Chapter 1338

The war on the front line is raging!But Yanxi is sitting on the seat at this moment!Look dignified!They rubbed their hands back and forth, while Xu Shu and Xu Maogong were still sitting below.

"You two! How's the situation on the front line!" Yan Xi looked at Xu Shu!At present, this guy is his greatest reliance!So at this moment, Yan Xi is more respectful towards him.

Xu Shu came to Yan Xi's side and said, "At present, General Le Yi has stopped Li Shimin's pace! The enemy army can't go south now! Think again! This is the best moment for us to take power!"

"What do you mean by taking power!" Yan Xi asked with a puzzled expression.

Xu Shu took a sip of tea!Look at Xu Maogong who is on the side!Immediately said: "Third brother, tell me!"

Xu Maogong stroked his beard, and then said: "The front line was defeated! You Junda died in battle! Your Majesty can blame Wang Mang for the defeat in this battle! The reason for the delay in the battle caused by the delay in food and grass! Put Wang Mang to death!"

"Ahem!" Yanxi coughed twice involuntarily!Then he said: "Sir, are you just joking with Gu! Wang Mang has [-] elite soldiers in his hands! He also has generals like Dou Jiande under his command! Just relying on the [-] imperial guards in the palace! How can he be his opponent! Isn't it Hit the stone with softness!"

"No! Wang Mang's [-] soldiers and horses! They are stationed outside the city! But Wang Mang has only [-] soldiers and horses in the city! Our army only needs to guard the city gate! We are attacking Wang Mang! One battle will decide the world!" Xu Maogong explained to Yan Xi .

"This...!" Yan Xi couldn't help becoming nervous!Looks a little flustered!Dry mouth!The palms of both hands are sweating non-stop!Touching the knee from time to time!Nervousness filled Yanxi's heart, and suddenly she didn't even know what to ask.

Xu Maogong frowned, looked at the hesitant Yan Xi, and immediately said: "General Weiqing, the great king, has trained [-] troops day and night outside the city! The city gate is guarded by General Han Derang himself! The enemy will definitely not be able to break through! Huang Zhong The two generals, Zhang Fei and Zhang Fei, have undeserved courage! As long as Wang Mang is killed! The king will control half of the full power of the Yan Kingdom! After that, I will slowly figure it out! The Yan Kingdom should be strong!"

Let Xu Maogong say the hype!But at this moment, Yanxi's mind has gone blank!He seemed to be wondering what would happen if he failed.

Xu Shu seemed to see Yan Xi's concerns, and shook his head secretly in his heart, such a monarch who is afraid of wolves and tigers!How could it be a big deal!No guts at all!Just want to be content with the status quo!Little did they know!Be prepared for danger in times of peace!Once too comfortable!The one who died was himself.

Xu Shu cleared his mind!Looking at the sluggish Yanxi, he immediately said: "Your Majesty! Don't move today! Tomorrow our army will be lambs waiting to be slaughtered! As far as I know! Wang Mang took the lead in dispatching soldiers and horses to the city to change defenses! It was to control the palace! After today! There is no chance! I can’t stand this uselessness! You can retreat to the mountains! Three meals a day are fine! But if the king is controlled by him! Has the king ever thought about it! The struggle between emperors! There is no good result!”

"This...!" Yan Xi heard Xu Shu's words!Everyone was shocked!As if you can see the future results now!Yan Xi's complexion was pale!Take a deep breath!Trot down quickly!Holding Xu Shu and Xu Maogong with one hand, he patted their hands!He said earnestly and earnestly: "I'll ask the two of you! After the matter is completed, I will definitely reward you a lot!"

"I'll die after I've done my best!" Xu Shu immediately saluted!A soldier who dies for his confidant.

Xu Maogong also stroked his beard!With a smile in his eyes!Looking at Yan Xi, he said, "Your Majesty, please rest well in the hall! Leave the other matters to me and Yuan Zhi!"

"Gude's two mistresses are just like ducks in water! Gude is not going anywhere! Just waiting for news from the two gentlemen!" Yan Xi seems to have come down with great determination!Just wait here!There was a glint of hope in his eyes.

Xu Shu and Xu Maogong looked at each other in dismay!Then he bowed to Yan Xi and saluted!Immediately walked towards the outside of the hall.

"Today is the day when Yandu will be turned upside down!" Xu Maogong held the horse rope!Turn over!Riding a war horse is running towards the outside of the palace.

"How are the preparations going outside the palace!" Xu Shu urged his horse on!He came to Xu Maogong's side and asked carefully.

"It's safe! I'm afraid I've already done it now! I'm controlling Wang Mang's troops!" Xu Maogong said indifferently.

"That's good! Your Majesty has spent a lot of blood here! You and I can't be too hasty! See if there is any way! Draw Wang Mang out!" Xu Shu said indifferently.

"No need!" Xu Maogong urged his horse to get on!With a calm expression, he said, "Wang Mang is now a grasshopper after autumn, and he can't jump for a few days! It can be done! Yan is about to bleed!"

The sun is shining!In this cold weather!The sun shines on the earth!Give a person a touch of warmth!I saw a young general!Wearing black armor!Wear a cloak behind your back!Pressing the sword in his arms with his right hand!The left hand is pressing the spear in his arms!There are tens of thousands of soldiers behind!Line up!These soldiers are not considered new recruits!There was a murderous look in their eyes, it was obvious that Wei Qing wanted to train an elite soldier!I once personally led troops to suppress bandits!These are all red.

The only difference is!They have never seen such a big battle.

And in the south of Yandu City!There is a troop!Built by the river!There are about 3 soldiers and horses!Look at Wei Qing who surrounds him tightly!The clever soldiers hurriedly went to report to the generals in the camp.

In the big tent!Before the soldiers entered the door, they could smell a strong smell of alcohol!Entering the big tent!I saw scattered wine jars thrown on the ground in a mess!There were two icy-muscled men lying on the spacious bed!The big man hugs left and right!The big hands are placed in the private parts of the woman!What a cool word.

Soldiers watched!Hastily said anxiously: "General! It's not good! There are tens of thousands of soldiers outside the camp! They wrapped up our big tent!"

"Oh! What! Don't bother me...!" The general impatiently pushed the soldier away even though he was holding the beautiful woman in his arms!Sleeping happily, who could this person be if he wasn't Fu Gong Er!

"General... General!" The soldier looked anxious, and immediately stepped forward to pull the auxiliary male Er.

The quilt was pulled away!I saw the women on both sides shouted immediately!The voice was sharp, and I could only hear "Ah...!"

Fu Gong Er was awakened by this sharp voice!The whole person was furious!open one's eyes!The tiger's eyes stared at the future!Pull out the sword in your arms immediately!He flew into a rage and said, "It's his grandma! You fucking court death! How dare you disturb my good business!"

"It's not the general...ah!" The scream was filled with blood and the big account was spread!I saw the soldier crawling out rolling and crawling!The body is covered with blood!Keep begging for mercy!Some soldiers at close range looked at the horrible scene in front of them.

Fu Gong Er rushed out of the big tent with a blood-stained sword!Watch this soldier go down with a sword!He cursed: "Dog thing.

(End of this chapter)

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