Warring States Call

Chapter 1358 Town of 3 Hammers

Chapter 1358

"Ah! This...!" Gongsun Yuan and Gongsun Kang behind were shocked!Just about to pull the horse and go!Lu Bu did not agree!Insert Fang Tian's painting halberd into the ground with one hand!Take off the crotch carved bow!Bow and take arrows!Squinting his eyes, it was as if he had entered no one's land.

"Hush!" Two arrows pierced the wind!The sound of the bow is out!Only a scream was heard!Gongsun Yuan died directly under Lu Bu's arrow!But Gongsun Kang with the other arrow didn't know what to do!Suddenly his horse stopped!And Gongsun Kang's eyes are dull!The whole person fell to the ground!There is also an arrow port in the throat!The cold arrows shooting through the throat did not stop!Instead, it shot directly at the shield of a soldier!The bright red cold arrow was stained with Gongsun Kang's blood.

Lu Bu smiled slightly, with a calm expression on his face, drew his bow and drew his halberd, and said arrogantly, "Who else is there!"

"Bastard! Ah... Ah!" Nurhachi's face turned red!Immediately get out of the carriage and fight Lu Bu to the death!Huang Taiji and Hongli on the side hurriedly pulled Nurhachi to comfort him.

Li Shimin breathed out!I don't know why it feels like there is no original temperature behind!Look back immediately!But at this moment, Li Yuanba was gone. Li Shimin was taken aback for a moment, looked left and right, and asked Li Chui beside him, "Where's Yuanba?"

"Your Highness... is going again!" Li Chui looked very helpless!Pointing at Li Yuanba who was rushing forward!Li Shimin followed his gaze and moved forward!Li Yuanba was already holding his double hammers, staring at Lu Bu curiously!Show off your two teeth!He smiled and said: "I want you to play with me! You are very good at fighting! You can hit five with one!"

"Where did the child come from! Courting death...!" Lu Bu hadn't finished speaking yet!Li Yuanba had already moved, and the golden hammer in his hand swung down suddenly!The four-hundred-jin pound drum and urn golden hammer waved in Li Yuanba's hands like playing!But the huge weapon wind, with a thick voice, is not fake, Lu Bu can be regarded as a battle-hardened general!Naturally knowing what the sound meant, Lu Bu made a decisive decision, waved the weapon in his hand and descended, and the two initially fought, only to hear: "Kang Dang!"

With one move!Fang Tian's painted halberd in Lu Bu's hand is worth leaving!Fortunately, hurry up at the end!Lu Bu almost fell off his horse too!The tiger's eyes stared at this young general!Look dignified!Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand produced a faint sound, which made Lu Bu's complexion even more serious!This person... is extraordinary.

"Hahahahaha! It's fun! You can take my hammer! Come on! Come on!"

"Ding, Lu Bu's unique attribute is over! Gongsun died in battle, Lu Bu's force value will be reduced by 8, and the original force value will be restored! The current force value is 112!"

This little ghost is born with supernatural power, which is stronger than that named Ran Min!Don't underestimate him!otherwise…………

Although Lu Bu is arrogant and ignorant!But in terms of fighting!He is still very smart!Otherwise, he wouldn't have become the number one general of the Three Kingdoms at a young age.

"Ding, the second attribute of Lu Bu Wushuang is activated. When encountering an opponent that Lu Bu approves or is difficult to deal with, Lu Bu will activate this skill, and the personal force value will be increased by 10! The current force value is 122!"

"It's changed! It's changed! It's really changed! By the way, it's this thing! I have it too! It's great! I'm so excited!" Li Yuanba seemed like a wild beast!My mind is a little blurry, and there are words in my mouth!It turned out that it looked like an ordinary child!But when the blue veins on his arms protruded from the illusory energy in his arms, Lu Bu's face jumped.

"Ding, Li Yuanba activates the mad hammer attribute, holding a sledgehammer, like a golden-winged roc, the force value increases by 7! Basic force value is 108! The force value of the drum-beating golden hammer increases by 1! The current force value is 116!"

