Warring States Call

Chapter 1343 Ma Yuan

Chapter 1343 Ma Yuan
"Fire the arrow!" Zhao She pushed forward with his colleagues!Zhao Kuo is not idle either!Suddenly pulled out the sword in his arms!Commanding the soldiers to shoot a dense rain of arrows at Wanyan Aguda, and with the soldiers advancing continuously, Wanyan Aguda's face sank like water!Wanyan Zonghan on the side looked stern!Immediately snatched the shields of the soldiers beside him!Shouted: "Protect the leader! Quick!"

Dozens of prairie men holding up their round shields!Surrounded in front of Wanyan Aguda!Form a block of strong people!Resisting the dense cold arrows, there will be a few gaps to shoot soldiers from time to time!But it also quickly made up for the gap, protecting Wanyan Aguda firmly.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!" The thunder became smaller and smaller!The rain is not as heavy as it used to be, Wanyan Zonghan holds the scimitar in his hand!Staring at the burly men on both sides, he immediately shouted: "Monk Wanyan Chen! Wanyan golden marbles!"

Just hear a loud hello!Two burly men fought out!He stared at Wanyan Zonghan with a serious expression.

"You two, take the leader and leave here quickly! I'll stay and end the queen! Hurry up!" Wan Yan Zonghan's face was serious!Pull out the scimitar in your arms!Take off your hat!Wipe the blood off the knife with your hat.

"Zong Han! Don't love to fight! Come with me!" Wanyan Agu asked!Immediately stepped forward and pulled Wanyan Zonghan's arm!Said solemnly.

"Leader! The tribe needs you! You guys leave!" Wan Yan Zonghan finished!As if there is something to worry about!Take out a string of wolf tooth necklaces from your bosom!Some lovers breathed heavily, and said solemnly: "Tell Mayasa! Tell her not to wait for me!"

Wanyan Zonghan put his hand in Wanyan Aguda's and said with a serious face, Wanyan Aguda's expression was slightly stunned!Look distraught!Suddenly pressing the back of Wanyan Zonghan's head, the tiger's eyes were full of tears and said, "You bastard, come back alive! Did you hear that!"

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Wanyan Zonghan stared at Wanyan Aguda, and burst out laughing!Suddenly pushed Wanyan Aguda away, and immediately said: "Let's go!"

"Zonghan...!" Wanyan Aguda was about to pull Wanyan Zonghan!But Wanyan Zongxiong, who had already cleared the way behind, immediately said: "Go quickly! Come on!"

"Leader, let's go! It's too late!" Monk Wanyan Chen said nothing!Pulling Wanyan Aguda is to break out!The force value of Wanyan's golden marbles is all around!Clear the way for many soldiers!
"Killing! Rain! Mixed with the smell of this soil! It makes the whole battlefield exude a disgusting smell.

"Attack" Zhao Shehu roared, and tens of thousands of soldiers advanced forward!Wanyan Zonghan stared at the advancing Zhao Bing with an ugly expression!He suddenly shouted: "Warriors of the grassland! Pick up the scimitars in your hands! Ride on your horses! Let them know even if you die! The dignity of a man in the grassland! Don't trample on it! Kill!"

"Kill!" Many soldiers who had been prepared for a long time!Get on the horse!As time goes by!The god of thunder in the sky has disappeared!The rain is also gradually stopping!Wanyan Zonghan keeps gathering remnants and defeated generals!The number of people is as high as 3!These 21 people are like hungry wolves in hell!As long as there are war horses!No matter Sanqi [-]!Rush directly to the formation!The original soldiers can still resist!But as the number of times increases!Also gradually revealed fatigue.

Li Mu watched the changes on the battlefield from behind!Spit!Even if Li Mu had a good temper, he couldn't help scolding his mother!He cursed angrily: "It's his grandma! The cavalry in the grassland are such a fucking trouble!"

Cavalry is highly mobile!The two armies are at war!Although Li Mu had [-] more troops than Wanyan Aguda!But these [-] soldiers and horses could not make up for the gap in speed between cavalry and infantry at all. Li Mu looked at Wanyan Zonghan who was baring his teeth and claws!Breathe heavily!He rubbed his wrist!With a calm face, he said: "The enemy can ride! I can ride easily! Horse aids the general!"

"The end is here!" Only a loud shout was heard!A general stepped out from behind Li Mu!Holding a golden hammer the size of a stone lion's head in both hands, and a bronze three-foot sword at his waist!Wearing black gold broken tiger armor!The face is yellow and black!Wear a tiger gold tooth helmet!The white cloak on the back moves with the wind!Riding a Huangzong horse!Look grim!Face like thunder!The sound is like thunder!
"You lead [-] cavalry yourself! A charge! Let them see our strength!" Li Mu said calmly.

"The last general has an order" Ma Yuan immediately transferred his troops back!Huge battlefield!If you look down from the sky!I saw Ma Yuan leading these [-] cavalry!Thinking of Yan Zonghan's wandering soldiers, go kill them!Just like a sharp dagger!Stab without mercy.

"Let the arrow!" Zhao Kuo has kept his calm!Command your soldiers!Killing the enemy calmly!Every soldier who comes close!It's all because of these dense cold arrows!died tragically under these arrows.

"Xiliu Camp!" There was only a blast!Zhou Yafu also led his troops in shock!Counting the joint efforts of Ma Yuan and Zhao She!It can be described as monstrous.

Besieged on all sides!The soldiers under Wanyan Zonghan's command are like scurrying mice!Everyone yells and beats!But for a long time!It's a river of blood!
"Drink!" Wanyan Zonghan heard a shout right in front of him!Ma Yuan urged the horse to go up!A pair of tiger eyes stared straight at Wanyan Zonghan, and the double hammers in his hands suddenly fell!Such as Mount Tai meteorite!Fast as the wind!Urgent.


"Ding! The attribute of Ma Yuan's shrouded body is activated! Fighting on the battlefield with the determination to die! The force value is increased by 7, and if the enemy is a foreign race! The effect of the attribute is doubled!"

"Ding, the current matchup is Wanyan Zonghan! It's a grassland tribe! The force value of Ma Yuan is doubled! The force value is increased by 14, the basic force value is 105, the force value of the drum and urn golden hammer is increased by 1, and the force value of Huang Zongma is increased by 1. The current force value value 121"

"Boom!" Scarlet blood appeared on Ma Yuan's silver hammer!Wan Yanhan only felt that his expression was getting colder!The tiger's eyes stared at the hammer that was getting bigger and bigger!Reminds me of the Mashaya I mentioned earlier!Wanyan Zonghan smiled slightly!I thought to myself: "I love you...... Goodbye!"

“Boom……………………………!” The neighing of the war horse!The flying of flesh and blood, the flying of dust!All show the power of this hammer!
Prairie soldiers all around!Scatter!Run away!leftover!Without exception!No surrender!Only death.

"General! Wanyan Agu has been beaten away!" Guo Kai walked over with a happy face!It seems to be repaying his own achievements.

Li Mu confided in the air!With a weak look on his face, he said: "He is really more cunning than a fox, this person will not be eliminated! There will be no peace in the northern border!"

"Then I can give the order to chase after him!"

"No need! Don't chase after him! And...you can't catch up to him!"

(End of this chapter)

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