Chapter 1337
"Swoosh!" Two arrows left the bow!Xing Daorong, who charged straight up, couldn't even see clearly!He was shot off the horse directly!Although Hao Siwen saw it clearly!But at this moment, he is powerless!I can only let this cold arrow shoot!People are often craziest when they know the danger ahead!But there is nothing I can do to stop it!

With one arrow, the cold arrow hit Hao Siwen's throat!The whole person slipped off the horse!Xing Daorong followed suit!Shoot two generals with one face!Zhang Xiu's face was embarrassing!Lead the horse's rope!He stared at Jebe who was shooting the arrow with vigilance!Zhang Tang, who watched the charge, immediately said: "Don't act rashly!"

Zhang Tang saw that Xing Daorong and Hao Siwen were shot dead by Jebe!Plus Zhang Xiu's reminder!The whole person is vigilant a lot!Take the rope!Holding a machete, he dared not get too close to Jebie.

"The enemy generals are going to be rampant! My Uncle Wang will meet you soon!" There was only a shout!Uncle Wang put his hands on the chest in his arms and stepped down to bow, and the bow stretched to the full moon!Suddenly shouted: "Zhong!"

"Ding, Uncle Wang activates the attribute of good marksmanship! Strength increases by 7, increases the strength value by 10 when making a sneak attack, and reduces the enemy's strength value by 5 points!"

"Ding, the current Wang Bodang's basic strength is 98, the strength value of the green wood bow is increased by 1, and the strength value of the green mane horse is increased by 1. It is currently a frontal attack! The strength value is increased by 5, and the current strength value is 107!"

"Oh!" Jebe was taken aback!Immediately draw your sword and shoot!I never thought that someone would compete with him in archery today!It's courting death, Zhebie didn't even think about it!His expression became colder and he said, "Looking for death!"

"Ding, Zhebie's anti-shooting attribute is activated! Reduce the enemy's force value by 3 points!"

"Ding, Wang Bodang's force value is currently 104!"

"Whoosh!" Two arrows shot horizontally!Wang Bodang's face changed drastically!Immediately, he jumped off the horse, only hearing the sound of arrows in his ears!Although Kankan dodged an arrow, he was still shot in the shoulder blade!Plus fell to the ground!Uncle Wang spit out a mouthful of old blood!His expression was extremely solemn, and he stared in Zhebe's direction with an ugly expression.

"Hey!" Zhebie spat in disdain!Looking at Qin Bing who was gradually gathering, he taunted: "Your archery skills are no match for the dolls on the prairie!"

Put this sentence aside!Jebe hurried away!Any soldier who dares to get close to him!They all fell off their horses!For a while, no one dared to chase after him.

Uncle Wang clutched his big chest, his face turned blue and red after being scolded by Jebie, and finally couldn't help it!Spit out a mouthful of old blood!The whole person was unconscious.

"General Wang... General Wang..." Zhang Xiu and Zhang Tang saw that Uncle Wang was hit by an arrow and passed out!Hurry up to say hello!His face was extremely embarrassed.

Qin Guo played against Temujin, although he won!But lost three 4000 people!And the grassland left only a few thousand corpses!To put it bluntly on both sides!But it's a tie!

As for the generals, Luo Shixin beheaded the enemy general Tie Lei Jin Ya!At present, he has become a general that the grassland people fear!Everyone wants to kill Luo Shixin!Famous all over the world.

And Jebe's performance in this battle is also very good!Xing Daorong and Hao Siwen who shot and killed Ying Zheng repeatedly, and even Wang Bodang, who was outstanding in archery, was defeated by his arrows!Counting to shoot Zhao He!Zhebie has become the focus of the Central Plains!This word spread to Houyi and Xue Rengui!Huang Zhong and so on... In the ears of the general with outstanding arrow skills!On the battlefield, Jebe became a living target.

Times make heroes!In this battlefield of 5000 years of elites!Able to stand out!All of them have a fierce reputation.

Starry in the black sky!Occasionally three or two stars are overshadowed!It seems to be telling the world!Some stars fell, and the cold wind swept across the earth!It's getting colder and colder!Follow this trend!Sooner or later it will snow.

Han Yi sat down and took a sip of mutton soup!Rub your hands!Exhale!Going to taste delicious!A system reminder sounded in my mind.

"Ding! Now Tie Lei Jinya! Hao Siwen! Xing Daorong died in battle, congratulations to the host for getting 25 summoning points! Among them, Hao Siwen and Tie Lei Jinya have a force value of more than 95, Ying Zheng! Temujin each got 3 people! A total of six People! The host please be prepared.

"Ying Zheng and Temujin fought!" Han Yi heard it!It turns out that the taste buds are wide open!Now I have no appetite at all!Slowly put down the mutton soup in your hand!Obviously, both of them are preliminary temptations!Should be no big deal!Otherwise, the system would have blown the watch to remind.

"Ding! Yes!" The system symbolically answered Han Yi's question!

Han Yi is not in a hurry!stroking his beard!Reached out to pick up the bowl and took a sip of mutton soup!Let out a sigh of relief!Casually said: "Come on!"

"Ding! No. 1 top three in Sui, Tang and Liao Dynasties: force 99, commander 89, intelligence 42, politics 42. The current implantation status is a general promoted by Temujin!"

"Ding, Sui and Tang Liaolong, the second most popular person at the moment: force 99, commander 78, intelligence 57, and politics 31. The current implantation status is a general promoted by Temujin! Because of his outstanding performance before the battle! He is loved by Temujin!"

"Ding! The current third person in the Sui and Tang Dynasties Liaohu: force 99, commander 78, intelligence 57, politics 31. The current implantation status is a general promoted by Temujin! Because of his outstanding performance before the battle! He is loved by Temujin! With Liao San High! Liao Longhe calls it the "Three Greats of the Liao Family"

"Tiemuzhen really has a hard life! One of the low-class Tie Lei Eight Treasures is missing! In exchange for three generals with high military strength! This deal is a good deal!" Han Yiqiang threw his head in pain!These three are definitely a problem!But the best result is that these three people will give Yingzheng a headache!Besides, Han Yi has Xue Rengui in his hands!These three people happened to be restrained by Xue Rengui to death!At that time, maybe it will be able to leave behind the reputation of Three Arrows to Fix Tianshan?

"Ding, the fourth person on the list is Wang Yu: force 77, commander 87, intelligence 84, politics 84, currently implanted identity! Wang Jian's family members! Come and join the war!"

"Ding, Wang Ling, the fifth person who is currently on the list: force 75, commander 95
Intelligence 90 Politics 95 Current Implant Identity!Wang Jian's son!Fight with him!Live and teach by his side”

"Ding, Wang Pu is the last person on the list: force 43, commander 62, intelligence 95, politics 95, currently implanted as Wang Jian's son! Because he doesn't like soldiers! He defeated Shang Yang as a teacher! Wang Jian doesn't like it! Now he is a soldier! Shang Yang's subordinates are working!"

"Ding! The current explosion is over!"

Han Yi was slightly taken aback!Then smile!It looks like the next war will be even more intense!Han Yi let out a foul breath!By the way, drink up the mutton soup on the table in one gulp!How comfortable it is!Han Yi wiped his mouth!The tiger's eyes stared at the lights in front of him, and the corners of his flat mouth rose slightly!It seems to be thinking about something, but it is more unpredictable!I don't know what Han Yi is thinking!Dian Wei beside him is guarding the door!But he didn't dare to bother too much.

(End of this chapter)

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