Chapter 1347
"Go!" There was only a blast!The son held a bow and arrow in his hand, and shot several arrows in succession!Although Li Yuanba is a child at heart!But also know what the danger is!Immediately dodge the past!It can be described as fast as the wind.

Take a look!Come forward!Lifting Di Xin is a big step to escape!Did Li Yuanba ride a war horse?How can two legs be an opponent with four legs, he can only be left behind by Taijia, Li Yuanba is not reconciled!Immediately look at the soldiers on horses!Stretching out his hand, he shouted suddenly: "Come down!"

The unlucky soldier was kicked down by Li Yuanba!He fell firmly to the ground!Li Yuanba laughed, and suddenly got on his horse!The sledgehammer in his hand suddenly slapped the horse's buttocks!All I could hear was: "Crack... woo...boom!"

The war horse neighed and fell to the ground!The horse on the left had difficulty moving its hind legs for a while.

"It's not fun at all...!" Li Yuanba looked like an angry child!Keep rolling on the ground!Whether it is the enemy or our own people!As soon as he saw Li Yuanba running, he quickly made room for him!Afraid of being affected by him.

Le Yi's natural color could clearly see the changes on the battlefield!Li Yuanba is indeed a variable!But Le Yi absolutely didn't believe it!The power of one person can change the overall situation!Breathing heavily, Dao Leyi yelled suddenly: "Beat the drums and ring the gold! Let Murong Ke do it!"

"Deling!" The soldiers behind Le Yi immediately beat their drums to cheer, only to hear: "Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom!"

The horn of the war drum is slowly blowing!Ju Xin and Guo Kui, who had been directing the battle, looked at each other and smiled, then shouted, "Liaodong Infantry!"

"Ha!" There was only a cry!Fifty thousand soldiers erupted in a terrifying momentum at this moment!Only 5 soldiers are equipped as standard!Wearing the armor of an ordinary Yan army!He holds a round shield in his left hand!In his right hand, he held a sharp knife! [-] people appeared in the shape of a mountain and attacked forward, and the momentum gradually increased.

The Liaodong infantry was trained by Le Yi himself!In history, Le Yi defeated Qi State!Rely on this Liaodong infantry.

And Murong Ke who was watching the battle from a distance!Wearing armor!Hold the rope with both hands!Closing musings!Hear the sound of drums and horns!Murong Ke suddenly opened his eyes and shouted: "Come on!"

"Kill!" Tens of thousands of people stood up suddenly!Three or four hundred cavalry took the lead!Go straight to Li Shimin and charge away!The rest of the infantry are all holding big swords!There is no retreat, only offense.

"Kill...Kill...!" A loud voice came out!Naturally, it caught Li Shimin's attention!Li Keyong made a decisive decision!Bring our troops!Lead the troops out in person!A series of defensive formations have been arranged!
But at this moment, Le Yi and Murong Ke are like two big hands!Grab the enemy army!One to control the enemy army!Another waved his fist!Beat to death.

Li Shimin looked at this huge change!His complexion is livid!Sure enough, this Le Yi is definitely not a good stubble!Look at this situation!I'm afraid Lone Bamboo has no troops!What happened to Li Guangbi then!How could Murong Ke be let over so easily!There was no news yet, and Li Shimin was puzzled by all this.

As everyone knows, Murong Ke used the strategy of turning everything into a soldier!Except for a few commoners dressed as soldiers on the city wall, they all walked back and forth!Everything else is made of straw!Li Guangbi couldn't find it in a short time.

"Tiger! We can't hold on anymore!" Li Chui looked at Li Shimin!Said solemnly.

"These guys eat meat but don't spit out their bones!" Li Shimin cursed, looked at the flag soldiers behind him, and said immediately: "Quick! Shake the military flag!"

"No!" Dozens of big men!Waving the banner left and right!Although everyone didn't understand what the meaning of Li Shimin's doing this was!But since Li Shimin seems to be!They just have to follow suit.

Temujin did not come in person this time!Instead, Wang Baobao was dispatched!Boyan!Zhang Hongfan, Liao Sangao, Liaolong, and Liaohu led [-] troops!Come and help them!Nurhachi is riding a war horse!Look at Li Shimin who is waving the battle flag!Nurhachi looked calm and said: "This Li Shimin is also a brave and resourceful guy! He was able to entangle with Le Yi for so long! It's a pity that this famous general in the Central Plains! He is going to perish in this battlefield today!"

"The king of the east! Please don't underestimate this Le Yi! There is no one in the grassland who doesn't know his name! You need to be cautious when beating wolves!" There was only one leader!Wear leather armor!The complexion is smooth!A pair of deep eyes are like a hungry wolf, and there is a clean white fox fur around the neck!Wrapped around the neck, it is extra warm!Men are also very cherished!Don't even want to get dirty!Compared with those rude prairie guys!This guy is simply a gentleman.

Nurhachi glanced at this guy!A trace of boredom flashed in his eyes, and he immediately said, "Who are you!"

"Next to Boyan!"

"Why are you so strange! Why are you so awkward when you speak! Why do you feel like a Central Plains person!" The big man standing behind Nurhachi!There is a deep scar on his face!Riding a war horse and holding a big knife!It looked vicious, so who could it be if it wasn't Shihu.

Boyan smiled slightly!shook his head!Tiger eyes stared at Shi Hu at the side, but Wang Baobao, who was not talking to him, said immediately: "Don't talk too much! Come with me!"

"Kill" only heard a blast!Wang Baobao stared fiercely ahead, and charged forward with the soldiers behind him.

Nurhachi didn't have time to say more!Immediately urged the horse to go up...waving the whip in his hand!He suddenly shouted: "The man on the grassland! The day of revenge has come! Go!"

"Kill!" Tens of thousands of people got up and moved, striding forward!Looking at the momentum, there are as many as 8 people.

"The general is not good! Two more soldiers and horses appeared from the west! The momentum is huge!" Master Shang and his disciples looked dignified!The so-called General of the Four Treasures, the four treasures on his body are Ma Ming Helmet: also known as the Ye Ming Helmet, the helmet is inlaid with luminous pearls, and walking at night is like daytime.Qiling Armor: Also known as Tang Yan Armor, it is invulnerable and extremely defensive.Lift the furnace gun!Weighing 120 catties, the wound will bleed profusely.The horse Hu Leibao under his crotch has extremely strong legs!In the novel, it finally belongs to Qin Qiong.

Le Yi was slightly taken aback!Tiger eyes stared at Li Shimin!I screamed in my heart that it was not good!This Li Shimin set him up!Most of the enemy troops are horses!Move extremely fast!Want to retreat safely!The only way is to………… Dock the tail to survive.

Le Yi took a deep breath, and said with a stern look: "Chuan Zizhi, Shi Bei, Gongsun Cao, come to me and wait for the general's order!"

"The subordinates have to order..."

Le Yi looked up at the sky for this battle!to be honest!Le Yi lost!Decades of fame!It was defeated between day and night!But as long as there is life, there is hope.

(End of this chapter)

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