Chapter 1351
The wind is blowing!The heavy snow is like rain, and it keeps falling!The entire ground is covered with a thick layer of snow, like a quilt, with the end of the war between Li Shimin and Le Yi!In addition to several wars in the Central Plains and grasslands, the seemingly peaceful border!Enjoying a rare peace.

Wanyan Aguda's [-] remnant soldiers retreated to the grassland, and the unwilling Wanyan Aguda was like a hungry wolf in hell!Licking and sucking his own wounds, during this period, Wanyan Aguda gathered hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses!Plus captured a few insignificant small tribes!After absorbing thousands of troops and barely recovering his strength, Wanyan Aguda took out his trump card!Golden Wushu's... Iron Buddha!

This cavalry that once brought nightmares to the people of Song Dynasty!will be in this war!Wash away his shame with blood, for they are wolves!Wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat.

If the wolf turns back!It's not repayment... It's revenge.

Ye Ke and A Baoji are not idle either, judging by the situation of fighting Zhao Guo!Yeke Abaoji was deeply aware of Zhao Guo's difficulty, so Yeke Abaoji gradually paid attention to it.

Because of the terrain of the battlefield!Qin State needs the Great Wall of Zhao State to transport food and grass!It will not be easy to open the way to the grassland, so the location of the battlefield has also changed.

Li Shimin won the battle of Yan State, and the morale of the grassland has improved significantly!And the Central Plains soldiers suppressed a wave of anger in their hearts, so the monarchs on both sides!Invariably, the center of the battlefield was placed on the Yan Kingdom.

In terms of the grassland, because Li Shimin's territory depends on the country of Yan!And occupied Yan Great Wall!Take down Liaodong!This can avoid the loss of horses in siege battles on a large scale, and because of the vast land and sparsely populated Liaodong!There is plenty of room for tents!snow day!People would freeze to death without a tent, and what moved Temujin the most was the strong fluidity of the grassland!The colder it gets as you go inside, the soldiers in the Central Plains are all infantry!They dare not take the risk of going deep alone!Once it enters the grassland, the food and grass will be cut!This war must be lost.

The Central Plains had no choice but to choose Yandi!Once the Kingdom of Yan falls!The various tribes in the grassland will use this as their base!Keep moving forward, the grassland with war horses is too mobile!And they can only defend passively!Unless it is overwhelmed by a large-scale force advantage!Otherwise, it will be difficult to capture the city.

The most important thing is!The coalition forces from all over the country have converged in Yandi!It has great benefits for the assembly of troops.

Yan Xi was naturally willing to let them drive out the foreign enemies for him!Both sides began to gather troops in Yandi!This great war!Determines whether the Central Plains can regain the city!Thus out of the Great Wall!Confront the grassland head-on.

But the grassland is full of ready-made benefits that have come to naught!They want to start with this!Take the entire Central Plains.

A whole half a month's time!Xiang Yu's [-] troops arrived in the country of Yan the day after Han Chen arrived!The blood on the crane-controlling soldiers under his command is shocking!Most of the generals under his command are ranked first, such as: Shan Xiongxin, Xiang Bo, Xiang Zhuang, Xiang Sheng, Xiang Ta, Xiang Xiang, Xiang Ying!Jing Si, Fang Jie, Zhong Limei, Yu Ziqi, Xue Ju, Xue Rengao, Heng Chu, Yang Youji, Ma Shanwei, Li Cunxu!In this battle, Xiang Yu has a lot of wealth!
And Ji Fa also arrived half a day later!Arrived in Yan country!Look at the land full of wolves!Dilapidated houses with a radius of hundreds of miles!Ji Fa's brows deepened involuntarily!There is disgust in the eyes!But in the end there is not much to say!This guy who made a fortune with a muffled voice!Leading [-] troops, originally Ji Fa only wanted to send [-] troops!But after thinking about it, this is the world of Zhou State!Even in chaos, others can't let others act wild!In the end, half of the troops were dispatched!Generals under his command include Huang Kui, Shang Rang, Meng Kai, Zhao Zhang, Li Xuancheng, Zhu Can, Zhang Guiba, Ge Congzhou, Pang Shigu, Shi Jingtang, Li Daozong, Jie Zitui, Xue Andu, Xia Guoxiang, Li Mu, Ba Man Zi, Ji Shi, Ji Chong'er, Hou Yi, Peng Meng, Chi You!Ji Xin, Gao Ding, in order to weaken Huang Chao and Zhu Wen's strength, Ji Fa came here to make a drastic move this time!The generals under the command of the two were almost drawn out!There is Ji Dan sitting in the family again!Can't turn over big waves.

