Warring States Call

Chapter 1348 Zhongyi Lang

Chapter 1348 Zhongyi Lang

Not more than a few breaths!The three generals had already arrived in front of Le Yi!Looks heavy!The appearance of the three of them is extremely good!Zizhi is covered in blood!There is also a very deep scar on the face!Apparently he charged and killed himself for a while.

And the city quilt was also shot in the arm by a stray arrow!Feel free to wrap up!The naked eye can still see the downward flow, obviously it has also gone through a hard battle!Otherwise, how could he be shot.

Compared with the two, Gongsun Cao is too clean!I just sweated a little!Looking solemnly at Le Yi, he said, "What orders does the General have?"

Le Yi was about to open his mouth!There was a slight pause!After a while, he said: "I hope the three gangs will do another favor! You lead the headquarters and stay here! Delay the enemy cavalry! Buy the opportunity for our army to retreat! Otherwise, we will be surrounded by the enemy! The country of Yan is completely over!"

The brains of the three of them went blank!Gongsun Cao only felt his brain buzzing!This is almost the fate of the death squads!Once surrounded by enemy troops!They are completely dead.

All three of them understood that this was a character with no way out!Zizhi, who was only 25 years old, pressed the sword in his arms, breathed out heavily, and said with a solemn expression: "This is the righteousness of the family and the country! I deserve to die! But the two sons under my command! Zidan! Zilian is young and still I hope the general will take care of you! Zizhi is very grateful!"

"General, I will be sorry for you! I will swear here! The three will be honored and honored! The sons and daughters will be rich and prosperous! Le Yi can't bear it either! People's hearts are made of meat! But for the righteousness of the family and the country! It has to be like this .

"Thank you, General!" Zizhi exhaled heavily!Look at the wine gourd hanging above the horse!Take it off immediately!He drank it in big gulps.

The city is hesitant by the look!His eyes seem to be thinking about something!Look at Le Yi for a while!Breathing heavily, he said, "General! I still have an old mother at home! I hope the general can help me......!" Shi was choked up when he said this!In the end, there was no dialogue, and Le Yi also knew the meaning of the city quilt!Immediately nodded in agreement.

Gongsun Cao looked at Le Yi!Looks like a fiasco!In the end, he agreed in a daze.

See the three agree to come down!Le Yi immediately ordered to retreat!Holding a big knife in his hand, the son suddenly shouted: "Family and country righteousness! Although we die, we have no regrets! We die! Family lives! Array!"

"Array!" The city quilt has nothing to worry about!Take a long gun yourself!Stand in the second row!The three men each had 1 soldiers under their command, and the total sum was only more than [-].

"Rush...kill!" The black soldiers beat the dog in the water!Keep rushing forward, in the case of war, as long as the enemy is defeated!It's time to grab the head!Everyone wants to be promoted!Just kill ten heads in one battle!You can go up a level!This is what everyone dreams of!When fighting, each depends on his ability!Once the enemy is defeated!But you are not afraid of death!Keep going forward!Often gains a lot.

With such a lucky heart!Tens of thousands of people hurried to kill these 1 people!In their view!These are living targets. If you don't grab them, the enemy will.

"Shot!" Zizhi shouted suddenly!Thousands of jagged spears of different shapes!Suddenly thrust out!Thousands of people were killed again and again, and the charging soldiers didn't seem to believe this evil!Charge here, fight on both sides!There is an endless stream of shouts and killings!The crying was even more continuous.

"This Le Yi is indeed a famous general of the Yan Kingdom! Make a decisive decision! Cut off his tail to survive! He is a character!" Li Shimin looked at the stopped soldiers and horses and stroked their beards!What admiration in the eyes!Look at Zizhi who is constantly fighting!He looked regretful and said: "This person is a titan! Unfortunately, he can't be used by me! Shoot him!"


"Ha!" There was only a clap!Li Guang is riding a war horse!Suddenly bent the bow and took the arrow!His eyes were like light, and he shouted loudly: "Zhong!"

"call out!"

"Woo!" Zizhi, who was commanding the soldiers to fight, had an ugly expression on his face!Holding his neck, Zizhi, who was shot by the arrow, was speechless! , Looking at the sky, his eyes are black!In the end, he died tragically under Li Guangjian.

"Zizhi!" The city was heard!Immediately want to save!But before he walked for a long time, he heard a scolding, Shihu was like a fierce tiger in the night!Holding a meteor hammer in his hand, he laughed loudly and said, "Die!"


"Woo...!" A blow hit Shi's face!At this moment, the city is so dead that it can't die anymore!Two generals killed in a row!Gongsun Cao looked flustered!Look bleak!Yes!Finally put down the weapons in your hands!Immediately said: "Don't kill me! I am willing to surrender...I am willing to surrender!"

"Bastard! You traitor! Kill him!" There was only one lieutenant general!yell yell!Bring your soldiers!Charge up!But they were all blocked by the enemy!

In the end, there were more than 5000 soldiers!More than 3000 people died in battle!Only more than 2000 people were captured alive by Li Shimin and Nurhachi.

Inside Li Shimin's tent
Gongsun Cao was even captured alive by Li Shimin, at this moment Li Shimin breathed a sigh of relief!Look at Gongsun Cao who is kneeling below!Look flustered!Only promises.

Li Shimin smiled slightly!Immediately said: "General Gongsun, don't panic!"

"I am willing to surrender! I am willing to surrender!" Gongsun Cao was like a frightened bird!Immediately kowtow like pounding garlic!Full of desire to survive.

"General Gongsun is a great talent! Come here! Take General Gongsun down to rest! Take good care of him!" Li Shimin waved his hand!On the surface, it is peaceful!But there is a lot of disgust in the eyes.

"Thank you for your kindness of not killing the king! The minister will definitely go through fire and water! He will not hesitate!" Gongsun Cao, who survived the catastrophe, looked overjoyed!Thank you immediately.

"What's the use of such a villainous king!" Li Rusong, who was standing at the front, looked stern, showing distaste for Gongsun Cao!Just more and less.

Li Shimin shook his head!Then he said: "It's not what I want! This Gongsun Cao can be regarded as a general of the Yan State! With him here! How do you know the terrain of the Yan State and how to deploy the troops! Generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages!"

"The tiger is wise! And he is about to subdue Yandi! Take it easy! Subduing Gongsun Cao is just laying a good foundation for us to rule Yandi!" Changsun Wuji smiled immediately.

Li Shimin nodded!Some regretfully said: "It's a pity that I failed to kill Le Yi this time! I will trouble Le Yi next time! I'm afraid I don't know when I will come!"

"Your Majesty, put it down! The country of Yan is already sunset! Sooner or later, it will belong to the tiger!" Li Linfu came out out of time to flatter him!
Li Shimin looked at Li Chui and said, "Pass on my order! Bury my son generously! I will be punished by two people! Make them the loyal kings of this place! Enjoy worshiping blood!"

"This...!" Everyone was puzzled for a moment!But how do they know!This is the method used by Li Shimin to conquer the hearts of the people.

(End of this chapter)

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