Chapter 1356 Fight to Fame


The drum beating soldier saw that he was a general with small arms and legs, he shook his head helplessly and sighed!Obviously not optimistic about Han Ming.

Han Ming's eyes were like wolves, and there was not much expression in his eyes. He watched the horse pull out and came to the bald-haired tree function. As soon as the move is made, it is like a thunderbolt.

Although Jia Fu, Li Cunxiao and others who were chasing behind had good horses, Han Ming advanced too fast!It was too late when they caught up!Now I can only watch the two fight.

Han Yi could only watch from behind and worry...

"Ding! The second attribute of King Han Mingming is activated! The aura of domineering! Who will fight for the front! The force value will instantly increase by 10, if you fight against a general, you will be a prairie! Reduce the enemy's force value by an additional 5 points! Your own force value will increase by an additional 5!"

"Ding, Han Ming activates the second attribute! Qing Ming! The son of luck! I am ordered to be with the sky, and the Ming will flow for three thousand miles! Who dares to do my best, the commander will increase by 1! Each person's force value will be increased by 3, and the enemy's force value will be reduced by 8 , Special reminder that advanced skills are immune! Such as Overlord! Very strong!"

"Ding, Han Ming's basic force value is 97, and the force value will be permanently increased by 3. The current force value is 100. Affected by the two attributes of Qingming! Hades, the force value will be increased by 18, and the current force value is 118!"

"Ding, the bald tree function loses the negative influence of Wang Yantong's fierce battle attribute, and the force value restores 121! Affected by Qingming! Hades attribute! The force value is reduced by 13 points! The current force value is 108!"

"Boom...!" At this moment, the snow field, which was still clear and clear, has undergone earth-shaking changes!A sense of Qingming floated in the sky.

The spear in Han Ming's hand seemed to be covered with a layer of magic power, and suddenly stabbed at the horse's belly, blood fell along the gravity of the horse's center of gravity!Straight through the horse's back!One shot pierces the belly of the bald tree!Like kebabs!Linking the war horse and the bald tree mechanism together, the painful war horse fell to the ground, while the bald tree machine looked at the boy in disbelief, staring at the boy with fear in his eyes.

It's not just the panic on the face of the bald tree!Temujin!Ying Zheng!Zhao Yong!Li Shimin couldn't believe it.

Look at the function of the fallen bald tree!Han Mingyi picked up the bald tree machine with a blank expression and dropped it on the ground. The tiger-headed golden knife!Come to the bald tree function in the rain and snow!A pair of eyes is nothing but plain!Can't see any emotion anymore!

"No,!" Bald Tree's functional palm wanted to pull out the spear in his arms!but i can't do anything

"I'm here to kill you! Are you satisfied?" Han Ming looked up at Qing Ming's sky!Swinging the knife suddenly...

"Boom... Kacha!" Although the huge golden knife hit!But in Han Ming's hands now, it's just a plaything!One blow!Scarlet blood sprayed out along the neck, staining the white snow on the ground red!The function of the dead bald tree is unbelievable!He didn't even know what Han Ming's name was.

quiet!All around a piece of silence!The soldiers on the grassland side just couldn't believe it!And Zhong Yuan felt that he was slapped by a child.

"Fourth Highness...Fourth Highness!" Jia Fu and Yu Wencheng came first, looking at Han Ming who was safe and sound!The function of the bald tree with a different head!The two were a little shocked!Yuwen Chengdu was the first to react!Look at Han Mingdao: "Your Majesty the Fourth Highness is all right!"

Han Ming's expression was indeed dull!Holding his trophy tiger head golden knife and the head of the bald tree function, he rushed back to the battle, completely ignoring the meaning of the two of them!He even passed by Xing Tian and Ran Min!The three of Li Cunxiao didn't look too much!Exactly what that sentence said!quietly i leave, just as quietly i came; waving my sleeves, i won't take a single cloud.

oh!wrong!Bring back a bloody head.

"Win... win...!" I don't know which soldier burst out the first cry!Then hundreds of people immediately shouted: I won... I won.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" In an instant, the negative situation of the battle began to reverse, and no one expected this result.

Temujin's face turned pale, a majestic eight-foot man was actually killed by a little fellow, and the news was spread and he was not laughed to death, Temujin immediately said: "Mountain lion camel! General Tie Lei San! "


Wanyan Aguda and Yeqi Abaoji were both a little anxious, and dispatched Wanyan Yegunai and Aobai with a murderous aura!Look dignified.

Tuoba Tao killed the general because of the battle!Still killed by a child!What a pain in the eyes!If you can't hold back your face, naturally you won't send a general!And Nurhachi just sent a Gongsun king symbolically, Li Shimin didn't want too many casualties!They sent Li Rusong!And thousands of exhortations and ten thousand exhortations!Run back if you can't beat it!No shame.

After all, the Korean peninsula lacks talents!This is also a last resort.

Li Yuanba on the side watched it!Immediately said: "Brother, I want to go too!"

Listen to Li Shimin!Immediately, he began to coax his younger brother, looking a little helpless.

"Okay! Good boy!" Xiang Yu was the first to speak out from the princes and kings, and there was a hint of admiration in his eyes!Seeing the provocation of the bald tree mechanism, Xiang Yu even wanted to deal with this guy himself, but his status was too low. Now that the bald tree mechanism was killed by a child, Xiang Yu rushed to it.

Although Ying Zheng was expressionless, he had a smile in his eyes!Qiang said with a smile: "King Han's son is really heroic! Admire! Admire!"

The other princes and kings also have congratulations!But Han Yi was still immersed in the system's reminder just now!Pluto!Qingming!If these two positive effects and negative effects are counted as positive numbers!There are 31!Today, even if there are ten fingers who can handle Han Ming's tricks, there are no more than twenty. Could this son of mine be the reincarnation of Nezha!

This Han Yi only felt that there were 1 grass mud horses crossing the river in his mind!So the last time I fought Han Yi!play?Suddenly Han Yi felt a deep sense of frustration.

Look at the congratulations of the princes!Han Yi only saw a superficial response!

Han Feng looked at the mighty Han Ming!There is a trace of unwillingness in the eyes!At this moment he knows!Han Ming already has a place in Han Yi's heart!And he could only suppress it under the shadow of Han Ming and Han Chen!He is not reconciled... Han Feng suddenly looked at Guan Xing behind him!Zhang Bao said: "Can you two defeat the bald tree function!"

The two looked at each other!Have a wry smile!Shaking his head slightly, if the two of them grow up to the prime of life!Naturally, it can compete with the function of bald hair tree!But not now.

Everyone is thinking!Under the protection of Jia Fu and others, Han Ming retreated back to the big formation, but the few people behind followed up and started to compete!Clearly trying to get back on the field.

(End of this chapter)

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