Chapter 1330

Yojunda!The death of Li Shentong!It didn't affect the whole battle situation!Instead, the entire battlefield began to become in full swing!The war between the two sides has also completely started!With the joint efforts of Li Mu and Lian Po!Only then did Wanyan and Yelu's attack be blocked.

Genghis Khan sent troops to Yiqu!Although there was no large-scale war on both sides, it was all small fights!But both Yingzheng and Temujin knew it!The other party is testing!No one wants to take the lead!Although it is easy to take the lead if you shoot first!But it is also easy to expose the problems behind yourself!So that others can get hold of it.


Huang Taiji led fifty thousand cavalry!Fight head-on with Liu Yu's [-] troops.

On the battlefield, the battle flag is hunting!The cold wind blows on every soldier's face!Warriors on horses shout in the ranks!Improve your courage and pride, but Liu Yu is here to stand ready!One by one, they are armed and armed!

Liu Yu is wearing white armor at the moment!Hand on the sword!Staring at the black cavalry!The number of people was around 3!This made Liu Yu feel the pressure!Fifty thousand cavalry!Even Liu Yu's Black Cloud Rider!But there are only [-] soldiers, although Liu Yu has [-] soldiers!But in the face of the extremely powerful cavalry!Also helpless.

"Huhu...huh" Huang Taiji suddenly raised the whip in his hand!He shouted: "Where are the warriors of the grassland!"

"Anda... ha... ha... ha...!" The soldier shouted suddenly!As if reciting a spell to protect yourself!One by one began to restless.

"Shi Yingtian!" Huang Taiji shouted!Look behind the general!Said calmly.

"Here!" There was only a yell!Behind Huang Taiji is a big man!Wearing leather armor!Holding a rusty big knife in his hand!Wearing a wolf tooth chain!There was still no red blood on his face.

"Go! Kill the vigor of these people!" Huang Taiji said calmly.

"Subordinates understand!" Shi Yingtian urged the horse under his crotch!He suddenly shouted: "You humble bastard! Who dares to fight me!"

"Son of a son of a bitch! I'm going to kill him! Use his head as a urinal!" The fiery Nangong Changwan suddenly shook his arms!Just about to urge the horse to go.

I saw a young general behind him yelling loudly: "Why kill a chicken with a sledgehammer! General Nangong calm down! Watch me kill him and his horse!"

I saw one with a big knife in his hand!Face like a red-haired turtle!A man in heavy armor!Hold the big knife in your hand!Swagger to kill.

When Shi Yingtian saw it, he was overjoyed and said, "Lamb! I like the sound of your neck being cut off!"

"Looking for death!" Liu Tang was furious, holding a knife in both hands!Straight up!It is bound to end Shi Yingtian with one blow.

Shi Yingtian's expression was indifferent!Hold a knife in one hand!Look at Liu Tang!Immediately said: "Death!"

"Kang Dang!"One move!The two have their own merits!Sparks flew.

One move!Not reconciled, Liu Tang urged his horse on!Shi Yingtian took a look!The corner of the mouth is slightly raised!Take out the horse nails in your arms with one hand!Throwing it on the ground, he made a provocative gesture to Liu Tang!He said calmly, "Lamb! Come here!"

"Yeah! I won't kill you today! It's hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart!" Liu Tang rushed forward!Just about to get close to Shi Yingtian!The war horse under his crotch is out of control!Collapsing to the ground, Liu Tang was also shocked!Fall to the ground!Take a closer look!It turned out that the horse's hoof was damaged by a tripping nail!Lie on the ground and can't run!

"Despicable!" Liu Tang looked serious!Cursed angrily!It is powerless to oneself!It is also to express dissatisfaction in the heart.

"Liu Tang!" Liu Yu looked anxiously at Liu Tang who had been recruited from a distance.

"Die to me!" Shi Yingtian slashed down with his sword!Liu Tang's good man's head was chopped off.

Liu Yu, who was watching from behind, was furious!Suddenly shouted: "Nangong Changwan! Kill him!"

"No!" Nangong Changwan drove straight in!The war horse under his crotch was pushed to the extreme!Smoke billows!Like a straight line!Go straight to Shi Yingtian.

Huang Taiji laughed out loud!Proud of being a warrior of the prairie!But when he saw Nangong Changwan rushing towards him!Immediately said: "General Shi, be careful!"

Shi Yingtian, who was showing off Liu Tang's head, turned around immediately!I saw a cold light flickering!Shi Yingtian was immediately decapitated and divided.

Nangong Changwan picked up Shi Yingtian's head!Like a mad tiger shouting: "Kill!"

"Roar!" Nangong Changwan screamed like a tiger!Huang Taiji only felt that the war horse under his crotch was restless!Immediately said: "Who dares to fight him!"

"I'm coming! I'm not alone!"

"I call Feather!"

"And I………"

Twelve generals in a row presented a long snake and killed Nangong Zhang Wan in a mighty manner!Nangong Changwan remained calm!Let's fight!The one who dances with the weapon in his hand is called a mighty tiger!pick!kill!prick!change!Use it like a duck to water!Within three rounds!I saw Nangong Zhangwan yelling: "Zha!"

One trick passed!A general was picked and killed, and all 12 people failed to take down Nangong Changwan!Now there is one less person!How can he stop Nangong Changwan!
The halberd is like an arrow!Continuously!There are three big men with shocked faces!About to withdraw!Not a few steps away!Even after being stabbed by Nangong Changwan, his heart was chilled, after ten rounds!When the last soldier's body falls down below!Finally, Huang Taiji couldn't bear the anger in his heart, and immediately waved his hands: "Charge!"

Liu Yu pressed the sword in his arms!With a calm expression, he said, "Fix formation! Archers! Let the arrows go!"

"Assembly!" Yuan Chonghuan, who was organizing the battlefield ahead, suddenly picked up the command flag!command orders.

"Ha... roar... ha... touch!" Tens of thousands of soldiers united their shields together!Form a line of defense!Second row of pikemen!Head out!To prevent the horses from rushing into battle.

"Get ready... let it go!" Pei Renji gave an order!Tens of thousands of cold arrows rushed towards the cavalry densely.

Huang Taiji's complexion changed!Organize your defense now!The two armies fell into an instant panic.

sunset sunset!blood!Corpse!It's all reflected on this battlefield!crow!vulture!Hovering in the air!They all went to eat the corpses!The whole world has become the intersection of blood and flesh!Under the First World War!Liu Yu paid for the death of 5000 people! 1 people were injured!This killed more than 3 people in Huang Taiji!More than 8000 war horses were captured.

Huang Taiji is no longer entangled with Liu Yu because of his weak successor!Immediately ordered the withdrawal of troops and joined Nurhachi!Concentrate your forces!Occupied...... Yan Country.

Le Yi who faced Li Shimin alone!I still have energy to spare!But when Nurhachi joined the battlefield!The entire battle situation has undergone earth-shaking changes!And the coalition forces of various countries have also arrived on the battlefield one after another!The curtain of the battle between the two armies!Gradually pull away.

(End of this chapter)

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