Warring States Call

Chapter 1331 Liu Ji

Chapter 1331 Liu Ji
"Ding! Shi Yingtian! The force value of Liu and Tang has reached 95! Because Liu Yu has no destiny dispute! So the three are separated! The three belong to Nurhachi!"

"Fuck! The war has just begun! The frequency of watch explosions is so high now! Is there any way for the system to eliminate this way of blowing the watch! Otherwise, I am really at a disadvantage!" Han Yi felt a little uncomfortable all over!Go on like this!When will it be a head?

"Ding! Special reminder! This skill is also limited! The system issues a mission! If the host kills Temujin! Tuoba Tao! Wanyan Aguda! Yeke Abaoji! Nurhachi! Mouton! Li Yuanhao! Li Shimin! Among the eight One of them! The system will eliminate the target explosion table!"

"Damn! Which of these eight people is a fuel-efficient lamp!" Han Yi cursed!Among them is Li Yuanhao!Wan Yan Aguda!The three of them, Yeke and Abaoji, are all hostile to Zhao Kuangyin of Zhao State!Others will more or less have some opponents!look!Han Yi was looking for a soft persimmon to pinch.

"Ding, Guo Wei, the current No. 1 post-emerging Zhou Taizu: force 99, commander 97, intelligence 94, politics 95, currently implanted as Guo Wei's younger brother! Follow him to fight against Li Shimin!"

"Guo Wei! This guy who has a long history with Chai Rong! I really want to see the scene where the father and son meet! It's a pity that now is not the time!" Han Yi held the sword in his arms!There was a hint of admiration in his eyes!These two people belong to the kind of short-lived emperors!If they live ten more years!I'm afraid nothing will happen to Zhao Kuangyin!All in all!These two people are capable!Only blame the heavens for not being beautiful!What a pity... what a pity!

"By the way! The system will check for me whether Zhao Kuangyin has any negative attributes towards the monarch, and whether he is the kind that specifically restrains the monarch!" Han Yi couldn't help but become curious.

"Ding! Current detection! Zhao Kuangyin conquers the attributes of the monarch! Dedicate himself to the monarch! Every time he makes a military exploit! He will kill the monarch for one year! !"

"Sure enough! Zhao Kuangyin worked under the command of Guo Wei and Chai Rong successively! Look at this, Zhao Guo will fall into Zhao Kuangyin's hands sooner or later! Without Zhao Yong! The relationship between Zhao Guo and South Korea will become very delicate! It may even start a war This is not what Han Yi is happy to see.

"Ding! The second person on the list is Wei Lu of the Han Dynasty, military force 51, commander 70, intelligence 95, politics 82, and the current implantation status is a counselor who defected to Nurhachi! Because he was squeezed out by Wang Mang in Yan Guobao! In a fit of anger! Go to the grassland!"

"Wang Mang! This guy is really lingering!" Han Yi stroked his chin!I also received a letter from Xu Shu a few days ago!This Wang Mang has been meddling in the government affairs of the Yan Kingdom!If Han Yiru wants to control the entire Yan Kingdom!The first thing to do is to pull out the two nails!One is Le Yi!One is Wang Mang!These two people are not dead!Han Yi can't control the military and politics of the entire Yan Kingdom!It seems that this time I am going to Yan Country!I can't stand it anymore.

Han Yi looked at the mountains in the distance!Let out a heavy breath!Immediately began to close the meditation.

"Ding! The third person on the list is Yu Jiulu Datan: force 95, commander 91, intelligence 80, politics 82. The current implantation status is a general promoted by Nurhachi!"

"Such a person! In the whole battle situation! It's harmless!" Han Yi said flatly.

"Ding, Sabolo Khan, the fourth person on the list: force 98, commander 96, intelligence 90, politics 89. The current implantation identity is a general recruited by Nurhaci!"

"There's nothing wrong with these three being given to Nurhachi! It's just that I don't know who the last two spots are for!"

"Ding, Yang Xiu is currently the fifth person on the list: force 54, commander 76, intelligence 95, politics 87. The current implanted identity is the counselor Ji Fa got on the way! I appreciate his talent very much! And take it under my command!"

"Ding, Chen Gong is the last person on the list: force 78, commander 66, intelligence 96, politics 90. The current implantation identity is a counselor obtained by Gou Jian! Entrust him with a heavy responsibility!"

"Hmm!" Han Yi nodded after listening!The whole person is much more relaxed!At least there are no too awesome characters.

Han Yi rubbed his wrist!The whole person stretched out!
"Why did the king sigh just now!" Only a soft voice came from behind Zhao Yong!Han Yi looked back!I saw Liu Ji looking at Han Yi with a smile!Urging the horse under the crotch to come to Han Yi's side!Slightly smiled.

"Liu Bowen! Do you know what's going on with the frontline battle report!" Han Yi said with a hint of a smile in his words.

"Did the battle report from the front come back?" Liu Bowen stroked his beard!Said solemnly.

"Not bad!" Han Yi took out the bamboo slips in his arms!Handed it to Liu Bowen and said, "Let's take a look first and tell me your opinion?"

Liu Bowen stared at the bamboo slips!Swipe up and down!I roughly have an answer in my mind!Immediately said: "The two armies fought each other! But in general! The Yan army won the battle! Li Shimin has the upper hand!"

"Not bad!" Han Yi nodded!With a calm face, he said: "Li Shimin has lost a general like Li Shentong! And Yan Guo has gained a new general! But comparing the two! They are evenly divided!"

"Not necessarily the king!" Liu Bowen stroked his beard!Then he added: "I'm afraid the Yan army will have to face the power of the grassland! At that time, we will attack from both sides! The country of Yan is in danger!"

"Liu Bowen! Do you know Guzai Yandi's plan!" Han Yi looked at Liu Bowen with a smile!The face of humans and animals is harmless!But in the eyes of courtiers like Liu Bowen!This is the smile of death...

"I have heard about it!" Liu Bowen suppressed the fear in his heart!Slightly smiled.

Han Yi stood with his hands behind his back and said: "Yanxi is now King Yan on the surface! But his rights have been deprived of all his rights a long time ago! Le Yi controls a lot of military power! Wang Mang controls a lot of political power! And they Some of the rights left by the two of them! But they all belong to Gu!"

"Your Majesty! Could it be that you plan to use this war to annex Yan Kingdom!" Liu Ji was slightly taken aback.

"Annex Yan! During this period! It's too ugly to eat, and afterwards! Zhao! Qin and Qin must be vigilant! Once they unite! At that time, the gains will outweigh the losses," Han Yi said calmly.

"Your Majesty! Let's make another suggestion! We need to go south! Only by annexing the South! We have no worries! Zhao! Qin and Qin are too powerful! We can't bear it!" Liu Ji said calmly, pausing for a while. : "And think again! After the grassland war is over! We should go south with all our strength! There is no delay!"

Han Yi's brain buzzed!Looking at Liu Ji, this guy is more ambitious than him. He doesn't look gentle, but he is a beast in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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