grabbed Han Yi's palm!Looks tense!Said: "Brother! How much do you plan to send this time!"

Han Yi was taken aback!Take a look at the radiant Zhao Yong!Immediately exhaled: "Brother! I have just experienced the Yellow Turban Rebellion and the Qitian Rebellion here! I have soldiers! But the food and grass are really not enough! At most, it can only support an army of [-] for half a year! Wait for the next year After the spring plowing! You can turn around!"

"One hundred thousand troops!" Zhao Yong was taken aback!Based on his understanding of Han Yidao!There are at least 80 troops under his command!It's only [-]!This made Zhao Yong involuntarily annoyed!But after thinking about it, what Han Yi said is also true!Can come up with these troops!It is already very reluctant.

Han Yi looked at Zhao Yong's aggrieved eyes!Immediately said: "Brother, don't be angry! I am actively preparing food and grass! How many soldiers and horses can be produced in the end! I don't know! In the end, only 15 soldiers and horses can be produced at most! Brother, please see how much!"

"Hey! My good brother has such a heart! I am very satisfied!" Zhao Yong patted Han Yidao on the shoulder!His eyes are full of worry!Lin Xiangru, who was behind him, had a stern look on his face. He looked at Han Yi with tiger eyes and said, "I see that King Han has a lot of soldiers! It is not a problem to get 20 troops! This is a battle between family and country! King Han should not hide his secrets." !"

"Hmph! What do you mean, Your Excellency! Is it possible that our country wants to send troops with the strength of the whole country? Although 20 troops can't afford it! But all the food and grass are enough for five months at most! It's only October! !It was also a month late to deliver the food! Adding follow-up polishing! Transportation! It will take about two months! Dare to ask your Excellency! The soldiers are almost starving if they don’t eat for seven days! Moon! Do you want to starve the soldiers on the front line to death?" Han Feizi, who had been silent all this time, stood with his hands behind his back!Said with a stern look.

"South Korea has a vast land and abundant resources! There is such a cornucopia as Kaifeng! You don't have to worry about exchanging money for food!" Lin Xiangru looked at Han Feizi with a smile!In this place of Kaifeng, every day is making money every day, he still can't believe it!Han Yi couldn't come up with 20 grain.

"Oh! Listen to what you want! Zhao has a population of more than one million! There are so many brave men! If they are all recruited as soldiers, they can fight against the entire grassland alone!" Han Feizi stroked his beard!Said with a stern face.

"You...!" Lin Xiangru was about to speak!But he was stopped by Zhao Yong!Looking at Han Feizi who was behind him, he said, "The enemy is at hand now! Don't fight with words!"

"King Zhao Gaoyi! Next time, I will do my best! Help Your Excellency!" Han Feizi is right!People are not cowardly!There are limits to advancing and retreating!Look at Zhao Yong.

"See you, King Qin!" There was only a bluff!Yingzheng is under the protection of Luo Shixin and Wang Yanzhang!Come to this hall!stroking mustache!Looking up at Ying Zheng, he said, "King Qin has met the Son of Heaven!"

arrogant!rude!Ying Zheng has it all!Not even stoop luggage.

"Oh... King Qin is here... Hurry up...!" Zhou Tianzi hadn't finished speaking yet!Ying Zheng below looked at Han Yi and Zhao Yong and said, "King Han! King Zhao!"

Awkward!How embarrassing!There was a trace of loneliness in the eyes of Zhou Tianzi above!Tao Nu is also angry!Han Yi and Zhao Yong came back for a symbolic salute.

Ying Zheng glanced at Han Yi!See him barefoot!Then he smiled and said, "Who is this trouble, King Han! Bare feet!"

Han Yi glanced at his feet!Thumbs up!Immediately said: "King Qin is very concerned about it!"

"It's easy to say! Easy to say!" Ying Zheng waved his hand!I don't care very much.

"King Qin! The King of Han saw that the Son of Heaven was barefoot! That's why he gave his shoes to the Son of Heaven!" Tao Nu stood up at this moment, "with a bad look on his face.

Listen to Ying Zheng!Glancing at Tao Nu, he immediately said: "Where did the disabled come from! Dare to come here to teach Gu! Drag it out! Cut it off!"

"King Qin! This is not your Xianyang! It's my king's Yangzhai, don't mess around!" Han Yi put his hands in his cuffs, looked calmly, glanced at the generals behind him and said: "Generals! Do you want to come and have a try?" try!"

(End of this chapter)

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