Chapter 1322
All the princes and kings come in a hurry!Also hurry to go!Getting ready to go home!Han Yi didn't have time to think too much!After saying goodbye to the emperor!I hurried back to Chang'an!Immediately named Liu Yu the king of Song!Tell the world.

Back to Han Yi in Chang'an!The next day, all the civil and military ministers were called!The cold light of the morning shone on Han Yi's cheeks!Han Yi said with a serious face: "Generals! It's been a hundred years! There has never been such a big turmoil! This time I led my troops to the north alone! Who is willing to go north with me!"

"I would like to be a pioneer!" Han Chen strode out!Tiger eyes stared at Han Yi!Said with a stern look.

"Your Majesty! No! Your Majesty is going north! The crown prince should be in charge of the country! Don't walk around at will!" Wang Meng immediately stood up and objected.

Han Ning looked overjoyed!Ruo Han Yi!Han Chen is gone!Isn't he the only one in charge of this palace...

Han Yi waved his hand and said, "The country is fine now! The scourge of the grassland! The source has been around for a long time! The prince may as well follow me to see and see!"

"But! Your Majesty! This matter in the court! Who will handle it! You need to make a decision by yourself! Please think twice, Your Majesty!" Lu Su stood up at the moment.

"Your Majesty, please think twice!" the crowd shouted loudly.

Han Yi stared at everyone!Although he did not recommend that Han Chen firmly control the power in the court!But Han Chen's attitude towards the grassland!It determines the development of the country after a hundred years!After Han Yi left!If Han Chen only knew how to deal with grassland killing blindly!That is absolutely not acceptable!
Han Yi stood up slowly, looked at Han Chen and said, "Prince! What do you say!"

"The last general invites the battle!" Han Chen looked serious!In the mansion these days!Although treat three strangers as guests!But after all, it's awkward!It's better to go out for a stroll, besides, he is already tired of this so-called easy life.

Han Yi nodded!Look aside Han Ning!Immediately said: "When I'm not around! Let the son Ning supervise the country! The prince! The son Ming! The son Feng will go out with the king!"

"Your Majesty! Think twice!" All the ministers heard this!Immediately shocked!Han Ning was overjoyed and said: "My son will definitely live up to my father's trust!"

"Very good!" Han Yi stood with his hands behind his back!Look at the generals below!Gao Lishi looked to the side and said, "Read!"

"No!" Gao Lishi responded, then stepped forward, cleared his throat, and immediately said: "Yang Jiye, Yang Yan'an, Yang Yanping, Yang Yanding, Yang Yanguang, Yang Yanhui, Yang Yande, Yang Yanzhao, Yang Yansi, Yang Wenguang, Duan Gui, Meng Yan , Ning Zhan! Chen Tai, Han Jian, Chen Zhen, Zhang He, Di Qing, Lang Tan, Geng Gong, Wang Ping! Guan Ling, Qin Yong, Jia Fu, Wen Yang, Dian Wei, Yu Wenqing, Tai Shici, Lan Yu, Guo Jia, Guan Yu, Xia Houdun, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Yuchi Gong! Qin Qiong, Zhao Zilong, Elai, Fei Lian, Lai Huer, Du Yu, Shi Jiantang, Huo Qubing, Chen Qingzhi, Chang Yuchun, Deng Zilong, Su Dingfang, Shi Bao! Zhou Panlong, Peng Yue, Yue Xi, Nan Gong Shi, Yue Yun, Lei Tong, Wu Lan! They are generals accompanying the army!"

Gao Lishi shouted here!The whole person's voice is hoarse!Immediately wiped the fine sweat off his face, and continued: "Gao Chong! Li Cunxiao! Ran Min! Jiang Song! Jia Fu! Yuwen Chengdu! Xing Tian! Xue Rengui! Eight people! Specially named Eight Tiger Generals! Fight with the army! Return to the king Commander"

"Wen Tianxiang! Di Qing! Yang Zaixing! Luo Cheng! Cheng Yaojin! Zhao Hu! Meng Zhan! The seven are Beitou Seven Star Generals! Follow the army and wait for orders!"

