Warring States Call

Chapter 1326 Li Yuanba Breaks the City

Chapter 1326 Li Yuanba Breaks the City

Huang Taiji who has been silent on the sidelines!Looking at Li Shimin with a puzzled expression, he said, "Why did you bring this uncivilized child with you! On the battlefield! He is a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!"

Li Shimin looked back at Huang Taiji!Then he smiled and said: "Friends from the grassland! Who said my brother is uncivilized! How do you know! Those people are just lambs waiting to be slaughtered in his eyes!"

"Your Excellency! Do you think I'm a fool?" Huang Taiji's face turned cold!He suddenly felt that Nurhachi's decision was a bit hasty.

Li Shimin looked at Huang Taiji!Immediately said: "Yuanba! See that door! Open it! You can play with the people inside without any scruples!"

"Really? Second brother!" Li Yuanba looked like an excited child!There is surprise in the eyes!But at the same time, he felt aggrieved and said: "But brother! You said it! Those people are not allowed to be touched! If you touch them, you will die!"

Li Shimin stroked his younger brother's messy hair!Looking forward, he sneered slightly and said: "Don't be afraid! You can kill! But remember the soldiers who wear the same clothes as you! Don't kill them! You can kill the others as you like!"

"I know! Leave it to Yuanba!" Li Yuanba laughed loudly!Straight forward in a hurry.

"Tiger! My followers began to doubt your decision! For this reason! I decided to return to the grassland! I hope you can forgive me!" After finishing speaking, Huang Taiji didn't even think about it!Turn the horse's head!about to leave.

"Wait!" Li Shimin looked at Huang Taiji who was about to leave!Hurry up and stop!With a calm face, he said: "Don't worry! You will know later!"

"Really?" Huang Taiji was about to ridicule!But now!Li Yuanba on the side took two buckets and hall hammers at some point!Listen to that thick voice!Absolutely not light weight!But in the hands of Li Yuanba!But it's like an insignificant toy.

"Da Xiwu protect my younger brother! Let him get to the city smoothly," Li Shimin said calmly.

"Don't worry, tiger!" Da Xiwu finished speaking and raised a heavy sword!Follow behind Li Yuanba.

"Get out of the way... get out of the way!" Li Yuanba was like a humanoid tank!Rampage!Li Shentong, who was arranging troops, looked at the changes in front of him!A closer look turned out to be Li Yuanba!Li Shentong immediately said: "Scatter left and right! Make way for His Highness Ba!"

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" The horn!The drums of war are sounding!The battle flag in the middle is shaking from side to side!The main generals on both sides!Immediately understand!Spread out left and right!Who's in the way now!Undoubtedly, he would die in the hands of Li Yuanba.

Li Ling rode on a war horse and glanced at Li Yuanba who was like a humanoid weapon!Exclaimed: "I'm a good boy! What happened to His Royal Highness today! He was fooled by the tiger again!"

"Speak carefully! Speak carefully!" The general at the side hurriedly pulled Li Ling!Tell him not to talk nonsense.

"Fuck you!" You Junda slashed at the soldiers climbing up the city wall, then suddenly raised his head, looking at the soldiers below who gradually gave way!Look in the middle!It turned out to be a skinny guy rushing up!You Junda looked puzzled!What kind of trouble is this going to be!Intuitively, You Junda felt that this person was not simple!You Junda immediately shouted: "What are you doing in a daze! Quick! Archer! Shoot at that guy!"

"No!" Thousands of archers pointed at Li Yuanba!You Junda stared at the rampant Li Yuanba indifferently!He spit out a mouthful of saliva, and cursed angrily: "Since you want to die! Then you will be fulfilled! Let the arrow go!
"Your Highness, be careful of backstabbing!" Da Xiwu from behind reminded immediately!Li Yuanba suddenly raised his head!Change from the simple, honest and dull appearance of the past!Tiny eyes!Stare at the shield below!Kick it suddenly!The whole earth trembled slightly.

