Warring States Call

Chapter 1335 Zhang Tang

Chapter 1335 Zhang Tang
"Not good!" Jebie watched as Tie Lei Jin Ya was about to be killed by Luo Shixin's gun!The cold arrow that has been prepared long ago!Immediately shoot away, only to hear: "Swish, swish, swish!"

Three cold arrows shot down!At this moment, Luo Shixin dared not dare!Aligned the direction!Dodge two arrows!The other arrow hit Luo Shixin on the shoulder!The injured Luo Shixin became even more violent,

The iron overlord gun weighing more than 130 catties smashed towards Tie Lei Jinya's face!The scarlet blood gave Tie Lei Jinya no time to react!Just trying to resist!The iron overlord gun was smashed down!Only a scream from Tie Lei Jin Ya was heard!The gray mouse fur cap on his head was shot off!Bleeding!The generals on both sides can hear clearly!This is no longer the sound of a broken bone!It was the sound of crashing.

Tie Lei Jinya is beyond recognition!The golden tooth knife in his hand slipped to the ground, and the corpse lost all life at this moment!Fall off the horse.

"Big Brother!" The three Tie Lei brothers who died of Tie Lei Jinya!With hatred in their eyes, everyone charged desperately towards Luo Shixin.

Watching the battle from behind, Temujin's face was livid!Lose the general before the battle!This is a taboo for military strategists!Temujin immediately said: "Tuoba Tao! Attack!"

"Understood!" Tuoba Tao's expression was not much better at the moment!Pull out the scimitar in your arms!Facing the soldiers behind him!Raise your sword high!With a stern expression, he said: "Warriors of the grassland! The day of revenge has come! Tear them apart! Kill them!"

"Kill!" There was only a cry!Tens of thousands of troops rushed straight up!Mostly cavalry.

Wang Yanzhang narrowed his eyes, and said with a stern expression: "Don't love to fight! Withdraw first!"

"No!" Ruan Wengzhong who came to join the battle shouted loudly!Most of the Qin army were infantry!And the enemy is cavalry!Keep entangled!Ignore them and walk away immediately.

"Enemy! Don't go! I'm going to kill you!" Tie Lei Babao held the one-legged bronze figure in his hand!Slamming at Ruan Wengzhong's face.

Ruan Wengzhong is disdainful!Turn around a golden man!The two add up to more than three hundred catties and the copper man!Make a deafening sound!Ruan Wengzhong took the opportunity to pull his horse and leave!Arrogantly said: "I have the ability! Come after me!"

"Don't go!" Tie Lei Babao took the lead!Iron Lemuel in the back!Tie Lei and Yin Ya also lost their minds due to hatred!Keep going forward!The mountain lion camel watched the battle!See Tuoba Tao's vanguard troops have rushed to kill!Immediately joined the rushing camp.

Pale blue sky!On this green meadow!Five warriors on horses!Thousands of troops are still chasing behind!Look precarious.

Ying Zheng watched the charge and came to the grassland vanguard!Pinch my beard!Go in the direction of Bai Qi and Wang Jian!The white banner with white characters and the red banner with king characters are fluttering in the breeze!Bai Qi is good at field fighting!Wang Jian is good at siege warfare!Yingzheng suddenly had a sense of initiative in his heart, looked at Zhang Han beside him and said, "Command! Order Baiqi to fight! Only win! Don't lose! Beat the drum! Cheer!"

"Decree!" Zhang Han rode a war horse!Holding the military flag, he shouted loudly: "Leading the army in vain! Only victory is undefeated!"

"Leading the army in vain! Only victorious and undefeated!"

"Leading the army in vain! Only victorious and undefeated!"

"Leading the army in vain! Only victorious and undefeated!"

Three thousand orderlies sing in unison!When the military flag is delivered to white hands!Bai Qi reached out to take it!The sleeve of the one-arm swayed left and right under the breeze, and Bai Qi looked at Wang Jian and said, "General Wang has accepted!"

"The enemy is approaching! General Bai! Please!" Wang Jian didn't make a fuss!He made a please gesture to Bai Qi.

Get up and ride a war horse in vain!With a stern expression, he said, "Fan Yuqi, you order thirty thousand infantry! Advance fifty steps without my order! Don't hold back!"

"The last general will get the order!" I saw the voice screaming!I saw a big man with big arms and round waist!Holding a mountain ax in hand, riding a war horse!Wearing a black armor!Staring at Bai Qi with a stern face, he led the army and strode out with [-] infantry, the shields connected!Be on guard!Spears against shields!A line of defense was formed in front of the entire formation.

Bai Qi stared at the front indifferently!Looking to the side, Uncle Wang said: "General Wang, you lead [-] archers yourself! Use Daqin's strong bow! The enemy army approaches the front of the formation! You can shoot and kill them! Don't stop the arrows without my order!"

"Decree!" Uncle Wang echoed, holding his wooden horse bow!Urging the horse forward!The mobilization of the army is like black squares!Keep moving!Finally, a military horse with both offensive and defensive capabilities is formed.

"Zhang Xiu! Where is Zhang Tang!" Bai Qi pressed the big sword in his arms!Look at the two of them!It is also more reassuring for them!Zhang Xiu has been in the Northland for many years!He is known as the gun king of the Northland!But Zhang Tang is not weak either!What a feat.

It is worth mentioning that this Tang is a native general of Qin!He was a general in the period of King Qin Zhao!He once led troops to attack Wei and Zhao many times, seized large tracts of land, and beheaded many people. The people of Zhao hated him to the bone.

"The last general is here!" Zhang Xiu was wearing black armor!With a silver gun in hand!Look calm!And Zhang Tang on the side is mature and prudent!Black eyes and black beard!With a tiger head sword in hand!Riding a black horse!Majestic and heroic.

"You two! Lead [-] cavalry! Once the enemy appears to be defeated! Wait for my general's order to send troops!" Bai Qi said calmly.

"Decree!" The two had no choice but to agree!Cui Ma and go!

Bai Qi held the sword in his arms with one hand!His eyes are full of contempt!Tiger eyes staring ahead!Look at the black cavalry rushing forward!Bai Qi let out a heavy breath!With a calm expression, he said, "Let me see! How powerful you are!"

"Rush for me! The first soldier to break through the enemy's defense! Reward him with a fat sheep." Tuoba Tao showed a ferocious face!

Wang Yanzhang and the other five looked at Qin Bing who kept advancing!Immediately shouted: "Quick! Let's go!"

Fan Yuqi held a mountain ax in his hand!He said calmly, "Open!"

There was a gap for four people in the black crowd!Only then did Wang Yanzhang and others get rid of Tuoba Tao's pursuit.

And Wang Bodang who was behind was crawling on the ground!Hear the sound of the ground shaking!Muttering to himself: "One hundred steps...!"

"Lay down and shoot! Let it go!" Only Wang Bodang turned over and stood up immediately! More than 5 archers are lying on the ground!Suddenly draw the bow and shoot!Thigh support bow and arrow!Arrow in hand and bow drawn!Human thighs are stronger than arms!And these configurations are all three-stone strong bows!Range is of course needless to say.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Arrows rained down on Tuoba Tao's troops one after another.

The cavalry on the prairie can only attack, not defend!Hundreds of people fell under the first rain of arrows, and some clever ones quickly waved their weapons to block.

(End of this chapter)

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