Warring States Call

Chapter 1332 Ying Zheng vs Temujin

Chapter 1332 Ying Zheng vs Temujin

"It's not much better to eat like this!" Han Yi said calmly.

"No! As soon as the grassland battle is over! The big countries in the north are busy recovering their vitality! There is no time to worry about the king! The king only needs to guard the important fortresses! It is safe! And the small countries in the south are naturally no stronger than me! It takes a while. It takes a while to recover! So this is the best opportunity! It is also a good opportunity for the king to rule the world! Otherwise, this opportunity will be lost! It takes ten years for the king to rule the world! How many decades are there in life!" Liu Ji said with a stern expression.

Han Yi looked a little hesitant!It was even embarrassing a lot!In the end, Han Yi gave Oh a sigh of relief!He said calmly: "Let's talk about it in the future! Let's solve the troubles in front of us first!"

The cold wind is getting bigger and bigger!The war on both sides has been deadlocked for more than ten days!And Temujin, who has been testing for many days!I'm not hiding anymore!Soldier wave! An army of 20 went straight to kill Yiqu!Tuoba Tao took the lead as a pioneer!Charge first.

Ying Zheng is not idle either!Big hand wave! 20 Great Qin Cavalry!Under the leadership of Wang Jian and Bai Qi, take the lead in dispatching troops!Two armies against each other!In the end who is superior and who is inferior, it is a battle between dragons and tigers, the green grass on the grassland!Under the blowing of the wind!swing left and right!It seems to be encouraging and shouting for this war.

Ying Zheng is sitting in the carriage!Pulling the chariot are five white war horses!To demonstrate the majesty of Yingzheng!Fifty thousand shield spearmen!Housekeeping!Orderly rows!One by one, the soldiers are ready for battle, and the soldiers' helmets are bright!Staring sternly ahead!At first glance, it looks like a soldier who has experienced many battles.

In the formation of the Great Qin Army, countless battle flags were scattered here and there!The cold wind blows!Banner hunting!There is a big flag in the center!There are Qin characters written on it, and there are many military flags around it!Go down in turn!I saw white written on it!king!Mongolian!plum!win!chapter!get together!Nguyen!summer!Wang and so on...too many to count!It can be said that the strongest military generals in Qin State have been assembled at the moment.

And beside Ying Zheng, there are also many generals who can recruit and fight well!There are Zhang Xiu, Meng Ao, Meng Tian, ​​Meng Wu, who fought against Yiqu many times, and many generals!For example, Wang Junke, Ding Tianqing, Huang Tianhu, Li Chenglong, Fan Yuqi, Zhang Tang, and Ying's children are also quite a few!Such as Ying Dang, Ying Hua, Ying Qian, Ying Zhuang, Ying Fu, all came to join the battle.

Wang Yanzhang, Zhou Dewei, Wang Ben!Wang Li and the four were all waiting for the order under Wang Jian's command, Zhang Han, Ruan Wengzhong, Ruan Wengxin, Xia Luqi, Hou Junji, Luo Shixin and others!They are all waiting for orders under Bai Qi's command!
The remaining generals!Such as Meng Haigong, Meng Liang, and Zhu Rong Ma Saifei!Nei Shi Teng, Zhong Xing!Breathe!Zhen Hu, Sun Yang, Huan Jue, Qiang Li, Tu Sui, Ren Xiao, Zhao Tuo, Yao Jia, Feng Quji!Ying Chengxun and Luo Yi!Wang Yantong, Meng Ying, Guo Kan, Fazheng, Feng Tang, Wang Shuang, Zu Lunlun, Yanyun Eighteen Riders, Wang Qing, Xing Daorong, Shi Heng, Luo Yanqing and others are all behind the battlefield!Once you hear Ying Zheng's call!Get on the horse now!Straight to the battlefield.

Ying Zheng looked at the black prairie cavalry!The eyes are more heroic!He said calmly, "Great Qin Wannian!"

"Daqin Wannian!"

"Daqin Wannian!"

"Daqin Wannian!"