Li Yuanba sees the timing!Suddenly a hammer hit the shield, and the sound of metal delivery spread to everyone's ears. The shield looked like a frisbee!Collide with the rain of arrows all over the sky!Just jingle ding dong!The shield slammed heavily on the city wall, even shaking off a lot of dust from a corner of the city wall.

Li Yuanba also took this opportunity to approach the city gate!Enter the blind spots of You Junda and others on the city wall!
"Boom!" There was only one sound, and the whole time seemed to be clean!All that could be heard was this one crash after another.

You Junda looked at the lieutenant at the side, and said solemnly: "What's going on!"

"Okay! It seems...the enemy is attacking the city...the city gate!...Boom" the deputy general hadn't finished speaking!Another blow.

You Junda's face instantly became a lot more embarrassed!Immediately said: "Send more people to the city gate! Hurry up and defend!"

"Yeah... open it for me!" Li Yuanba blushed!The whole person gritted his teeth!The illusory energy in his body suddenly exploded!Surrounding Li Yuanba's body.

"Ding, Li Yuanba's crazy hammer attribute is activated, holding a sledgehammer, like a golden-winged roc, the strength value is increased by 7! Basic strength is 108! The strength value of the drum-beating golden hammer is increased by 1! The current strength value is 116!"

"Ding, Li Yuanba's giant force attribute is activated! The force value is increased by 10, and the current force value is 126!"

"Boom!" There was only a bang!The originally indestructible city collapsed at this moment!The wooden bolt in the middle was broken by Li Yuanba!At this moment, Li Yuanba laughed and said, "It's fun! Don't leave! Give me a hammer!"

"The city gate is broken! Soldiers! Follow me to enter! Li Shentong is overjoyed! Pull out the sword in his arms! Urge your horse forward.

Li Shimin looked at Huang Taiji at the side and said, "How about it!"

Huang Taiji rubbed his eyes!Looking at Li Shimin!With a solemn expression, he said, "It's really a god descending from the earth!"

"God! He is God! And God also listens to me!" Li Shimin's face gradually became gloomy, and he shouted: "Come on!"

"Ding, Li Shimin's lead attribute is activated, with a loud shout, all the generals are united, their own force value is increased by 3 points, intelligence is increased by 2, the commander's value is increased by 1, the general's force value is increased by 3 points, and the soldier's force value is increased by 1∽5 points. !"

"Ding, Li Shimin's current force: force 98, commander 100, intelligence 96, politics 99!"

"Soldiers! Kill yourself to be benevolent! The opportunity to kill the enemy and serve the country has come! Take up the weapons in your hands! Follow me to kill the enemy!" Wei Youjunda took the lead. The soldiers who were still hesitant at this moment were full of anger at this moment. Just got more aggressive.

"Show me the archers, shoot arrows to prevent them from approaching the city wall, and don't let me let anyone approach the moat." Qu Yong is also old-fashioned at the moment, holding a longbow in one hand and a cold arrow in the other. In front, coldly snorted: "Medium!"

An arrow passed by and hit an archer in the middle, which can be described as a hundred steps through Yang, and this is the situation now!You Junda hold on to the bottom!And he can only try to prevent the enemy from breaking through the city wall.

"Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom..." There were ten heavy blows in the city!You Junda led the soldiers behind him down the city wall, and this meeting saw Li Yuanba killing a soldier!You Junda still understands the truth of meeting on a narrow road and the brave wins!At this moment You Junda!Both eyes are red!The spear in his hand stabbed straight at Li Yuanba's throat,
"Hey! It's fun! Let's see if you can take my hammer! Li Yuanba is excited to kill the enemy! He fell down with one hammer! The scarlet blood is concentrated on this hammer! At this moment, You Junda's face changed drastically! Immediately raised his hands vigorously!" .


(End of this chapter)

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