Chapter 1352
"My lords! I don't know when the troops will be dispatched to fight against the water!" King Yanxi said calmly, tossing his robe.

Han Yi stroked his beard, remained silent, and looked at Zhao Yong and Ying Zheng with his eyes, first to see what the two were planning.

snort!it's here!Except Qin!South Korea!That is, my country of Zhao is the biggest, and my country of Zhao does not speak!Han Yi will definitely buy me some face!It is not so easy to take advantage of your country of Yan.

Zhao Yong's face was ashen with anger, originally Zhao Yong thought that he could use the power of the vassal states to send troops from Zhao to attack the land, but Qian Shanwan counted a little less!Zhao Guogeng didn't allow the princes to send troops to the country, but instead made Yan Xi a little bit cheaper!However, the weakness of Yan's national power is self-evident!At that time, it will be the place of Yan Kingdom!I can completely swallow it by myself......

Ying Zheng picked up the cup!Heart said: Han Yi!Zhao and Yong are undecided!Qin's interests are far to the west!Now rashly agree!I'm afraid it will become someone else's wedding dress!This battle should focus on capturing the horses!

Ying Zheng looked very domineering!Sit upright!Lightly drank a glass of water and wine!A pair of dark pupils are erratic!After a while, Ying Zheng put down the cup in his hand!Wave your sleeves!Tiger eyes stared at Han Yi!It seemed to be telling Han Yi!What do you think.

Two powerful people don't speak!Han Yi stroked his beard!I know how powerful this gun is for hitting the first bird!That is, to be a pioneer!Once you fight!Casualties are inevitable!Look at the two people who are silent!Han Yi was about to speak, but someone had already stood up.

"I, Xiang Kingdom, can take the lead in the battle! The vassal states can take the lead in the battle." Xiang Yu, who had been silent all this time, stood up!He looked at everyone with a flat expression!The heroic spirit on his body has not diminished.

"Your!" Hao Yuan behind was stunned!This gun hits the head of the bird!Finally let Xiang Yu provoke him!Words that go out!Spilled water!Can't get it back.

There are many princes and kings in the world!Have admiration!There are also those who secretly laugh.

Han Yi looked at Xiang Yu!Looking at the crowd, he said: "The enemy army is too powerful! And most of them are cavalry! They are extremely good at fighting! They can fight alone and cannot retreat! Besides, King Xiang is in charge of the food and grass of each army! The responsibility is heavy! Don't be a vanguard!"

"Oh! According to King Han! Could it be that... King Han is willing to be the vanguard!" Ying Zheng sat on the throne!A pair of icy eyes stared at Han Yi, and his back felt chills!It's like being prey stared at by a hungry wolf in the night.

"No!" Han Yi breathed out!With a calm expression, he said: "This grassland invasion! Dozens of tribes are also united together! You and my vassal states can be divided among each other! Defeat the enemy! Together we will fight! Dispersed to fight the enemy!"

"This plan is wrong!" Bai Qi, who was standing behind Ying Zheng, strode forward!A flash of rage flashed in his eyes!The sleeve of the broken arm is automatic without wind!Looking at Han Yi calmly, he said, "King Han! What if the grassland concentrates its forces! What about fighting against a country! The grassland cavalry ranges from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands! It moves extremely fast! Tens of thousands of horses come! The river! The dam breaks! It can kill... [-] people in an instant!"

Bai Qi's sleeves are windless and automatic!The hostility on his body is getting heavier and heavier!Verbal views are full of rhetoric!For Han Yi's prestige!Has a great provocative meaning.

"This is not the case! The enemy is good at horses! The distance between the scattered troops is not a hundred meters! In a few tens of breaths, they can return to the army! Sweep them with Han's crossbow! It can kill ten thousand people!" Standing at Han Yi Han Xin behind him stood up at the same time!With so much hostility in his eyes, he is completely fearless when facing Bai Qi!Years of training!Han Xin is no longer the white-faced niche of the past!But with fortitude!A decisive and fierce middle-aged general!In the prime of life.

"The junior is ignorant! The enemy will be wiped out with the plan of blowing up! How do you deal with it!" Bai Qi looked at Han Xin!How angry the eyes are rising up!The failure of my life is because of him, Han Xin!His empty left hand was also given by him.

"The enemy lures it! I enter it! Use the small army to pursue it as bait! The big army is your hand! Destroy it!" Han Xin looked at Bai Qi's words and stood invincible.

Li Mu looked at the discussion between the two!Lian Po, who looked at the side, said: "The two are so unique! Bai Qi usually wins in field battles! And Han Xin mostly uses schemes to decide! Both of them have their own strengths!" After speaking, Li Mu looked at Zhao Kuo who was listening behind him, and immediately Said: "This is the way to use soldiers! Zhao Kuo, you can listen to what you say! How beneficial it will be in the future!"

"Thank you, General Li!" Zhao Kuo echoed!Immediately listen to it with gusto!There are too many big soldiers here!Just listen to it and you will benefit for life.

"The younger generation is rampant! Bullying me and no one in Qin!" Wang Jian stepped forward suddenly, stroking his breath and looking at Han Dao: "This old man will destroy Shu in March! Kill Yiqu! Conquer the south and fight the north! The boy is rampant!"

"No more! Just [-] soldiers! Flooded Chu's [-] troops! Xiang Yan! Xu Da was defeated by me!" Wu Qi also stood up in disbelief!Said calmly.

"Oh! Your Excellency's courage is not small! It's just right! Xu Da refuses to accept! I want to ask for advice!" Xu Da stood up suddenly behind Zhu Yuanzhang!There is anger in the eyes.

"Wu Qi! How dare a despicable and shameless villain fight!" Xiang Yu stood up abruptly!The aura on his body was natural, and he looked at Wu Qi and scolded angrily: "Anyone who insults my Xiang family! Die!"

"Hehe! The old man also wants to see your doll! How is your skill?" Bai Qi looked at Han Xin!He said calmly.

"Old man! Don't forget how your arm was broken!" Han Xin said calmly.

"Come on!...Come on...!"

Zhao Yong stood aside, pretending to be none of his business!With a smile in his eyes.

Ying Zheng stared at Han Yi with a frosty face!Battle of the Three Jins!It has always been the shame in his heart that he wants to wash away.

"Enough!" Han Yi took a sip of wine and said suddenly, looking at Han Xin and Wu Qi, and said immediately, "Come back first!"

"Promise!" Han Xin and Wu Qi agreed and retreated.

Han Yi smiled slightly, looked at the crowd and said, "How many of you who are doing this are... defeated!"

"What's the meaning of King Han...does he want to start a war with us!" Zhu Yuanzhang raised the flames inappropriately.

"The King of Han should not be arrogant! Otherwise, we will join forces......!" Gou Jian looked at Han Yi with a smile!There was a hint of drama in his eyes.

"Hahaha!" Han Yi laughed involuntarily!Looking at Goujian, he said disdainfully, "What are you! I'm not afraid of the War of the Seven Kingdoms, and I'll go to the third! If you want to touch me! You must have this qualification! You... Goujian is not worthy!"

"You...!" Gou Jian's face was defeated, and his heart was so stuffy that he almost lost his breath.

"This time! Gu didn't give you face! It was King Zhao! If it wasn't for King Zhao! Gu really wanted to meet King Wu! And you... Flea Goujian!" Han Yi also knew that he was about to offend someone!In this case, it is better to stabilize Zhao Yong first!Praise him!Anyway, Ying Zheng and the others are already on the opposite side!not afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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