Warring States Call

Chapter 1340 Wang Mang's Death

Chapter 1340 Wang Mang's Death

"General!" Kong Yu saw Wang Mang was killed!His face changed!Immediately rushed forward!Zhang Fei stretched out his big hand!He lifted it up and stroked his beard!He said calmly: "What the hell! Take it down for me!"

After speaking, Zhang Fei made a sudden move!Smash Kong Yu on the ground!Flicked dizzy.

"Pfft!" Wang Mang fell to the ground!With an embarrassing expression, he said, "Why! Betrayed... me!"

"People die for money! Birds die for food! Wang Mang! We also want to live! No wonder I!" Du Fuwei glanced at Wang Mang, who was like a dead dog, and then said to Xu Shu: "The minister is sincerely surrendering! I still hope Xu Shu Thank you sir! We will definitely do our best!"

"Wang Mang deserves to die! We will definitely cooperate with Mr. Xu! Tell the world about Wang Mang's crimes, and ask Mr. Xu to spare the two of us!" Dou Jiande also knelt on the ground!He said with a stern face, and the soldiers around him also knew that there was no result in stubborn resistance!As if abandoning the weapons in their hands, they knelt down one after another.

"You...you can't...you die!" Wang Mang seemed to have exhausted all his strength, pointing at Dou Jiande and Du Fuwei and cursed!It's like exhausting all the strength in my body!In the end, he died of exhaustion.

Xu Shu watched the changes in the scene!Then he looked at the two of them and walked away!Putting his hands into his sleeves, he said with a smile on his face: "What are you two talking about! Now is the time for the country to employ people! With two great talents! They will definitely be reused by the king!"

"Thank you, Mr. Xu! We will definitely do our best!" The two of them breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this!Xu Shu helped them up!Smile!Take a walk!Take a look at Huang Zhong!She winked at him!Hands on the sleeves!Made a big movement of wiping his neck.

Huang Zhong understood immediately!Single-handedly!Pretending to enter the palace, he looked at the two and said, "Two generals! Let me go and see the treasury!"

"Okay! Please!" The two hurriedly greeted each other and walked ahead!Turn your back to Huang Zhong!

Huang Zhong saw a good opportunity!Suddenly drew his sword and went up!Cut two songs with one knife!The heads of the two fell to the ground in an instant!Blood spurts.

"What are you doing....... Didn't we all surrender? Why are you still...!"

"What are you doing...!" All the servants who had surrendered resisted one by one.

"Everyone be quiet!" Xu Shu's face was indifferent!With a calm expression, he said: "Your Majesty ordered! Kill the leader! You will not be implicated! Anyone who wants to die, keep jumping!"

"This...!" The servant who was yelling at first!At this moment, it was quiet.

Xu Shu let out a sigh of relief!Tiger eyes stared at Wang Mang's corpse!With a flat face, he said, "It's a character! But that's it!"

If it is on the battlefield!Dou Jiande and Du Fuwei were defeated!Xu Shu would definitely recruit two of them!But the two killed their lord in order to survive!That kind of people!It's a white-eyed wolf!I'm not familiar with it!It would be better to kill it directly!Just come!It is a wise choice to give up decisively!After all, no one wants to strap a time bomb to their body.

"Hoo hoo... Hoo hoo... Hoo hoo...!" The cold wind blew!The withered and yellow leaves slowly fall to the ground along the autumn wind!scattered!Some of them fell on Xu Shu's shoulders. Xu Shu raised his head and looked at the ancient trees in the courtyard!If it is difficult for a person to embrace the fallen ancient tree, Xu Shu took a step forward!Reach out and touch this ancient tree!Muttering to himself: "Spring green autumn yellow hundred-day wheel! Life will come back to life without regrets!"

sometimes!some places!Perhaps real death!Only those who can carry the weight forward!Get really liberated!
"Let's go!" Xu Shu waved his hand!Don't want to waste time here anymore!He has more important things to do...

Wang Mang's death!The balance of the government of Yan State is tilted at an extreme speed!A group of generals represented by Le Yi!Although powerful!But Xu Shu has the food and grass of Yan State!It made Le Yi dare not go to war with Xu Shu!This is how Wang Mang annoys Le Yi!The reason why Le Yi didn't touch him!In Le Yi's opinion!Everything must be focused on the overall situation, not impulsive.

So far, half of Yan's regime!All fell into Han Yi's hands!For bloodless!Take control of Yan Kingdom faster!Han Yi is in terms of talent!Choose more generals who are loyal to you!Send it to the Yan army!Like a cloud of flowers!Zhang Dingbian!Lu Xiangsheng!Pound four!Let it be a meritorious service!Gradually grasp the power of Yan State, and prepare for the future to take down Yan State without bloodshed.

"Ding! Now Wang Mang! Du Fuwei! Dou Jiande! Fu Gong died in battle! Wang Mang's highest ability reached 90, and rewarded the host with 9 summoning points! The other three rewarded 8 points, a total of 33 summoning points! Because the abilities of the four cannot reach Exploding the watch!"

"I stepped on thunder! Gu thought you were going to explode! Just the people who have exploded in the past few days! There are no fewer than twenty!" Han Yi's head looked ashamed.

Han Yi let out a heavy breath!Looking at Chang Lu Man Man, he immediately said, "How long is Dian Wei?"

"Report to Your Majesty! It's half a day's journey away from Yan Kingdom!" Dian Wei said with a flat face.

"How's the situation of the Tiger Zhejun!" Han Yi suddenly thought of a figure!asked immediately.

"The Hu Zhejun is currently serving as scouts!" Dian Wei immediately replied.

"Han Ming! What happened to Han Feng!" Han Yi put away the bamboo slips in his hand!His face asked, seeming thoughtful.

"The Fourth Highness is rushing to Yandi! He is heading to the battlefield! The Third Highness is going to investigate ahead!" Dian Wei said in a straightforward manner.

"What!" Han Yi suddenly threw the bamboo slips aside!With an ugly face, he said, "This little four! Didn't you stop him?"

"At first everyone thought it was an investigation! It's nothing serious! But when they found out! The Fourth Highness has disappeared! Only a few messengers are left!" Dian Wei looked helpless, Han Ming's character!Even his father dared to cut him off if he didn't agree with each other, who would dare to stop him.

"You bastard! Go call Yuwen Chengdu! Huang Feihu leads the Huben army first! Catch up with this little four! If you find it, you can take it! If you tie me up, you have to tie me back!" Han Yi was furious!There was a trace of anger in the eyes, and it was all right for the prince to get angry with him!This little four is also a temper tantrum.

"My minister is under orders!" Dian Wei stepped back with a shout, and it happened that Han Feng had just returned from inspection at this moment!Riding a black warhorse!Wearing a black armor!Against the cold wind!Breathe out the heat!Look at the furious Dian Wei!The whole person looked puzzled.

Immediately he grabbed his tongue and said, "General Dian Wei, what is he doing here!"

"I heard that he was ordered to capture the Fourth Highness!"

"Father...!" Han Feng's face was serious!Breathing heavily, if it was the past, Han Feng would not hesitate to let go of his guard!But after what happened last time!Han Feng can be sure!Han Yi was worried!As for those who sent troops, this was not to arrest, but to protect.

(End of this chapter)

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