Warring States Call

Chapter 1353 Battle

Chapter 1353 Battle
Han Yi has the capital to be so arrogant!Regardless of Han Yi's own strength for the time being!What scares Han Yi the most is the alliance between Qin and Zhao!In the battle of the Three Jins, the State of Zhao captured fifteen cities of the State of Qin!The relationship in the past few years has not improved much!And Han Yi is biased towards Zhao Guo!Recommend Zhao Yong to be the leader!Say it bluntly!As long as Zhao Yong is here!Qin!The alliance between Zhao and the two countries was not so easy.

Although Xiang Yu and Yang Jian are friendly!But there are many frictions between the two families!Yang Jian even copied Xiang Yu's rear area Lucheng!On the surface, Yang Jian is still Han Yi's ally!Really fight!Even if you don't help, you won't cause trouble.

Gou Jian and Sun Quan have their own conflicts that cannot be resolved. The two families belong to the kind of immortals, and neither of them is willing to let the other go!Sun Quan said excitedly when he heard this: "King Han is fighting! I am willing to help King Han!"

As soon as this word comes out!Gou Jian felt like he was sweating profusely!The whole person is like a lost dog!Unlike the previous group of arrogance, at the same time, he is also clearly aware of his own difficulties. Once he falls out with Han Yi, his situation will be even more difficult.

And Ji Fa!To put it bluntly, Cao Cao is here!He didn't want to go north other than going south. Once these few people were discharged, only Qin could be twisted into a rope!item!Wu Three Kingdoms.

Needless to say Qin!As long as Yue Fei stays in Wangye for one day!It is difficult to cross the thunder pool half a step!Han Yi is gathering an army of 80, and he is marching south to attack Xiang Yu and Zhu Yuanzhang!No matter how good the two are!If you don't die, you have to shed a layer of skin.

Zhao Yong saw that something was wrong!Add Han Yi so give it a face!I can't justify myself hiding behind and watching jokes!It seemed that he was determined to be a peacemaker, Zhao Yong cleared his throat and said, "It's not been a year or two since countries have been at war! Enmity and resentment can't be resolved in the long run, and now the enemy is at hand! Let's put aside the past grievances for now, and wait." Let's talk about it after we retreat from the enemy!"

Han Yi straightened his clothes and looked at the depressed Ying Zheng and Zhu Yuanzhang who was smiling forcedly. Han Yi couldn't offend the two of them to death, although he was not afraid!But just in case give yourself little shoes for the next fight!He was not in the mood to intrigue with them, Han Yi stood up slowly, and said boldly: "The enemy is now! The grievances between me and everyone will be counted in the future. This battle is about the world of the family and the country! Kings, don't do such things." The act of fighting! Solitary! Drink up!"

After Han Yi finished speaking, he drank a lot!Look dull!Slightly cupped his hands, the surrounding atmosphere still seemed depressing!Zhu Yuanzhang paused for a while, made a haha, raised his glass and said: "It was the heroism of the soldiers before! Han Wang Gaoyi! Please!"

"Please!" Han Yi raised his hand slightly, and returned to Zhu Yuanzhang; with Zhu Yuanzhang's steps!Han Yi also borrowed the slope to get off the horse!Save yourself embarrassment!Pretend for this sake!Han Xin!Wu Qi's face was also saved!The national prestige has also been raised!I'm pretending... I can't coax it anymore.

With the beginning of Zhu Yuanzhang!Gou Jian had to bow his head in front of reality!Xiang Yu also agreed after Han Yi's return, but Ying Zheng's expression was indifferent!Not the slightest move!Han Yi is not angry either!After all, the title of Emperor of the Ages is no joke.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food!Many princes and kings all retreated to rest!Zhao Yong stroked his beard!Sit back in the hall!Take a sip of hangover soup!Take a deep breath!With a gloomy face, he said, "Guxiao saw this Han Yi!"

Lin Xiangru sitting on the side!Shaking his head, he said: "Han Yi is full of momentum! Annex Wei! Qi! Its power is already above Qin! Zhao and Zhao! In terms of military strength! I can't wait for Han Yi! Unless we join hands with Qin! Present a three-legged situation! Unite and fight Han! Otherwise………!”

"How can you not know the lonely one you are talking about! But Zhao and Han have been on good terms for 15 years! Repenting rashly will inevitably attract the disgust of the world's heroes! How will the world treat the lonely king, fear of losing the hearts of the people, and even though Zhao is not strong! But there are Li Mu! Old General Lian Po is here! They will not die! The Kingdom of Zhao will not be destroyed! No need to worry!" Zhao Yong waved his hands.

"Your Majesty! Non-subjects are alarmist! Li Mu! Although the two veteran generals of Lian Po are in their prime of life! But people are not happy for a thousand days! Flowers are not popular for a hundred days! The two old generals will be a hundred years later! Who can resist Han Yi? Besides, I see that Han Chen! You have the appearance of an emperor! You have achieved great military exploits at such a young age! On the other hand, I, Zhao Guo...!" Lin Xiangru glanced at Zhao Yong's face when he said this!Don't dare to say too much now!I am afraid that if I talk too much, I will lose it.

Zhao Yong was also slightly taken aback!Pick up the bamboo slips on the side!Muttering to himself: "Yes...!"

Zhao Yong glanced at Lin Xiangru!Then he said: "What you said is reasonable! But Ying Zheng is not a good person! Joining forces with him is no less than seeking skin with a tiger! Now is not the time, we need to wait......!"


The universe is bright and the grass is caressed by the rain and snow!Put on a white snow suit!In the past, there were passersby riding horse-drawn carts here!Talk and laugh here!Said that the girl in that house has a big butt!Marry him as a wife and have a bunch of children!He also said that people were starving to death in that place again, sighed and shook his head!In this troubled world!Human life... is not worth a few dollars.

"Huh...huh...!" Row after row of soldiers gathered on this flat terrain!Every time you step on the covered snow, you will sink in, following the feet of the people in front to open the way!The people behind walked more cleanly, and suffered a lot less crimes.

The cold wind blows!Frozen people's faces are purple and purple!But everyone is waiting!Weapons in hand!Although I really want to shrink back!But the generals behind are staring!Also dare not be intimidated.

In the universe!There are colorful flags standing in this world... They are: Qin!Zhao!Han!Wu!Yan!item!Mountain!cross!cross!Sui!Ju!The flag of the Song vassal states!Of course, the most interesting thing is the two flags of Vietnam!Gou Jian in order to show that he is orthodox!Still using the name of the country of Yue!Sun Quan also believed that he was the emperor of Zhou, so he insisted on using the original one.

Millions of troops are waiting in full battle, and there are as many as one million troops!There are thousands of generals, and there are as many generals as there are clouds!Advisers are like rain.

Li Shimin and others dare to come!Looking at this huge scene is also a jump!Although they knew that the coalition forces of the vassal states had arrived, they never expected that there would be so many people!The grassland is also a gathering of heroes!A full 80 cavalry!Plus Li Shimin's hundreds of thousands of infantry!It is also a force not to be underestimated.

Temujin squinted his eyes and looked at these vast battlefields!Blood spurted and said: "What a beautiful picture! This is the stage and destination of soldiers!"

Li Shimin listened to Temujin's excited words and deeds!Disdainfully said: "What I saw was different from what you saw! I saw rivers of blood! War horses trampled back and forth on this piece of grass! It won't be such a beautiful grass for at least three years!"

"Hahahahahahaha! Your eyes are as short and shallow as sheep's!" Wanyan Aguda said with disdain behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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