Warring States Call

Chapter 1324 You Junda

Chapter 1324 You Junda

"General! We have [-] soldiers and horses in our hands! Hold on to the city! The enemy army will not be able to attack for a while! There will be no major problems! Three days! You can fight back!" You Junda said with a serious expression.

"You fucking fart! The country is sending out 15 soldiers at most! And there are no cavalry! Let's fight them! That's not asking for death, what is it! Don't give me nonsense! Get out!" Nangong Yu Immediately waved his hand impatiently.

"You fucking ran away! Are you still a man?" You Junda, who was so hard to say, was also angry, grabbing Nangong Yu's collar with both hands!He stared angrily.

"You Junda! What are you going to do! Are you rebelling? Let go!" Nangong Yu Shuangshui forcefully!It is to open You Junda's hand!However, this big hand seemed to be clamped by a vise!Unable to break it apart no matter what, Nangong Yu immediately looked at the soldiers around him!He shouted: "Is it all wood! What are you doing here! Give it to me!"

Several of Nangong Yu's confidants were about to step forward, when You Junda kicked Nangong Yu's head on the groove of the city wall!Suddenly jumped onto the city wall and pulled out the bronze sword in his arms!On Nangong's neck!With a firm face, he said, "Damn it! Who dares to save this bastard today!"

"Alas...!" Nangong Yu immediately waved his hands and said, "General You! We have time to discuss! We don't need to use swords and swords! Let's discuss it carefully! Can we! Ask for money!"

At this moment, Nangong Yu's air was gone!Several confidantes also voted against the mouse!An old veteran immediately said: "The enemy is at hand! General You! Or forget it!"

"Yes! Yes! My fault! I will definitely change my past!" Nangong Yu also lost his bottom line!Immediately begged for mercy.

"Bah! You're the one with no backbone! It's useless to ask for it!" You Junda swung his sword down immediately!A good man's head fell to the city wall following the force of gravity!Blood spilled all over the wall.

You Junda took advantage of the situation and returned to the city wall!Wipe the donated blood off your face!The bronze sword in his hand kept dripping blood!You Junda spat and said: "Foreign enemies invade! A man should be fierce and not afraid of death! Everyone is afraid! If everyone is like this Nangong Yu! What is a country! What is a family! Soldiers! Die in battle! The battlefield is the highest honor for a soldier! Death is our salvation! Retreat! You ask your own hearts! Can you bear such a shame? Even if you survived! Are you at ease?"

"General! We fight with you!"

"General! Count me in!"

"General! Count me in too!!

this moment!It was as if all the soldiers spoke in unison!Morale is much higher than before.

You Junda let out a heavy breath!Glancing at the battlefield in front of the battlefield, he said with a stern expression: "Soldiers! Take up the weapons in your hands! Bring up the thunder stones! Bring up the logs! Burn the golden juice for me!"


The soldiers began to work in full swing!And those so-called golden juices are nothing but human excrement!Heated!Then pour it on the soldiers to burn them!Just get there!It's a dead end!Often some soldiers would rather be hit by stones and logs!I don't want to be drenched with golden juice!Get stoned!Also get a snap!But once it is drenched in golden juice!The only result is to be tortured to death alive.

Not half a day!Li Shimin's army is at the front!Look at this majestic city!The whole person has become a lot more serious!Look at the soldiers under your command!Immediately said: "Soldiers! The time for revenge has come, prepare to attack the city!"

"Roar... Roar... Roar"

Li Shimin's face is serious!Suddenly pulled out the sword in his arms!About to roar!Li Yuanba behind immediately took Li Shimin's hand, almost kicking Li Shimin up!Said: "Brother, this sword is so beautiful! Yuanba also wants to play!"

Li Shimin wants to get rid of his brother's hand!However, this big hand is really hard to get rid of!Li Shimin immediately comforted him: "Yuanba is good! I'll play with you later! Okay!"

"No, no, no! I want it now!" After Li Yuanba finished speaking, he was about to grab it, but Li Shimin couldn't beat his younger brother, so he coaxed: "Okay, okay! Let go first, okay! I'll give it to you!"

"Hahaha! Good! Thank you, second brother!" Li Yuanba let go of that skinny arm!Li Shimin rubbed his wrist in pain!Who would have thought of this thinner and more refined monkey-like younger brother!There is so much strength!Li Shimin shook his head helplessly!Then he gave the bronze sword in his hand to Li Yuanba and said, "Yuanba, good boy! Give it to you! Don't hurt anyone! Do you know!"

"Yes! Got it! I promise not to hack them to death..." Li Yuanba nodded heavily!Li Shimin's whole body seemed to be petrified!I glanced at the generals around me!Although each one is as stable as Mount Tai!In fact, I panicked!Psycho murmured: "Don't look at me! Don't look at me!"

All the military commanders felt a pain in their hearts!It's okay to be a little pervert, but this big one is still a brother-protecting madman!This is still in dire straits.

Li Shimin also knew that he couldn't let his younger brother mess around!Put your hand over your mouth now!Pretend to cough and say: "That! All the soldiers listen to the order!"

"The last general is here!" At this moment, Li Shimin's voice sounded like the sound of heaven, and all the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief!He straightened his chest immediately.

"Li Shentong and Li Ling led a frontal attack with 5 troops, and Li Guangbi supervised the battle yourself! Anyone who retreats! Kill without mercy!"Righteousness does not manage money!This is the eternal truth!We will take down this wall today.

"Guo Yuanzhen, Zhang Qiqiu, you lead a side attack with 5 troops! Li Chui supervises the army!"

"Zhao Chongguo and Daxi Baohui lead [-] troops to attack from the side! Li Guang supervises the army!"

"Li Rusong leads the archers to suppress head-on! Li Siyuan, Li Keyong, Li Dian, Li Shi, Li Jing, Li Yu, Li Yun, Da Xiwu, and Li Yuanba are standing by in the army!" Li Shimin called dozens of generals' names in one breath.

"Promise!" Dozens of generals went to make arrangements after receiving the general orders!Li Yuanba stood up!He smiled and said, "What did the second brother call me?"

Li Shimin immediately smiled and said: "It's okay! You play first! Something will call you later!"

"Okay!" After speaking, Li Yuanba took the sword Li Shimin gave him and kept hacking!Some soldiers hid when they saw Li Yuanba, without even thinking about it.

Li Shentong is riding a war horse!Look at the soldiers on the wall!Then he smiled and said, "Xiaoling! Go make them surrender!"

"Uh... Uncle Wu, are you kidding me!" Li Ling said with a surprised expression.

"Courtesy first, soldiers later! You know what!"

(End of this chapter)

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