Chapter 1344

With 20 infantry, Li Mu defeated the 10th cavalry. This in itself was a huge victory. In this battle, Li Mu killed [-] enemy troops. grassland!No one thought of it!Often invincible cavalry!It would be defeated by the infantry!There used to be an unwritten rule!Want to defeat ten thousand cavalry!We must take out [-] infantry!In order to obtain a difficult victory!And this unwritten rule!It was broken in Li Mu's hands, and it also reminded the grassland.

Wanyan Aguda's defeat!This caused Li Mu's reputation on the grassland to be greatly shaken!It also made Zhao Guo's fighting spirit even more fanatical!Ye Ke and A Baoji, who were fighting Lian Po, were furious!Li Mu's victory!As a result, Yale Abaoji had to withdraw from the Great Wall!To avoid being encircled by Lian Po and Li Mu!In order to vent the anger in my heart!Yeke and Abaoji burned, killed and looted along the way!The Zhao people hated him to the bone, because of the cavalry relationship!It took only five days for Ye Ke and A Baoji to exit the Great Wall!Be Li Mu!When Lian Po and his troops arrived!Except for the scorched earth everywhere!And lonely children.

In the territory of Zhao State!Li Mu and Lian Po can also take advantage of the terrain to carry out battles tailored to local conditions!But in the grasslands!Although Li Mu has combat experience!But this time the number of grasslands is tens of thousands!It's not the previous petty fights, Li Mu also has to be more cautious.

"Ding, Wan Yan Zonghan died in battle! His basic force value has exceeded 95, and the system will report 3 people to Zhao Guo!"

"Ding, currently No. 1 Northern Song Dynasty Li Jilong: Force 99, Commander 95, Intelligence 80, Politics 70. The current implantation status is Li Mu's son! Together with Lian Dan! Zhao Kuo is also known as the three young generals!"

"It's not easy! Does this count as a successor!" Han Yi laughed!After all, Zhao She!Li Mu!Lian Po!These are the three most famous generals in Zhao State!Of course Zhao She needless to say!Son Zhao Kuo!According to history, Zhao Kuo must die at the hands of Bai Qi!But the current Zhao Kuo is not the former Zhao Kuo, at least compared with Bai Qi!Although I will lose!But it won't be too ugly to lose.

"Ding, the second person on the list is Zhao Gu: Force 64, Commander 75, Intelligence 94, Politics 87. The current implantation identity is a counselor recruited by Zhao Kuangyin!"

"Ding, currently the third person on the list is Zhang Qiong of the Northern Song Dynasty: Force 100 Command 85 Intelligence 66 Politics 51 The current implanted identity is Zhao Kuangyin's recommendation to Zhao Yong's guard commander! Protect Zhao Yong and go north soon! Join the alliance of various countries.

"Zhang Qiong!" Han Yi was thoughtful!This guy is also considered a talent!But he was framed and died!In fact, to put it bluntly!It was just an excuse for Zhao Kuangyin to kill Zhang Qiong.

Han Yi sighed silently to the big man!Such a person is either sold or killed!But if you meet a good monarch!It can have a good end!But it fell into the hands of Zhao Kuangyin!Han Yi seemed to scoff.

"Ding! The current explosion is over! The system has issued a task! Does the host want to accept it!"

"Tell me about the task!" Han Yi suddenly became interested!Although the system released a lot of tasks!But except for time-limited missions!Most of them are still unfinished! "

"Ding! Fusang Kingdom! Within three months! Toyotomi Hideyoshi will approach Qidi! Invade the Central Plains! To balance the number of people! This time Toyotomi Hideyoshi will lead an army of 3 sailors! Thousands of warships! Kill Toyotomi Hideyoshi , reward [-] warships and [-] sailors! May I ask the host if he will accept it!"

"His grandma's! The son of a bitch is here to hold you back!" Han Yi raised his eyebrows!The casual Han Shizhong's navy is almost done, let them practice!Let's see who is better.

Han Yi took a deep breath and looked at Yan Guo who was getting more and more advanced!Adding the battle report of Tianji!Han Yi knew it naturally!The news of Li Mu's great victory was not blown out by the Four Great Generals of the Warring States Period!Wanyan Aguda can only bully the Song Dynasty, which is not strong in military strength!
In a few days, Le Yi and Li Shimin played against each other for several rounds!Often only one step away from success!But this step just can't go out!
And Li Shimin is not in a hurry!He turned his gaze to Li Guangbi's battlefield.

After Li Guangbi's many bold food shipments!Murong Ke finally made a move!But it's just a small sneak attack by sending soldiers and horses!There was no large-scale charge.Both sides are living in peace.

It's snowing outside the Great Wall now!And in this big account!But there are three people who are not particularly quiet.

In the middle is Temujin!Next to it is Nurhachi!And beside him was a well-dressed teenager!But it was... Li Shimin.

"Master in the east! Aren't you supposed to be living with the Yan Kingdom? Why do you still have time to come here!" Nurhachi took a sip of goat milk!There was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"I think you've all heard of Le Yi's name! Wanyan Aguda's defeat has greatly damaged morale! We urgently need a victory! And this Le Yi is the best goal!" Li Shimin took a sip of goat milk!After drinking it, I feel a little weird on my face!He frowned slightly!I pursed my lips!Finally put down the cup in his hand.

"Le Yi! He's a scary person! Our woman! Do you often use his name to scare children to sleep? Hahahahahaha" Nurhachi laughed, with anger in his eyes!There is also endless cruelty.

"Now my soldiers are holding back Le Yi! If you send troops for a reason! I'm pretending to be ambushed by him! I think this tiger! It will naturally become our food!" Li Shimin smiled lightly!In his opinion!Now Le Yi is the biggest obstacle for him to go south.

"Hahahaha! It's not that I don't want to help you with this favor! But you also know! So far! I haven't gotten any benefits! Let the horse run faster! You have to give him plenty of aquatic plants! You want the horse to run! But don’t feed the horses! It’s too much!” Nurhachi took the lead in rejecting Li Shimin’s meaning, of course not for ignoring it but for extorting money.

"Let's do this! How about the grassland in the Yan Country Grassland..." Li Shimin looked at Nurhachi and said indifferently, he didn't care about the immediate benefits!What he cares about is the long-term development.

"Hahahahaha! This little pasture! Isn't it enough for my horse to squeeze between his teeth?" Nurhachi threw down the knife in his hand!Grab a cloth and wipe it off!His eyes were full of disdain.

"Then what do you say?" Li Shimin's face darkened!But still maintain the demeanor it should have.

"How about this! How about dividing the land in Zhongshan to me!" Nurhachi said calmly.

"You...!" Li Shimin really wanted to refute!Temujin, who had been silent all this time, opened his mouth, and said calmly, "I think it's okay! After all, a wolf is not worth a pack of wolves! Don't you think so!"

(End of this chapter)

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