Chapter 1357
Luo Shixin, who had no fighting intentions at all, looked at the mountain lion camel who was fighting!Immediately urged the horse out, went straight to the mountain lion camel.

Ying Zheng was afraid that something might happen to Luo Shixin, so he immediately greeted him: "Meng Ben! Wu Huo! Ren Bi hurry to help Luo Shixin!"

"Decree!" The three tiger generals won the general of Yingzheng, and they didn't dare to delay too much for a moment. They urged their horses to catch up, and fought with the three generals Tie Lei behind the mountain lion camel, and they were evenly divided.

Zhao Yong looked at the several enemy generals on stage, looked at Ma Chao and Ma Yuan behind him and said, "Stop them!"

"Deling!" Ma Yuan strode out on his horse with his drum-beating golden hammer in both hands!With eyes like a tiger, Ma Chao holds his own dragon cavalry spear, has a high complexion, is dressed in white armor and a white horse, and looks like a young man with a handsome face.

Lu Bu behind Zhu Yuanzhang was also ready to move, and immediately rode up, wearing two withered feathers on his head!A red Tang Yan armor!The red cloak on the back moves with the wind, and the red rabbit horse under his crotch is all red!Like a fiery red meteor as fast as lightning, with the handle in his hand Fang Tian painted a halberd!What a unparalleled warrior.

"Tuo!" As soon as the mountain lion camel saw Luo Shixin!The enemy was extremely jealous when they saw each other, and immediately greeted Luo Shixin with the gold-plated gun in his hand, only to hear jingle jingle!Guns come and go!Hit in the dark!Inseparable, in a short time!It is impossible to have results.

On the other side, Ma Yuan and Ma Chao aimed at Wanyan Jinpin and Aobai!The four scuffled together!Because of the cooperation between Ma Chao and Ma Yuan!Both Wanyan Jindanzi and Aobai were on the side of being suppressed, and they were in danger several times.

The only ones left were Gongsun Wang and Li Rusong. Lu Bu's group of red rabbits and horses were like sparks in a prairie fire, and their momentum was overwhelming!Li Rusong was shocked when he saw it!Immediately hold a long gun in hand!Take the gun in both hands and go up hard!

"Hahahahaha! Where did the local chicken and tile dog come from! Dare to ask for death! Get out!" Lu Bu looked arrogant!With a backhand move, the dragon goes out to sea!The ape arm stretches lightly!Suddenly grabbing the cold spear towards Li Rusong!Look at the sudden blow!Li Rusong was shocked!Immediately, with the pain in the stomach of the horse, he was about to be blocked by the gun!And Lu Bu grabbed the weapon!In desperation!Li Rusong immediately threw away his spear and drew his sword, Lu Bu's expression lightly picked up, and he snorted coldly, and suddenly he slashed down with his halberd!Li Rusong's expression trembled!He suddenly raised his sword to block.

"Ding, Lu Bu's heroic attribute activates, force increases by 3, Fang Tian's painted halberd increases by 1, Chitu horse increases by 1, base force value is 107, current force value is 112"


The bronze sword in Li Rusong's hand exploded like fireworks all over the sky!Turn into fragments all over the sky!The tiger's mouth of the left hand that he was holding on forcibly split open!The blood flowed out like water, which was barely able to block Lu Bu's blow, and it landed on Li Rusong's chest with the rest of his strength!The breastplate was shattered.

Li Rusong spat out a mouthful of old blood, his expression was sluggish, he immediately turned the horse's head, pulled the horse back, and lay down on the horse's back, only holding the breath in his heart.

"Don't go, rats!" Lu Bu urged his horse to catch up, only to see Gongsun Wang coming to the side with a knife, and shouted: "Pivot, don't go! I will fight you!"

"Arrogance!" A trace of disdain flashed on Lu Bu's fair face!Holding Fang Tian's painting halberd in one hand, standing behind him, he suddenly threw the spear in his right hand!I saw spears like arrows!Gone!Although King Gongsun can be considered a famous general!But after all, he was not the fierce general type, and before he even had time to react, he had already fallen under the gun, his eyes darkened, and he was completely cold.

After defeating the enemy in a row, Lu Bu's prestige increased greatly!The tiger stared at the enemy general, and laughed loudly: "Native chicken and dog! Can't be used! Can we fight!"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" The morale of the Central Plains soldiers behind them was greatly shaken, while the morale of the grassland soldiers was greatly hit!If the death of the original bald tree's function only slightly lowered their mood to a low point!Now Lu Bu has begun to ravage their hearts.

Han Yi is also analyzing the situation!Han Yi remembered that Li Rusong's force value was around 103!Look at Lu Bu's big move more or less!It is indeed overwhelming!In this battle, Lu Bu won the momentum, as for the Gongsun King!Typical courting death!I don't know how many catties I have.

Temujin's face was extremely low!King Gongsun didn't even make a move from the enemy general!Taking a closer look at Nurhachi's face, which was uglier than him, Nurhachi said with an unkind expression, "Who will go!"

"I come!"

"Count me in!"

"I'll go as well!"

"Revenge for Big Brother!"

The death of King Gongsun caused Gongsun Du, Gongsun Kang, Gongsun Gong, and Gongsun Yuan to fight together!The weapons in their hands are different!Two people with knives!Take a gun alone!And one with a sledgehammer!Looks full of momentum.

Huang Taiji rode a war horse, looked at the four generals, and said with embarrassment: "Father! These four are probably not the opponents of the enemy general!"

Nurhachi stroked his beard!Squint!With a solemn expression, he said: "Rujia is already an eagle that has been thrown out! It can't be taken back! Let's take a look first."

And Li Rusong, who escaped from death, returned to the formation!Get off the horse and get off the horse!Li Rubai came to Li Rusong in person!With an embarrassed look on his face, he said, "Brother, what are you doing!"

Li Rusong waved his hand!The blood stasis in the mouth spit out another big mouthful!His complexion was disastrous.

"Brother! I'm going to avenge you!" Li Rubai was about to step forward with a knife after speaking!Li Rusong immediately grabbed Li Rubai, breathed heavily and said, "You are no match for him! Get back!"

"Humble lamb! Give back my brother's life!" There was only a thud!Gongsun Gong and four of them came straight towards Lu Bu brandishing their weapons.

"Native chicken and tile dog! Begging for death!" Lu Bu swung his troops suddenly, his eyes like tigers!

"Ding, when Lu Bu's unparalleled attribute is activated, one person's strength will increase by 2, and the additional person will increase by 2. At present, the strength value of Lu Bu's four people will increase by 8, and the current strength value is 120!"

"Come on! Die!" Lu Bu's eyes were red!Fang Tian's painting halberd in his hand is as fast as the wind!In an instant, it turned into four swords and halberds!The first charge came to Gongsun Gong and Gongsun Du, who were dazzled by the halberd shadows all over the sky, Gongsun Du gritted his teeth!He swung his gun suddenly.

"Ding Dang! Crack!" The two weapons collided together and began to turmoil. Then Gongsun Du's iron spear began to crack, and finally shattered, leaving only the gun shaft. Gongsun Du, who had no weapon, turned pale and was about to escape!Lu Bu immediately hit the vest with a halberd!White knife in!The red knife comes out.

Gongsundu is dead!Lu Bu stretched out his ape arms lightly!Grab Gongsun Gong with one hand!Over your head!Suddenly fell!Hit it hard in the snow!Internal organs shifted!Lu Bu immediately pulled up the rope!The painful Chitu raised his two horseshoes!Stomp on Gongsun Gong's lower abdomen!One hit!It can be said that the blood is strong.

(End of this chapter)

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