Chapter 1355
Ying Zheng stroked his beard!Look calm!Tiger eyes staring at the function of the bald tree in front!Touching the sword in his arms with the palm of his hand!A decisiveness flashed in his eyes!Suddenly said: "All the soldiers! Who dares to fight!"

Wang Yanzhang!Luo Shixin and the veterans looked at the bald tree function on the opposite side like a clown, and lost interest for a while!They're all waiting for the one called the Mountain Lion Camel!The remaining low-level generals are naturally not the opponents of the bald tree function!And there are only some middle-level generals left.

"The last general invites you to fight!" There was only a shout!Wang Yantong was wearing a black Qin armor!Holding a Red Flame Tiger Spear in his hand!Riding a black war horse under his crotch!Majestic and heroic, with a flash of fighting spirit in his eyes.

Ying Zheng glanced at Wang Yantong, nodded slightly, and waved slightly without making too much gesture!It seemed to be signaling to Wang Yantong something.

"Drive!" Riding Qianchen, the smoke billowed, and the bald-haired tree saw that it was a handsome young man. He immediately laughed and said, "Where did the baby come from! You haven't been weaned yet, go back to drink milk!"

"Everyone wants to die!" Wang Yantong's eyes were piercing, and with the previous lessons learned, Wang Yantong didn't dare to go too far. He held the gun in both hands, stretched his ape arms lightly, and the veins on his arms were bulging. Wang Yantong's eyes were red, and suddenly Shout out: "Kill!"

"Ding, Wang Yantong activates the Fierce Combat attribute, increases personal force value by 5, reduces enemy force value by 5 points, adds 1 to the force value of the armor cloud under the crotch, increases the force value of the iron long spear by 1, the base force value is 103, and the current force value is 110! "

With a sudden move, the bald tree's face was shocked. As soon as the expert made a move, he knew whether it was there. The bald tree's ability to cut Lu Zhishen and Gao Ding in a row did not rely on force, but caution. Although it mocked Wang Yantong on the surface, But the whole person is quite vigilant.

"Good guy, I underestimated you!" The bald tree laughed, but it wasn't too flustered, its legs were sandwiched between the horse's belly, and its body was flat!Go away with one hand, and attack each other with Wang Yantong!
"Ding, the bald tree can activate the combat attribute! Add 2 to the force value, and the current force value is 112! Reduce the force value by 5 points, and the current force value is 107!"

"Boom!" The two men crossed hands and galloped past, Wang Yantong picked Bald Tree's face with a gun, red blood slid down Bald Tree's cheek, Bald Tree wiped the blood on his face with his thumb, and spit out Taking a mouthful of saliva, he said coldly: "I can't tell he's a wolf cub! Come again!"

"Ha!" Wang Yantong didn't neglect, and urged his horse to go away. The two killed together. Following one move after another, after ten moves, the bald tree mechanism had found Wang Yantong's flaws, and continued to suppress , Seeing people's panic, cold sweat kept breaking out on Wang Yantong's face!He looked anxious.

Temujin looked at the performance of the bald tree, which was getting better and better, and now his morale was greatly shaken!Surely it can hit the enemy hard.

And Ying Zheng also stared at the two people who were fighting with a playful face, only to hear the jingle ding dong beating in full swing, but in Ying Zheng's view, this was just a small fight!What he really cared about was Han Yi, if Wang Yantong could see what he meant just now!He can throw bricks and attract jade!Inspiring Han Yi to go out!At that time, if one of Han Yi's generals can be lost!It's a happy event.

"Crack! One move passed! Wang Yantong was exhausted, but the bald tree seemed to be able to handle it with ease! He stared at Wang Yantong calmly and said: "Wolf boy!Is it not working? "

Wang Yantong took a deep look at the function of the bald-haired tree, his eyes turned sideways, he was furious, and immediately shouted: "Kill!"

"Go!" Bald Tree Machine took out a meteor hammer from its arms!With a smile in his eyes: "Zhong!"

"Ding, the bald tree can activate the dark hammer attribute! Add 3 to the force value, and fight with Wang Yantong for 15 rounds! Add 6 to the force value, and the current force value is 116!"

"Crack!" With a hammer on the left arm of Dazhong Wang Yantong, Wang Yantong's face was pale, and the iron spear in his hand fell in response to the sound.Immediately rejoice!He suddenly shouted: "The enemy will go away! Suffer death!"

At this moment, Wang Yantong couldn't care less!Immediately pull up the horse and go!One ride away!
The bald tree's performance is not to be chased, and today it can be regarded as famous and famous, and it has killed two generals in a row!Defeat!This record can be enough for him to brag about for a lifetime. Thinking of this, the bald tree becomes arrogant!Look at the vassal states!Contemptuously said: "There are no warriors in the Central Plains! Hahahahaha! There is someone like this here! I will not accompany you!"

"Hmph! Arrogance! No one can kill this beast alone!" Zhao Yong sat on the carriage!Look angry!Stand up!Look at Ma Chao behind him!Just as he was about to greet him, Ying Zheng said indifferently: "The general under the King of Han's command is injured! The soldiers under the leader's command must not move! Otherwise they will laugh at us for having no one! I heard that General Han is good at fighting! Please make a decision, King Han. ...!"

Han Yi also knew that he couldn't hide it anymore!This Yingzheng is digging a hole for himself!Han Yi glanced at the soldiers behind him!He breathed a sigh of relief and said calmly: "Who please fight!"

"Your Highness the Fourth Highness can't...Your Highness the Fourth Highness can't!" Only a greeting was heard!Han Jun was restless!Han Yi frowned!Looking at Dian Wei behind him, he didn't answer, "What's going on!"

" was His Royal Highness who rushed out!" Dian Wei swallowed.

"What!" Han Yi stood up immediately!No more indifference before!Looking ahead!But it was Han Ming's figure!This guy is only 14 years old!It turned out to be so, Han Yi immediately said: "Yuwen Chengdu! Xing Tian! Ran Min! Li Cunxiao! Jia Fu quickly bring this kid back to me! Quick!"

"Design!" The five of them did not dare to neglect the order immediately!Urge the horse out of the formation!This little ancestor was quite noisy, Han Yi's face sank like water, he looked at Dian Wei behind and said, "Why don't you stop it!"

"This... can't be stopped!"


Any monarch who is unhappy with Han Yi!For example, Zhu Yuanzhang and Ying Zheng and his ilk all seemed to be watching the show, Xiang Yu glanced at Han Ming's direction!Some admired: "The fourth son of King Han has a lot of courage!"

Although Xiang Yu is a compliment!But Han Yi sounds rather awkward, this is a typical sight without back pain, this Han Ming doesn't even have a single skill up to now!How can it be the opponent of this bald tree function.

"Hahahahahaha! There is no one in this Central Plains! The generals sent are getting smaller and smaller!" The bald tree sneered, looked at Han Ming, and snorted coldly: "Forget it! Let me kill you ! Going to deal with those behind you!"

"Boy! It's your honor to die under my knife! Look at the trick!" Bald Tree Machine snorted coldly!The big knife in his hand shone sharply.

And Han Ming really didn't have the slightest intention to hide!Those deep eyes were nothing but calm, without any extra emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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