Warring States Call

Chapter 1321 The Negotiation Ends

Chapter 1321 The Negotiation Ends
"The king of the mountain is not joking! The least here is [-]! You take [-] soldiers and horses! Do you want to help us! Or are you looking down on us!" Yan Xi folded his hands on his chest!This guy is from the moment he walks in!I just don't like him!Dare to play tricks on this matter now!He was the first to say no!After all, Yan Kingdom is in dire straits now!This Liu Bang will either send troops!Or die directly in this war.

Zhao Yong and Ying Zheng also had dark faces!After all, this battle concerns him, Qin!Zhao!The life and death of Yan Sandi!This Liu Bang made the three kings unhappy for a while, and at the same time made Han Yi lose face!Say this word!It is equivalent to forming a confrontation with the four strongest kings in the world.

"Shan Wang! Don't be kidding! Put away your cynicism at this time!" Han Yi hurriedly shouted!At the same time, he gave Liu Bang a wink.

Liu Bang was taken aback!Seeing the different expressions of the kings!Most of them are hostile!Liu Bang realized that he had said something wrong!Immediately said this haha: "It's Gu Menglang! How about it! How about my mountain country sending [-] troops!"

"Shan Wang! As far as I know! You have 20 soldiers and horses! Only [-]! It's a bit stingy!" Han Yi took the clear water aside and groaned slowly!He said calmly.

"Hahahaha! The king of Han doesn't know something. The mountain country is far away from the grasslands and mountains! It's really difficult to walk! The supply line for food and grass is too long! I'm really sorry! I'm sorry!" Liu Bang called haha said.

"Hmm! What you said is good!" Han Yi nodded in agreement!Then he looked at the princes and said: "We will remove Yan this time! The two countries of Qin! You can supply grain and grass on the spot! Others need to keep the grain and grass in a unified way! To ensure the safety of the grain and grass line! In addition, the orphan will open a passage in Qilu! You transport troops! As for the unified dispatch of food and grass! I don’t know what everyone thinks!”

Everyone was taken aback!Mastered the forage!It's like controlling their lifeline!And Han Yi has mastered the way for them to send troops!If you are handing over the food and grass to Han Yi!I'm afraid he will be pinched to death by Han Yi!For a while Zhu Yuanzhang!Sun Quan!Fan Zeng and the others frowned tightly.

Sun Quan is also anxious!Sit tight!But then I thought about it, the Yue Kingdom could survive this catastrophe this time!Thanks to Han Yi, he immediately nodded and said: "Gu agrees with King Han to manage the grain and grass!"

Yang Jian saw Sun Quan stand up!Immediately said: "Gu also agrees that King Han is in charge of grain and grass.

"This..." Zhu Yuanzhang frowned!Now who stands up!Isn't it against Han Yi?He can't bear this crime!Looking at the dazed Xiang Yu, he said, "I support King Xiang alone!"

Xiang Yu who has never spoken!Here comes the spirit!Immediately stroke the beard!Stare at Han Yi!There seems to be a sense of showdown!Fan Zeng on the side wanted to stop Xiang Yu!Don't fall into Zhu Yuanzhang's trick!It's a pity that I can't speak loudly!Only see its development.

"I also support King Xiang! Gou Jian, who had been silent all this time, stood up.

"Gu supports King Han!" Ji Fa also expressed his opinion!In this situation, it is impossible for him to be alone. Supporting Han Yi is the best choice.

Get rid of Yan at this moment!Zhao!Qin Three Kingdoms!Other monarchs have expressed their views!In the end, I will look at Liu Bang!Liu Bang stared at Xiang Yu helplessly!This guy is his sworn enemy!But voting for Han Yi is really a loss!Balance left and right!Liu Bang immediately said: "Han...!"

"Wait a minute!" Han Yi waved his hand!Then he said: "Leave it to King Xiang this time! All the expenses of the solitary 15 soldiers and horses for half a year will be handed over to King Xiang!"

Xiang Yu in the back should have been furious!At this moment, he was stunned!Look at Han Yi!His complexion has improved a lot!Immediately said: "Accepted! King Han!"

"Yeah!" Han Yi nodded!Looking at Liu Bang, he said, "This time, it's the righteousness of the family and the country! Gu and Xiang Yu can go hand in hand! Don't be stingy with the king of the mountain!"

Liu Bang's face turned from white to blue!From green to yellow!Suppressing the anger in my heart!Finally held back!He gritted his teeth and said with a smile: "I will pay one hundred thousand!"

"The righteousness of the mountain king!" Everyone understood!I can't help but laugh out loud!Han Yi stroked his beard!Goujian looked aside and said, "I don't know how many troops this Yue king has sent!"

Gou Jian's face turned pale!Is it finally your turn?Even Liu Bang can't escape!Not to mention myself!Goujian let out a heavy breath and said, "I! Send fifty thousand troops!"

"Okay" Han Yi smiled involuntarily!Look at Sun Quan at the side!Sun Quan also understood!Close your eyes slightly!He expressed his gratitude to Han Yi, but Han Yi didn't say much!Hu Mu looked at Yan Xi who was on the side, and said, "This time I'm going to use the country of Yan! I also ask the king of Yan to make way."

"Naturally! But the original land of Zhongshan! Has already belonged to Liu Yu! His attitude at this moment! Can't represent the Yan Kingdom! If he surrenders to the enemy and rebels! It is not our country that can stop it!" Yan Xi explained his attitude in advance.

"It's simple!" Ying Zheng, who had been silent for a long time, looked at Han Yi and said, "King Han coerced the emperor to make the princes! Just make Liu Yu a king! I don't think Liu Yu will let go of this justifiable opportunity!"

Han Yi glanced at Ying Zheng, and then the big guy laughed, "It's only natural!"

Han Yi was calm on the surface!But Ying Zheng has already been scolded!The old fox!Knowing that Liu Yu has a grudge against him!He actually established a king for him in a fair and honest manner!And Han Yi couldn't refuse.

Zhu Yuanzhang stroked his beard!Look at Han Yi with a livid face!Immediately looked at Ying Zheng knowingly!This conspiracy!It's really amazing, I can't help but look at Ying Zheng a few times!This old guy is not simple.

"This time King Zhao is the leader! King Han! King Qin is the deputy leader! King Xiang is the food escort officer! I hope everyone will work harder! We will fight back against the Xiongnu!" Zhu Yuanzhang stood up out of time!When called Han Yi and Ying Zheng!It is undoubtedly provoking the relationship between the two!

Both Ying Zheng and Han Yi looked at Han Yi in unison!Zhao Yong stroked his beard!Then he smiled and said: "This time, I want to express my gratitude! I, Zhao Guo, would like to send [-] war horses as a reward! Whoever hits Yuanyang on the grassland first! I will send this horse alone on the spot!"

war horse!The most missing thing in the Warring States Period!At this moment, all the kings were shocked!Zhao Yong felt distressed for a while!But think of the benefits in the future!Involuntarily endured it!Looking at everyone with a smile!
And Han Yi and Ying Zheng naturally knew it!This is Zhao Yong's trick for the two of them!These ten thousand war horses are small profits!But the real benefit lies in the land of Yuanyang!
Ying Zheng sneered!This country of Zhao wants to use his strength to seize the city!It also depends on whether Ying Zheng is willing to let go of this!This piece of fat!Ying Zheng swallowed it!Not going to spit it out.

(End of this chapter)

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