"This dispatch! 5000 tigers broke into the army! Han Sizhong personally leads! His subordinates are Han Ding, Han Ying, Han Jishu, Han Chang, and Han Ling! In addition, Han Ming! Han Feng! Two people will be included in this army! Lead his staff! The prince can lead [-] troops by himself! Fight with the army!" Gao Lishi shouted, "The voice was a bit suppressed! I had to take a breather.

Han Yi saw that Gao Lishi was so tired that he was dying!Zheng He looked aside and said, "Keep reading!"

"No!" Zheng He agreed!Taking the bamboo slips, he continued: "Hu Yanzhuo leads the Long Snake Army! Xu Ning leads the Hook and Scythe Spear Army! Wenpin! Leads the Red Flame Army to follow the army!"

"Su Dingfang! Lu Xiangsheng! Hua Yun! Zhang Dingbian! Pang De! Five people! Responsible for food and grass in the rear! Recall Han Xin! Sun Wu and Sun Wu went out with the army and handed over the southern military affairs to Feng Yi! Second General Gongsun Yan!"

"Guo Jia! Liu Ji! Xie An! Xun You! Mao Sui! Five people are military advisers!"

Zheng He read a lot!Only then did everyone understand!This time Han Yi mobilized most of the elites in the army!Of course not all!Cao family!Yue Fei!Five good generals!Wu Qi!PTZ 28 generals!These military leaders don't have any orders!The domestic situation is still stable.

Han Yi looked at the general who was halfway out of the hall!Han Yi said with a stern expression: "This time the enemy army is going south on a large scale! It is a battle of life and death! Generals! I hope you can show your housekeeping skills! Drive them out of the Great Wall!"

"We will definitely do our best! We will be exhausted and dull!"

Han Yi nodded!Look at Han Chen!I don't even know his Emperor Transformation attribute!Can it be triggered here.

Prince's Mansion

Han Chen strode back to the mansion!And Dou Yi's room has been prepared a long time ago!Immediately stepped forward, looked at Han Chen who was in a hurry, and immediately said, "What's wrong, Your Highness! Why are you in such a hurry!"

Han Chen was taken aback for a moment!Look at Dou Yifang's concerned expression!Frown!Looking at Dou Yi's room, he immediately said, "It's all right!"

After speaking, Han Chen left!Go straight to Mulan's room!Dou Yifang clutched the handkerchief tightly!The maid at the back hurried forward to An Wei and said: "Master, don't be angry! Let's go back!"

Dou Yi's heart fluctuates up and down!In terms of appearance, she pretends that she is not inferior to Huamu!But until now, he is a perfect body!Wedding time!Han Chen just stood there motionless!Instead, I sat until dawn!On the second day, he ran into Huamu's room!On the morning of the third day, Dou Yi's room even made a special effort to inquire about the situation in the house!I saw the maid took out the bloody quilt!Although without personnel!But Dou Yifang also heard it from the elders in the family!How can I not know!

"Sister, is this waiting for His Highness?" I only heard a call from behind!Seeing the two sisters Cao Jie and Cao Xian appearing behind Dou Yifang, Dou Yifang's complexion gradually eased!Look at the two of them!He hummed lightly, then retreated, as if he didn't intend to get entangled with the two of them.

"This...!" Cao Jie looked at Dou Yifang's pale expression!Looking back at Cao Xian, he said sternly: "Sister! We haven't even seen the prince's face these few days! If things go on like this...!"

Cao Xian shook his head helplessly!Staring at Dou Yifang's pale expression, she said: "Let's go! She didn't say anything as a wife! What can we say! Bear with it!"

"Hmph! Let's see how long she can be proud!" Cao Jie waved away after finishing speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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