Warring States Call

Chapter 1342 Chapter 1346: Li Mu

Chapter 1342 One Thousand 340 Six: Li Mu

The reason why Xiliu Camp does not use shields is very simple!Soldiers wear heavy armor!Extremely resistant to chopping!This is also the reason why Zhao's military strength cannot increase!Most of the money has been invested in this Xiliu camp!And the grassland soldiers all wore leather armor!Because of the lack of grassland minerals!This makes the grasslands unable to hold large-scale armed forces.

While God bestows you with rich gifts!A part of the price will also be charged in return, and the grassland has obtained many war horses!Lost salt and minerals.

"Kill!" Zhou Yafu was expressionless!Look grim.

"Ding, Zhou Yafu's Xiliu attribute is activated! The force value is increased by 3! The commander is increased by 1. If the commander is the Xiliu camp, the force value is increased by 1000 people! The force value is increased by 1"

"Ding, the current base commander of Zhou Yafu is 98, the current commander is 99, the base force value is 97, the force value is increased by 3, the current commander is 5000 Xiliuying, Zhou Yafu's force value is increased by 5, the fine Liudao force value is increased by 1, the current Zhou Yafu Force value 106!"

Ding, Xiliu's second attribute is activated!Soldier's force value is mandatory to add 3 points to the force value! "

"Bastard! This damn armor!" I saw the big man who was yelling just now, staring at the soldier in front of him with an ugly expression!I saw the bloody armor marks on his body!The big man struggled to pull out the wolf knife in his hand, glanced at the mace behind him, and suddenly turned over!Spread the ape arms lightly!Suddenly took it over!Look at the soldiers who don't know how to live or die!Hammer down!In the middle of the front door, the brains exploded!Blood splashed all over his face!The big man showed his rhubarb ya, and laughed loudly: "It's your luck to die in the hands of me, Wanyan Yegunai! Hahahahahaha!"

"Monkey!" There was only a shout!A burly man!Seeing that his eldest brother died in the hands of Wanyan Yangunai!There is anger in the eyes!Suddenly charging forward, the big knife in his hand looked at Wanyan Yegunai's throat.

"Looking for death!" Wan Yan Yan Gu Nai looked at the big man with disdain!The maces in their hands hit each other suddenly!The sound of metal delivery!Accompanied by the soldier's reflection, it resounded in front of everyone's eyes.

Zhou Yafu's expression became colder, and he stepped forward suddenly!Flip the knife with one hand!The thin willow knife in your hand!The blade is like a willow!Can be stabbed or cut!Turning over and swinging the knife, like a big wave washing the sand, the ape's arms are relaxed!Go down with a heavy knife!Fast as the wind!
Wanyan Yangu Nai looked slightly stunned!Surprised face!Raise your arms lightly!Get in front of yourself!Only heard: "tear"

The spark dies in the rain!While looking at it, Wanyan Yan Gu Nai took a few steps back, and from the corner of his eye, he glanced at the knife mark on the mace in his hand!If he gets in the way of this knife!It would be half miserable if he didn't die.

Zhou Yafu gently stretches the ape's arms!Staring at Wanyan Ye Gunai with a pair of eyes, he calmly said: "Xiliu Ying!"

"Ha!" Wuqian Xiliuying shouted suddenly!Step forward!It can be described as thunderous.

"Kill!" Zhou Yafu's low voice made people feel terrible!Can't even feel any temperature!Five thousand Xiliu troops who have received general orders, keep the army!The blackness is moving towards Wanyan and Gu Nai, like a walking tank!The people who watched were terrified.

Wanyan Yangu was shocked by the breath of this army!Immediately found a group of war horses!Turn over and go!I just heard: "Boom!"

The frightened warhorse can no longer be controlled!He kicked off his four hooves, and drove Wanyan Ye Gunaifu away, not knowing where the end point was!Just keep running!Always broken.

Wanyan Aguda was awakened by the sound of shouting and killing!The whole person was slightly taken aback!Standing up suddenly, he said with embarrassment, "What's going on!"

"Master! It's not good! Zhao Guo's soldiers and horses are coming!" Only a sound of embarrassment was heard!Wanyan Zongxiong broke into the big tent wearing tattered armor!There is still a bronze sword in his hand, obviously there is no weapon in his hand!Picked one up and used it.

"Hahahaha! It's out! This tortoise has finally come out! Get out!" Wanyan Agu strode away!Take the scimitar in your hand!Holding the whip is to kill.

"Master! No!" Wanyan Zongxiong was interrupting to stop him!But he still didn't stop him, and could only watch Wanyan Aguda rush out.

On the gray battlefield!The salty taste of the rain mixed with the stench of blood!There are many fighting soldiers around!Roll in the mud.

"Come back!" There was only a shout!Steppe soldiers at war!Back away slowly!
Li Mu also noticed Wanyan Aguda at this moment, and made a decisive decision with the sword in his hand!The sword ended with the soldiers under his command, blood and rain mixed on Li Mudang's cheeks!The rain in the sky is getting bigger and bigger!Thunder is not small!Except for the frightened war horses running around, everything else scattered.

Wanyan Aguda was a generation of heroes at any rate. He squinted his eyes against the heavy rain and shouted, "Li Mu! You cunning fox! Come out!"

"Hahahaha! Chief Wanyan! I haven't seen you for a long time! The general is invited!" Li Mu pressed the sword in his arms!There is still a deep sword mark on the arm, but Li Mu doesn't care about it!Compared with the scene in front of you!This injury is nothing, the prairie people have no horses!A wolf without teeth!There is no danger anymore!Li Mu took the opportunity to look at Zhao She at the side!Zhao She hurriedly made a show, and Zhao She quickly understood, and suddenly shouted: "Array!"

"Ha!" Tens of thousands of people suddenly shouted!Rows of soldiers!Shield for the front!The armor is the queen.

"Li Mu! You...!" Wanyan Aguda's expression changed drastically!Li Mu lined up in front of his face!Provocative provocative naked provocation.

"Hahahahaha! You are still arrogant! Why are you not arrogant! Arrogant!" Guo Kai laughed loudly at this moment!It seems that I have been wronged so much!Burst out in this moment.

Zhao Kuo!Zhao She and his son!Gather tens of thousands of archers!As long as there is any change in Wanyan Aguda!Ready to shoot!

"Li Mu! If we have the ability, let's have a big fight! What is your sneak attack!" Wanyan Aguda looked at Wanyan Zongxiong, and quickly pushed!Wanyan Zongxiong immediately understood and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"There's no joke on the battlefield! Leader Wanyan! I've advised you before! It's a pity you didn't listen!" Li Mu looked at Wanyan Aguda feeling very sorry.

"Advice! Why don't I know!"

"I said it! Get out of the Great Wall! Let the past go!" Li Mu said, a chill emanated from his whole body!Bai Ling in front of his forehead was stained red by the blood!The rain is getting louder and louder!Li Mu held the bronze sword in his hand!With a fighting spirit on his face, he said: "Since you don't leave! Then stay here! There is a place for your bones to be buried in the huge battlefield! Kill!"

"The big formation advances!" Zhao She pulled out the bronze sword in his arms!With a cold light in his eyes, he strode out!Every step behind her was deafening.

Come on for the college entrance examination!
(End of this chapter)

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