Chapter 1320

Han Yi glanced at Xiang Yu!I'm watching Zhou Tianzi, who is on the top score!With a calm expression, he said: "This is granted by the king! Could it be that King Xiang wants to disobey the king!"

"You...!" Xiang Yu was about to explode!Standing behind Han Yi, Sun Quan stroked his beard and said, "Isn't King Xiang planning to disobey the emperor's order! I just remember what to do to those who disobey the emperor's order! King Sui!"

Yang Jian himself had a bad relationship with Xiang Yu, so he immediately laughed and said: "Those who disobey the emperor's order! The princes of the world will attack them!"

"Yes! Of course!" Sun Quan laughed.

"You..." Xiang Yu's palms rattled!A pair of eyes fixed on Sun Quan!Fan Zeng who was behind hurriedly pulled Xiang Yu's arm and said, "Endure... Endure...!...!"

" this the Central Plains? It really is a vast land and rich resources! Look at the little girl is so beautiful! No way, I will let King Han send me some! I will go back and enjoy the happiness!" Only a foul language was heard. !At the end of fifty, Liu Bang swaggered in!A pair of eyes never leave a woman's body!Even look up and down!When he saw the emperor in royal clothes standing in front of him!Liu Bang immediately saluted and said: "Everyone is the king of that country! I am the king of the mountain country! Liu Bang! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

This wicked person!No matter how people look at it, it is not pleasing to the eye!However, Han Yi stepped forward and said, "Let's go to Han Wang Han Yi again! The Mountain King has come from afar! Thank you for your hard work..."

"Oh! It turned out to be the king of Han! It's a great honor to meet you! I have admired your name for a long time! I can't imagine that you are a hero who gave birth to a boy! No, I want to make a sworn oath with you! If you don't dislike it! How about I call you Brother Han!" Liu Bang immediately step forward!Pull Han Yi's hand!It seems very affectionate.

Han Yi's eyebrows twitched!Just Liu Bang's age!You can be his dad now!This thick skin is the tradition of his old Liu family!Liu Bei was like this when he was a prince of the Eighteenth Route!Liu Xiu was even poorer at riding a bull, and got the title of a bull riding general!Even compared to Huang Feihu!In summary!Han Yi got a point!This old Liu family can bear it!Exactly what that sentence said!Thick-skinned and eat a piece of meat!Thin-skinned and no spoon.

"Hahahaha! Don't joke about the tiger! I'm here to introduce you...!" Han Yi said immediately.

Among them, everyone in the hall has different expressions!Xiang Yu's face was dark!I can't wait to rush up and tear Liu Bang alive to avenge my brother!Zhao Yong looked a little bored!Yang Jian!Sun Quan!Yan Xi three people!Because of Han Yidao!More or less give Liu Bang some face!The rest naturally have no good faces.

After Han Yi finished his introduction!The two classes of kings sit in separate seats!There are only melons, fruits, wild game and clear water on the table!No fine wine!There is no singing and dancing!Liu Bang, who watched it, was itchy and said: "Han Wang heard that your Korean wine is sweet and delicious! I wonder if I can give Gu a cup!"

"Shan Wang, don't be impatient! I will deliver it tonight!" Han Yi waved his hand and looked at Zhao Yong and said, "Let's start, King Zhao! "

Zhao Yong nodded!Nodding to Lin Xiangru who was behind him, Lin Xiangru immediately understood and strode forward!With a stern expression, he said: "King Han and my country of Zhao got the news! A leader appeared on the grassland! He gathered the grassland together! The total force has reached more than 80! Now it has attacked our country of Zhao! My country of Zhao The country also revealed its family background! We only have 30 soldiers! General Li Mu has been dispatched now! Lian Po is going to resist! And please send troops to defeat the enemy!"

"It's not just 80!" Yan Xi, who hadn't said anything all this time, raised her head!With a stern face, he said: "Li Shimin from Liaodong! He has assembled 20 soldiers and horses! Ready to move! Prepare to cross Fengshui! Confront my Yan army! Their strength has exceeded one million!"

"Hmm!" This moment!Even Ying Zheng didn't dare to be careless!This number is really scary!No country can fight alone... Everyone thought of this!They all looked at Han Yi in unison!
Han Yi shook his head with a wry smile and said: "Everyone! Don't look at me! The Yellow Turban rebellion! Qi Tian rebellion! Although I have no troops! But I have no food and grass! This time I will send up to 15 soldiers and horses! The rest 65 soldiers and horses! I hope everyone will not hide their secrets!"

"Although Qin State has occupied the grassland of Yiqu! But for the wandering prairie people in the past few days! I am looking around! If my guess is right! After you Zhao State! Their next target is my Qin State!" Ying Ying Zheng glanced at Zhao Yong!By the way, he glanced at Han Yi out of the corner of his eye!Immediately said: "My Qin State wants to send 20 troops! Send troops from Yiqu! One is to defend the existing horse farm! Second, where is my transportation line! It is more convenient!"

"This time, Yan State will do its best to deal with Li Shimin! I can't take care of other things! After all, I can't take care of myself now! Liu Yu has already occupied the former Zhongshan territory! I am ready to crack the soil and become king! Aid Zhao State! First of all, it will be on the road It doesn't work!" Yan Xi also explained her difficulties in detail.

Zhao Yong's expression became colder the more he heard it!Yanxi went to stop Li Shimin!It is equivalent to removing 20 soldiers and horses!Yingzheng Han Yi sent 35 troops!But do the math!It's still Zhao Yong who takes the lead. At this moment, Zhao Yong looked at the other princes and kings and said, "Everyone! What do you think!"

"Gu can only send [-] troops at most!" Yang Jian stretched out his palm, and said with a difficult face: "The journey is long! There is really not enough food and grass!"

"Gu Ye can only send [-] troops! I hope King Zhao will forgive me!" Ji Fa also mentioned his own strength at this moment!One more is not much!A lot less.

"My country of Wu...!" Zhu Yuanzhang was about to say fifty thousand!Han Yi on the side said: "King Wu! How much do you pay! Get rid of Gu and Qin! The two countries of Zhao! You are the strongest prince!"

Damn it!Zhu Yuanzhang cursed secretly!This Han Yi is obviously playing tricks on himself!Zhu Yuanzhang said with embarrassment: "Up to [-]!"

"[-] from my country!" Sun Quan immediately stood up and said.

Gou Jian's face was livid!I only have [-] soldiers and horses in my hands!This one is more than half!Who can bear it, I will not speak immediately!remain silent.

Xiang Yu looked at the crowd and said: "The world is rising and falling! Everyone is responsible! I, Xiang Yu, sent [-] troops!"

"My lord...!" Fan Zeng was about to pull Xiang Yu!Xiang Yu shook his hands impatiently, very disdainful.

"Yeah!" Han Yi nodded, and then looked at the princes around him!Only Liu Bang and Goujian were left, and Han Yi smiled and said, "Shan Wang! Yue Wang! How many soldiers and horses did you send?"

"I... how about I pay [-] yuan!" Liu Bang smiled and stretched out one of his fingers!Getting confused here!When everyone heard this, they looked at Liu Bang's cheap look!Can't wait to kick him out.

Han Yi rubbed his wrist!From the looks of it, don't put any pressure on Liu Bang!He will never let go.


(End of this chapter)

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