Warring States Call

Chapter 1339 Chapter 1343: Betrayal

Chapter 1339 The first thousand 340 three: The betrayal of relatives

Auxiliary Gong Er seems not enough!Look at the angry soldiers all around!Angrily scolded: "Did you see it! Who dares to disturb my good deeds! This is the end!"

The soldier looked at the soldier who died tragically in front of him!His face was as frosty, and only the sound of hurried hooves could be heard!Then came a heavy voice: "Fu Gong Er, you are so majestic!"

"Who! Who's mother doesn't have eyes, stand up!" Fu Gong's face was bloody!The whole person looked vicious.

"It's me!" There was only a cry!Wei Qing is wearing black armor!Pressing the sword in his arms with his left hand!A trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"You are...!" Wei Qing drew his sword with one hand before Fugong Ying finished speaking!Draw a knife and chop with one move!Fast as lightning!Cut off the head of Duke Fu directly!Fu Gongying didn't pay attention at first!This is his camp!Who dares to be presumptuous!And from the beginning, they didn't look at Wei Qing directly, they just treated him as a miscellaneous soldier!Another point is to just get up!The brain is a little confused.

"Bang Dang!" A good man's head fell to the ground!Everyone was shocked!Some soldiers are ready to move!bristle!Want to avenge Fugong Ying!Most of these people are Fugong's former confidantes!But the vast majority of soldiers did not have much emotional fluctuations about the death of Fu Gongying.

Wei Qing single-handedly killed Duke Fu!At first he thought it was not so easy!At least go through a bloody battle!But now it seems to be a matter of course.

"Listen! I'll receive the order from the king! Fu Gong is to rob civilian women! Abuse soldiers! Deduct military pay! If verified! Immediately kill! No dividends! Dare to commit trouble! Kill without pardon!" Wei Qing held The bronze sword dripping with blood!The murderous aura on his body drifted away!It seems to be natural!The soldiers didn't dare to make mistakes immediately when they saw it!The soldiers who were ready to move!I also tolerated my temper.

Wei Qing saw that the matter was over!Take out the kit that Xu Mao bus gave him from his bosom!Turn it on quickly!Look carefully at the contents inside!Although suspicious!But he didn't think much about it, and immediately said: "By the king's order! All the soldiers have worked hard! Special gift to all the soldiers, a hundred pigs and sheep! Hundred altars of fine wine! Reward the soldiers!"

"Wine...meat!! All the soldiers couldn't believe it at this moment! They looked at the soldiers beside them excitedly! They all looked at each other! It seemed unbelievable! After all, some people have never seen wine and meat growing up since they were born. what it looks like.

"You will kneel down and thank the king!" Wei Qing said calmly.

"Long live the king!...Long live the king!...Long live the king" tens of thousands of soldiers shouted!Come all over the world!Resounding through the sky, one by one fell to their knees on the ground with a plop!face full of smiles
Wei Qing looked at the letter made of cloth in his hand, and came to the campfire!Throw it into the bonfire!Only now did Wei Qing know what Xu Shu and the others were aiming for.Killing is the next, Wei Qing's vision!It also appears more open.

Inside the city gate.

Xu Shu is riding a war horse!Follow Zhang Fei!Huang Zhong and two people!The soldiers behind were all wearing black leather armor!Wearing a bronze sword at the waist!What a powerful idea, the soldiers and horses quickly approached Wang Mang's accommodation, it can be said to be in high spirits.

Wang Mang is sitting there!His complexion looked calm!A group of capable soldiers gathered beside them, standing on both sides of Dou Jiande, Du Fuwei and Kong Yu.

"How's the situation! Have you got in touch?" Wang Mang looked indifferent!Sitting on the throne!stroking mustache!He said calmly.

"My lord! Send out three groups of troops! All of them were shot to death under the city gate by random arrows! They couldn't even get out of the city gate!" Du Fuwei said with an ugly face!Current situation!It is really not optimistic.

"En!" Wang Mang nodded!Take a deep breath!Frowning!Haven't figured out what to do next!Only one of the servants was heard striding forward, and said in a panic, "The lord is not good! Come to the palace...someone is here!"

"Come if you don't come! There's nothing to be afraid of!" Wang Mang looked distraught!Pointing at the soldier told him not to panic.

"No! No! It's the army...!" The soldier swallowed!He looked embarrassed.

"What!" Wang Mang's expression changed drastically!He stood up with his legs wide open!Embarrassed!And Dou Jiande and Du Fuwei looked at each other!A trace of strangeness and cruelty flashed in his eyes.

Wang Mang's face was solemn, and he returned to his seat!With an ugly face, he said: "What is there to climb! Block it for me! Drag it until Duke Fu enters the city!"


I'm afraid, Wang Xiang, you won't be able to wait for that time! "Yang Zhang and came out with a mocking voice! Only heard: "Boom! With a bang! The door was knocked open! It was torn apart! Xu Shu was wearing court clothes! Behind him were Zhang Fei and Huang Zhong, who were burly and muscular!

"Xu Shu! What do you mean! Trespassing on the real man's mansion! Are you going to rebel? If you quit now! The truth can be regarded as nothing happened!" Wang Mang looked serious!Tiger eyes stared at Xu Shu!Although stand behind!But the palms are sweaty!Be able to stay calm in this situation!It's not easy.

"Wang Mang! You withheld military rations! This matter has been implemented! Don't resist! Come before me, king! I will spare your life! If you resist in the end...!" Xu Shu paused when he said this!A trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes!Immediately, his face became angry and he said: "Kill without mercy!"

"Hmph! Xu Shu, do you think you are an old man and a three-year-old child? Is it so easy to fool? Can I come back alive after I go?" Wang Mang's face turned dark!Since you can't be fooled, let's fight to the death, the reason now is to delay time!Wang Mang exhaled heavily, and threatened: "I still have [-] elite soldiers outside the city! I will attack the city in less than half an hour! Xu Shu, I think you are also a talent! You submit to me! Wait for the day when Gu becomes the throne! Make you a prime minister! Wouldn't it be a joy to be rich and honored!"

"Wang Mang, don't think about your [-] elites! Now that Duke Fu is dead! Don't plan to beat him!" Xu Shu smiled strangely!Looking at Huang Zhong beside him, he said, "Go, two generals!"

"Hey hey hey! Damn it! I can't take it anymore! The enemy will stop! Eat me with a spear!" Zhang Fei's voice was like thunder!The Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand turned into a gust of black wind!to kill Wang Mang

"Dou Jiande! Come on, Du Fuwei!" Wang Mang's complexion flashed a bit dignified, even pale!But now the momentum cannot be lost.

"Decree" Dou Jiande listen!He winked at Du Fuwei on the side!The two immediately turned back!One left and one right swinging the sword up!It's a pity that it wasn't Xu Shu who killed him!It was Wang Mang!Two bloody weapons protruded from Wang Mang's lower abdomen!Wang Mang looked at the two of them unimaginably, and glared angrily: "You two...!"

(End of this chapter)

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