Warring States Call

Chapter 1319 Chapter 1323: Mountain King Liu Bang

Chapter 1319 One Thousand 320 Three: Mountain King Liu Bang

"Let's go to Yuwen Chengdu again!" Han Yi shouted loudly from behind!Then I saw a burly general standing up!Wide palms!Burly height!Half a head taller than Han Yi!A pair of eyes fixed on Wang Yanzhang and Luo Shixin in front, as for Fei Lian beside him!In Qin State, it needs no introduction at all!Thin body!Face with a mask!A pair of eyes watched the two people in front of them through the mask.

Ying Zheng is not afraid!Looking back at Wang Yanzhang and Luo Shidao behind him, "Come on! Let's play with King Han!"

"Nuo..." Two big men like iron barrels strode out behind Ying Zheng, and they were about to fight!Zhao Yong on the side immediately said: "At the feet of the Son of Heaven! How can you act recklessly! They have all received swords and soldiers!"

Han Yi's complexion eased!But after thinking about it, this matter still needs the help of Ying Zheng!Look at Yu Wencheng and Fei Lian behind them!Raise your hand and wave back!He signaled the two of them not to act rashly.

Ying Zheng has the upper hand!Did he dare to turn Han Yi's face even more!Then he smiled and said, "Come back! Give King Zhao a face!"

"King Xiang is here!"

"The King of Yan Arrives"

"King Wu is here!"

"The king of Yue... the king of Yue has arrived!"

"The king of Yue... is here!"

The eunuch who was shouting outside was obviously dull for a moment!Sun Quan and Gou Jian are both under the banner of Yue!According to the rules!Goujian is orthodox!But at the time of the alliance, it was Goujian who participated!Compare the two!It's a lot of embarrassment.

"Two kings of Yue! There is a good show to watch!" The first person to enter the hall was Zhu Yuanzhang, who was wearing an earth-red python robe!Wear a golden crown!In Lu Bu!Under the protection of Yingbu, he entered the hall!stroking mustache!Looking at Ying Zheng with a smile!Zhao Yong!The three of Han Yi!With a calm face, he said, "Is this the King of Yue Gou Jian? It's still Sun Quan! Hahahahaha!"

Xiang Yu also walked in with a gloomy face!The tiger stared at Han Yi and said: "King Han! The matter of intervening in the south! Please give me an explanation today! Otherwise... I will not let it go!"

Xiang Yu is still the old Xiang Yu!Still so mighty and domineering!Although he is a real gentleman!But which king of the world is not cruel and merciless!What a villain!Big example!Suddenly a white wolf appeared in a pack of black wolves!Then he is always the most abrupt one.

"That's right! King Han! You act like this! But you're going to make trouble!" Zhu Yuanzhang stroked his beard!a pair of eyes!Keep a close eye on Han Yi!It seems to be asking him!What do you mean!Do you want to interfere even in the affairs of the south?
Han Yi's black pupils stared at Xiang Yu!I'm looking at Zhu Yuanzhang who is standing in the way!Slightly smiled and said: "You two kings! Don't be angry! You will know in a while!"

"Hmph!" Xiang Yu shook his sleeves in great displeasure!With a serious face, Zhu Yuanzhang followed behind Xiang Yu!The smiling expression seemed to hide a knife in the smile.

Gou Jian and Sun Quan are entering the hall!These two are equivalent to immortality!Zhou Tai behind Sun Quan!Fu Youde and the two stared at the Yuan brothers behind Goujian with stern expressions!I'm afraid they will mess around.

"I haven't seen you for many years! I thought you were dead?" Sun Quan looked at Gou Jian with a smile!The killing intent in his eyes never diminished!

Gou Jian did stare at Sun Quan with a calm face!With a calm face, he said, "Oh! It's a pity that Sun Jian was too short-lived! Otherwise, I could still have a showdown with your father! I sent you, a little baby! Didn't come here to die! What could it be?"

"Hahaha! If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten! You were killed by my father and abandoned your wife and son! Now your son has become a slave! The woman has become everyone else's concubine! This is all due to your fleeing in the past! !" Sun Quan rubbed his wrist!Said calmly.

this moment!Gou Jian listened to the footsteps!There is a murderous intent in the eyes!anger!Unwilling!He even wanted to tear Sun Quan into pieces!All of this was seen by Sun Quan!Goujian gritted his teeth and said, "A war of words is fearless! You and I will see the truth! This time either you die or I go!"

Han Yi looked at these two tit-for-tat guys!It's not realistic to count on them to contribute in this war!Sun Quan wants to leave heavy troops to defend against Goujian's surprise attack!Goujian was also afraid that Sun Quan would kill him instead!These two are dikes at each other!How can this be consistent with the outside world.

After the two of them, it was Sui!The two kings of Ju!The two have not changed much!The only thing that surprised Han Yi was!Chi You and Hou Yi, who had vanished from sight, were standing behind Ji Fa.

This guy!Really make a fortune in silence!

Han Yi stared at Ji Fa!Ji Fa hasn't made any big moves in the past two years!I have been accumulating strength all the time!And the state of Qi is in turmoil!Ji Fa took the opportunity to absorb many refugees!Han Yiruoruo guessed right!The current Ji Fa code can produce 25 to 30 soldiers and horses!Battles all over the years!Only Ji Fa stood still!Based on Han Yi's understanding of Ji Fa!This guy is definitely not an ordinary emperor!But a careerist!It's just that he is now a poor man.

It's almost time for Ying Zheng to meet someone!Immediately said: "Everyone is almost here! Let's start!"

"Wait! There is still one person short!" Han Yi waved his hand immediately!Said with a stern face.

"Han Wang is crazy! This person is here! Who else is missing!" Jiang Xiaobai, who is dead, can still jump out! "Yang Guang standing behind Yang Jian laughed and yelled haha! Yang Jian turned his head and glanced at Yang Guang! Immediately scolded: "Shut up!How can you speak here! "

Listen to Yang Guang!The tiger's body shook!Immediately retreated three steps and said respectfully: "I know I was wrong!"

Han Yi looked at Yang Guang and looked him up and down!This man known as the first false emperor in the ages!Look at this face!There is also a bit of kingly air.

"The king of the mountain is here!" I only heard a greeting!Han Yi glanced at the astonished crowd and said, "Here we come!"

"Who is this mountain king? Why have I never heard of it!" Lin Xiangru, who was behind Zhao Yong, asked with a puzzled expression.

Han Yi took a look at Lin Xiangru!I found that there are many people who are astonished here!Immediately explained: "The king of the mountain is Liu Bang! When the Chu Kingdom fell! Liu Bang paid tribute to the king! Asked to submit! The king agrees! Make him a marquis!"

"We don't know about this matter! King Han, you control this emperor! Don't really think that you can command princes and kings! This mountain king! I don't recognize it!" Xiang Yu strode out!This Liu Bang killed Long Qi!Occupy Chu!With home and country!I have to fight Liu Bang to the end, once Liu Bang's identity is confirmed!The nature of attacking him is different. In the past, we could start a war by driving out aliens!But now if the name is not right and the words are not right!Those from other countries will definitely come out and get in the way.”

(End of this chapter)

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