Warring States Call

Chapter 1350 Su Qin

Chapter 1350 Su Qin
"Meet Prince Chen!" Wei Qing and Han Derang because of their relationship in Yan!It was not conducive to revealing his identity, so he saluted immediately.

In the cold weather, Han Chen took out the black leather scarf that Hua Mu had prepared for him!Han Yi stared at the two of them!And the Yan Guo soldiers behind him!Immediately said: "I will go to the battlefield in a few days! These few days I want to take advantage of the precious land of Yan State to rest for two days! Please be lenient!"

"Prince Chen, there is no need to be so anxious! I have ordered people to vacate a camp! You can rest for a few more days! As for the front line!......! Wei Qing hesitated to speak! He glanced at Han Derang behind him again, and said in a low voice : "The front line is still waiting for King Han to arrive!Let the prince go to the front again! "

"Oh!" Han Chen was taken aback for a moment!Riding a war horse!Looking at Wei Qing, he immediately said: "What's the situation on the front line! Please tell General Wei!"

"General Le Yi on the front line was defeated! Thirty thousand soldiers were lost! Lone Bamboo! Ling Zhi! The Three Cities of Endless Falls and Li Shimin's hands! The battle is serious! At this time, I hope the prince will not act rashly!" The battle situation has been spoken!Danger on the front line!Han Chen has a special status!There is no room for sloppyness.

Han Chen was taken aback for a moment!Look at the tired look of the soldiers behind you!There's no need for Han Chen to do it for the country of Yan!And take the life of his brother!Han Chen responded immediately: "Since it's so hard!"

"Today my great king is hosting a banquet in Changle Palace! Please the prince take a bath and burn incense before going!" Wei Qing looked indifferent!Without the scourge of Wang Mang!The palace is full of people from Xu Shu and the others!No matter how much they are jumping, they can't get up!
Han Chen nodded!Then he led the army to rest.

And above the city wall!A white-haired man in a leather jacket!The figure looks tense!The right hand holds a cane!He stroked his beard and pinched it slightly with his left hand!Looking at Han Yi's figure is familiar!Looking at Han Chen playfully, he smiled and said, "Little guy! Let's meet again!"

If Jiang Wei saw him!Will definitely remember!This guy was the beggar of Jixia Academy at that time... Zou Yan.

"Mr. Zou! Why are you here in such a leisurely mood today to watch the sky at night!" Only a clear and harmonious voice was heard!A young man in elegant clothes strode forward!Although the look is respectful!But the eyes are bright, black hair and white face!Hooked nose!Sword eyebrows and star eyes!Taotao red lips!His mustache is shining under his breath!Seven feet long!With a sword on your waist!What a handsome gentleman.

"Ji Zi! You're not going to lobby the various forces! What are you doing here! Could it be possible to watch the stars with this old man!" Zou Yan stroked his gray beard!There was a puzzled look in his eyes.

Su Qin smiled slightly and said: "No! Mr. Zou's knowledge of astrology is beyond compare! It's just the same as the old man! I'm a little curious! This so-called Korean prince! What does he look like!"

"Hahahahaha! This guy is really heroic!" Zou Yan stroked his beard, and there was a hint of admiration in his eyes.

"What I saw was different from what the old man saw! What I saw was a decisive king! The father of this son! He has the heart to sweep the world! This son will dominate the world again! The two of them will not be eliminated! Yan will go! Qi and Wei made the same mistake, but his father is getting older every year! As long as all the countries work together! It will definitely delay Han's defeat! But this son has to get rid of him and hurry up!" A cold light flashed in Su Qin's eyes!
Zou Yan glanced at Su Qin!Those eyes didn't run away either!It's really accurate to see people!But the murderous look of Guigu is still so obvious, which is really annoying.

Zou Yan stroked his gray beard!With disgust on his face, he said: "You guys are from Guigu! Smart is smart! But you often do things only for fame and fortune! Regardless of the righteousness of the world! It's been more than ten years! It's still so annoying!"

"Hahaha! Students should be praised as old gentlemen! Among my generation! The sword is so easy to catch! The big dream of life is in vain! If you don't write a few traces of the future on this white cloth! Wouldn't it be in vain? !" Su Qin said calmly.

"Young students! Have you thought about it! Once you touch the Korean prince today! When the king of Han knows! Will the world be overwhelmed with danger! And send troops to destroy Yan! When the time comes, the grasslands will go south! People will be devastated! You, Su Qin, will be a sinner through the ages !” Zou Yan reset the ground with his crutches.

"The murderer! How could it be my country of Yan! He is from the grassland." Su Qin smiled slightly. He was not stupid enough to let Han Chen have an accident in the country of Yan.

"Boy of the Su family! Have you ever thought about it! If the world is unified in this world! There will be no wars! There will be no more wars among the people! What do you think!" Zou Yan looked at Su Qin!There was a trace of test in his eyes.

"Huh...... Huh...... Huh...... Crash!" Little snow gradually fell from the sky, and Su Qin pulled the sleeve of his left hand!A snowflake fell into Su Qin's hand!Gradually melted into water, Su Qin exhaled white gas!He smiled slightly and said: "The old man has produced heroes in troubled times since ancient times! If it is a peaceful and prosperous world! I'm afraid it's a loss of willpower! How did this magnificent hero come from troubled times!"

"Sure enough! All of you, Guigu, wish that the world would be so chaotic that it can't be cleaned up. I watch the sky at night! The unification of the world is the general trend! If you insist on going your own way! It's just a crab arm blocking the car!" Zou Yan said this!The whole person looked exasperated!Holding a cane is to go down.

"Alas..." Su Qin looked at Zou Yanyuan's back!Hold your head up!Look at this bright full moon!Su Qin let out a heavy breath!Sighing: "Sure enough! This old man Zou Yan is targeting Han Yi!"

Su Qin's complexion gradually became dignified, in order to repay the kindness of the former king!Su Qin has tried his best, originally thought that Wang Mang was eradicated!You can restore the peace of Yan State, with yourself and Le Yi!Two pronged!It will definitely make the country of Yan dominate the world!But Yanxi's indecision, coupled with the reuse of Xu Shu and others, made the entire Yan Kingdom fall into Xu Shu's hands!Su Qin only has a few official positions with little real power in his hands, and it is impossible to fight against Xu Shu in court.

And the reason why Su Qin targeted Han Yi so much!It's all because Han Yi's momentum is too strong!One breath!Destroy Zhongshan one after another!Annex Wei!Qi two places!Even a big country like Qin Zhao doesn't have such strength.

Han Yi, who has wolfish ambitions, will let Yan Guo go!Know the impossible with your toes!But he also met Xu Shu, a wicked guy!Can Su Qin not be in a hurry?And the most important thing is that he should not be valued by King Yan!Even if you want to save the country!But it is also a tiger catching the sky!I can't do anything.

Su Qin watched as the wind and snow gradually became bigger and bigger, and it slashed his face like a knife!Su Qin shook his head helplessly!In the face of absolute power!Su Qin is so insignificant.

(End of this chapter)

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