"Ding, Li Yuanba activates the giant power attribute! Add 10 to the force value, and the current force value is 126!"

"What!" Lu Bu's pupils shrank!Face fiasco!This guy…

"Come and touch it..." Li Yuanba laughed loudly!Suddenly waved the drum beating urn golden hammer in his hand!Lu Bu didn't care too much!He picked up Fang Tian's painting halberd in his hand.

"Kang Dang...Kang Dang...Kang Dang!" They fought three times!The voice is like a bell!The battle between Luo Shixin and the mountain lion camel and others seemed to be weak!And Lu Bu and Li Yuanba have become the intersection points in the whole war.

Han Yi listened to the reminder from the system in his head!Lu Buruoruo has always been in this state!I'm afraid I will explain it here today.

"Boom!" It was also a heavy blow, and Lu Bu only felt his arms go limp!Throat!This is only five hammers!But it has made Lu Bu a little depressed!

"Ding, Lu Bu Wushuang's third attribute activates! Increase the personal force value by 5 points. When the force value is lower than others, the force value will be increased by 2. The maximum can be activated twice. The current force value of Lu Bu is 2 lower than that of Li Yuanba! The force value is increased by 122. Currently Lu Bu's force value is 7!"

"Boy! Died by my move! You can rest in peace!" Lu Bu became very crazy!The illusory energy on his body condensed into scarlet blood energy at this moment!All contained in this square sky painting halberd!

"Fang Tian painted a halberd! Ghosts and gods are incomparable!" Lu Bu was furious, Fang Tian painted a halberd in his hand, waving it brightly, and gradually a blood tiger appeared in front of everyone's eyes. The scarlet blood tiger went straight to Li Yuanba, making people Everyone around was shocked.

Li Shimin watched from behind, and his face gradually turned cold. There are really many tiger generals in the Central Plains. With his eyesight, he can see how powerful Lu Bu is! I wonder if Yuanba can stop him?
"Hahaha! It's fun! It's really fun!" Li Yuanba laughed loudly!The hammer in his hand suddenly hit the snow, splashing countless snowflakes!Li Yuanba laughed loudly and said: I want to catch you!Let you... be my toy!ah! "

"Ding! Li Yuanba activates the three hammer attributes! The force value of the first hammer increases by 4, the force value of the second hammer increases by 5, and the force value of the third hammer increases by 6!"

"Ding, the current force value of Li Yuanba's first hammer is increased by 4, the current force value is 126, the force value is increased by 4, and the current force value is 130!"

"Come on!" The excitement is Li Yuanba!Hold the single hammer in the left hand with one hand and strike down with one move!Confront Lu Bu!

"Bang Dang!" One move passed by!Fang Tian's painted halberd in Lu Bu's hand was directly thrown back!The arm hurts, and the strength of the hammer wind can still be felt on the face.

"Second hammer!" Li Yuanba laughed suddenly!Turning over is another hammer drop!And this time it was the hammer in his right hand.

"Ding, add 5 to Li Yuanba's force value, and the current force value is 135!"

One hammer down!Lu Bu's expression was astonished!Immediately, he held Fang Tian's painted halberd in both hands, and raised the head of the whole country.

"Kangdang......... Woo!" Lu Bu immediately spat out blood!The red rabbit under the crotch seemed to be almost unbearable, and the hooves of the horse were pierced through the white snow!Falling into the soil, Lu Bu's tiger's mouth opened!His face was shocked.

"The third hammer!" Li Yuanba laughed loudly!The whole person flies away!Two arms with a hammer!To smash down.

Look at Lu Bu!His expression changed drastically!Immediately pull up the horse and go!Don't dare to fight!Although Lu Bu has not yet shown his real strength, once the force value exceeds 135, it will be different. Once the enemy's force value exceeds yours by about 4 points, they are qualified to kill and crush you in seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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