Warring States Call

Chapter 1328 Li Shentong died

Chapter 1328 Li Shentong died
Li Ling covered his head!I just asked myself a question!This old thing!Come up and hit!Li Shentong immediately said: "Uncle, you are unreasonable!"

"Stop talking nonsense! You attack the city!" Li Shentong looked like a good old man!Get off your horse and take off your shoes!Knocked on the ground and poured out a lot of sand!Smiling, he looked at Li Ling and said, "What are you doing in a daze! Come on!"

Li Ling rolled his eyes!He suddenly picked up the command flag in his hand and said, "Attack!"

"General, they are attacking!" Standing behind Murong Ke, Guo Kui wolfed down the steamed buns in his mouth!Patted the clothes on the body!Said with a stern look.

Murong Ke said calmly: "Pretend to resist! Bring them in! These 5 people! I don't spit a single bone!" Murong Ke took a sip of the spirits!The hostility on the whole person's expression has increased a lot!Said solemnly.

"Understood!" Guo Wei slapped haha, and immediately said: "Shoot the arrow! Defense! Let me spot and kill!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" The rain of arrows all over the sky was intermittent!Li Shentong randomly pulled out a weed and picked out his ears!Looking at the intermittent rain of arrows on the city wall, he looked very lazy and said: "It's not interesting! Such a small city! It's a waste of troops to defeat it!"

And Ju Xin, who made a detour, held the sword in his arms!Look at Li Shentong who is already attacking the city!Ju Xin scratched his cheek!He exclaimed in admiration: "This Murong Ke is really capable! Although this Li Shentong is known as a famous general! But he is not a famous general!"

"General Ju! Shall we do it!" Behind Ju Xin!One is eight feet long!Holding a silver halberd in his hand, wearing a British armor!Caressing his white war horse!Look at the battle situation in front of you!He asked weakly.

Ju Xin glanced at Di Xin, and immediately smiled and said, "What's the rush! Old brother! Come sit down for a while! Have a glass of wine with me!"

"Kill!" Li Ling gave up the spear in his hand!Take shields and swords instead!Resist on your own head!Protector Siege Engine!He quickly approached the city wall.

The scattered rain of arrows did no harm to them at all!In the end, Guo Wei felt that this was a bit fake!Immediately said: Throw stones at me!Hit me! "

Murong Ke said calmly, "No need!"

"What's the matter, General!" Guo Wei asked with a puzzled expression, but Murong Ke took out the silver armor mask in his arms!Bring it on your head!With a calm expression, he said, "Yanjia White Army! Get out of the city!"

"Promise" tens of thousands of soldiers!Bring your own mask!This soldier has a feature!Just put on a mask!Regardless of whether the enemy is your friend or not!As long as there are no masks!Kill them all!The only way to stop them!It is to place the Yan character banner in front of them!So they shouted again: "Whoever sees kill!"

"Squeak!" The broken door was opened!Murong Ke is riding a war horse!Take the lead!Shoot suddenly!Know the soldiers in front of you with one move, the silver-white spear is stained with blood!Become not so pure!Instead, there was a touch of blood.

"Kill...!" Murong Ke yelled suddenly!The huge change even shocked Li Ling!Watching the silver armor and white army rushing forward!Li Ling immediately shouted: "Soldiers! Don't be afraid! Come to me!"

"Kill!" The two armies fought to kill!Every knife sees snow!Li Ling dealt with the second Yanjiabai army with great difficulty!The whole person was embarrassed a lot!This is no ordinary soldier!It's an elite unit, just his subordinates!Not his opponent.

"Quick! Retreat! Form a defensive formation!" Li Ling's face was serious!Immediately and immediately!He has experienced many battles and knows!Fight with this elite soldier!One-on-one is definitely unbeatable!Only team fights.

"Fire the arrow!" Li Ling made a prompt decision.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" The heavy rain of arrows was densely packed!Thousands of arrows shrouded the battlefield.

"Defend! Charge! Throw" Murong Ke looked serious!Big soldiers behind!Suddenly lift everything available around!Corpse!shield!There are no defensive items!Keep going forward!Provide opportunities for the rear army to attack.

And hundreds of Yanjia White Army untied the sheepskin bags in their arms!Throw it forward suddenly!
"Papapa...!" The liquid in the bag flowed out!Some soldiers even stuck out their noses to smell it!He looked puzzled and said, "Is this oil!"

"Is this enemy army stupid! Throwing this thing... Look at the soldiers in the Central Plains! They are not as smart as us! Hahahahaha!"


Accompanied by the taunts of enemy soldiers!Guo Wei on the city wall looked indifferent, with the corners of his mouth raised!It's just his smile!People panicked: "150 steps! Rocket!"


On the city that was previously very sparsely defended!Suddenly there are several times more Yan troops!Everyone is holding a rocket!


"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...! The sound of breaking wind was mixed with the burning of fire, and the rocket landed on Li Ling's defensive position! Li Ling knew it at this moment! This thing is too dangerous! Li Ling made a decisive decision! Look The soldier who was still laughing! Immediately said: "You are laughing ass!Retreat!Get out! "

Li Ling turned over with a kite and took several steps back!And those who react slowly!But he was really not so lucky, and was burned to death alive.

Seeing the fire in the later episode, Xin immediately shouted: "Soldiers! It's time for revenge! Kill me!"

After hearing this, Di Xin got on his horse!The silver halberd in his hand shone coldly under the sunlight!I saw a white light!It is to kill to the battlefield.

Take a look at the drama!His complexion changed drastically: "Hurry up! Put the Yan character banner in front of the formation! Be careful of those white-armored lunatics!"

"No!" Many soldiers seem to have a deep understanding!Don't dare to neglect, and hurried to prepare.

"Pfft!" Li Ling came in front of Li Shentong!The whole person is out of breath!With a solemn expression, he said, "Uncle Wu's situation is wrong!"

Li Shentong glanced at Li Ling who was in a hurry, and immediately stood up!I saw Lord Yan in all directions!Li Shentong was taken aback!Immediately said: "Quick! Withdraw quickly!"

"Want to leave! It's not that easy! Die! Di Xin hit him with one move! A good head! Just landed.

Li Shentong was shocked!Immediately said: "Quick! Let's go!"

Li Ling couldn't care less!Get on the horse!Lost with Li Shentong in the crowd!

Murong Ke found a war horse!Chase Li Shentong!Suddenly an arrow!Shoot Li Shentong off the horse!Li Shentong, who was hit by the arrow, panicked!He hurriedly begged for mercy: "Don't kill me! I am the general! The tiger is my nephew! If you dare...!"

"Crack!" There was only a crisp sound!Murong Ke killed Li Shentong with one sword!He said calmly, "Go down and accompany General You!"

(End of this chapter)

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