Temujin stares at the enemy's battlefield!There is some vigilance and admiration in the eyes!The big soldiers behind Temujin are all cavalry! 20 cavalry!They are warriors from the moment they are born!The scimitars in their hands seemed to drain the blood of the enemies in front of them.

Black soldiers wearing leather armor!Take the rope!With spears and machetes in hand!look around!All are warriors on horseback.

The general in front of the formation is Tuoba Tao!He has a deep hatred for Yingzheng, and behind Tuoba Tao are He Basheng, Bald Shujieng, Tuoba Shiyijian, Er Zhurong, Er Zhuzhao, Erzhu Shilong, Yuan Xin, Yuan Haowen, Budu Soldiers like Gen, Qianman, Songtsen Gampo, Fu Sheng, Daxi Changru!Meet Ying Zheng!I can't wait to swallow him alive, this invades their homeland!The culprit who enslaved their family.

The generals behind Genghis Khan also lined up in order: Shuchi, Chahetai, Wokuotai, Tuolei, Kuolejian, Chilaowen, Borhu, Borshu, Zhebie, Mountain Lion Camel, Subotai, Yelu Chucai, Helian Bobo, Kublai Khan, Boyan, Choros Yexian, Monk Flying Cymbals, Tieban Taoist, Wuliang Hetai, Borjijin Mengge, Wang Baobao, Tie Lei Yinya, Tie Lei Jinya, Tie Lei Eight Treasures, Tie Lei Mur, Zhang Hongfan, almost all the generals around Temujin!All brought by him!It can be seen that Temujin attached great importance to this war.

"God bless the wolf! The grassland will win!"

"The grassland will win!"

"The grassland will win!"

"The grassland will win!"

Ying Zheng looked indifferent, and suddenly said: "Luo Shixin stepped forward and called for battle!"

"Deling!" Only a thunderclap was heard!Luo Shixin took his overlord gun and urged the horse to go up!I can only hear the sound of horseshoes!dusty!Luo Shixin came to the center of the formation and shouted: "The Great Qin Tiger General is here! Who dares to fight!"

"Qin Dog! Grandpa is here to kill you." The military commander behind Tuoba Tao couldn't bear the bald tree function, and urged the horse under his crotch to drive straight in!The scimitar in his hand turned into a sky full of sword shadows!Facing Luo Shixin shrouded away.

Luo Shixin held the Overlord Gun in both hands!Shouted: "Go!"

"Bang Dang...!" The sound of metal delivery resounded through everyone's ears!The sparks are scattered!The bald tree can only feel that he has cut on the mountain with this knife!It couldn't be cut off!But the Overlord Spear in Luo Shixin's hand was aimed at his throat!The blood fell down the gun body along the bald tree's functioning palm!Huge pain!This makes the bald tree function wake up!Look at his hands and the tiger's mouth is cracked!
"Swing!" The bald-haired tree can move down with one move!Immediately distanced himself from Luo Shixin.

Luo Shixin did not intend to let go of this good opportunity to kill the enemy with the general!Urge the horse to go, but haven't done it yet!Then I heard the sound of an arrow!Bow your head and echo immediately!I saw a cold arrow shooting down Luo Shixin's cheek.

"Who is Fang Leng Jian! So despicable and shameless!" Luo Shixin shouted suddenly.

"Despicable and shameless!"

"Despicable and shameless!"

"Despicable and shameless!" Qin Jun shouted immediately!Angry.

The bald tree that survived is angry and annoyed!But he also knew that he was no match for Luo Shixin!I dare not go forward!Can only return to the camp!Today, this face is lost.

"You wait for prairie rats! Do you only know about these sneaky tricks?" Luo Shixin looked at everyone!His face gradually became gloomy.

"The enemy generals are going to be rampant! The mountain lions are coming!" Only a clap was heard!I saw a titan!Holding a gold-plated iron in his hand, his face is like a thunderbolt!Riding on this bloody BMW!To Luo Shixin!It was a blow to the top.

(End of this chapter)

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