Followed by Yang Jian's [-] soldiers and horses!The generals under his command are led by Yang Guang!Later Yan Xing, Hu Luguang, Ma Shumou, Gou Xi, Wang Fuchen, Wang Jizhen, Ju Yi, Zhang Xutuo, Xiao Mahe, Yang Gun, Xun Linfu, Mengruhu, Guan Hai, Deng Qiang, Zhang Hao, Qiu Rui and Hei Manlong also gathered a large number of heroes.

Zhu Yuanzhang also arrived a few days later!Just happened to meet Han Yi face to face!Han Yi carefully checked Zhu Yuanzhang's lineup!I don't know if I don't read it!I was shocked when I saw it!This guy even brought Xu Da, Zhu Di, Yang He, Lu Bu, Ying Bu, Yao Li, Tang He, Wu Yunzhao, Wu Jianzhang, Wu Tianxi, Tian Bu, Ji Bu, Zhu Liangzu, Li Wenzhong, Zhu Bao, Zhu Ling, Zhu Zhanji, Zhu Lingshi, Gaodi, Lu Fang, Zhang Fu, except for a few mainstays, all brought others.

In the next few days!Sun Quan led the [-] elites under his command to go north with Goujian one after the other!There is a lot of defense against each other, and the two sides are almost evenly matched.

And the biggest highlight, Han Yi, is very much looking forward to it!Ying Zheng and Zhao Yong!And Liu Bang!Except for Han Yi, these three!The most powerful guy, Ying Zheng's camp is similar to the previous one!And Zhao Yong was just combining the forces of Li Mulian and Po!Let Zhao Kuangyin guard the border!He came to confront the enemy himself.

And the next thing to watch is Liu Bang. Naturally, Liu Bang is the last one to arrive!This wily rogue did not lead his own elephant cavalry!Instead, he brought [-] soldiers!Say soldiers!But some gangsters!The generals under his command regard Liu Che as the general!Liu Xiu is the deputy!Then Fan Kuai, Gao Xianzhi, Lu Wan, Zhou Bo, Guan Ying, Liu Heita, Wang Xianzhi, Wang Zhen'e, Wu Mingche, Wu Lin, Wu Jie, Wei Rui!Yu Hualong, Ju Wuba, Chen Baxian, Xia Houying, Liu Tongxun, Cao Can, Huangfu Jixun, Huangfu Hui, Gao Pei, Deng Feng, Ren Yan, Liu Ting all in all!Liu Bang, who is as timid as a mouse, is not so stupid that he doesn't bring any generals!The point where you come to war with your shirt off.

Inside the Great Hall of Yan Kingdom!Yan Xi was sitting in the main hall, all the top kings in the world had arrived here!Generals one by one!Bright armor!Be ready!The women in the central formation dance lightly!But the surrounding soldiers didn't feel this graceful woman!It was the fighting spirit of the drum of thunder.

In vain!Wang Jian!Li Mu!Lian Po's four famous generals gather!Han Xin!Xu Da!Wu Qi!Xiang Yu!Liu Xiu confronted!A romantic figure of thousands of years!Heroes!Demons and monsters!They all made their mark in this war.

(End of this chapter)

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